mathemagician33 ago

if i'm reading this correctly, this is one of the first indictments to be unsealed, correct? or would this indictment have been filed before the ~51k current sealed indictments that we have pending?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Notice how these wicked people squirm their way into working with children?

new4now ago

I'd like to know when the invites started

this has been going on for sometime

think- ago

The former priest turned up last year in Morocco, working at an English-language school for children, where he was subsequently fired.

Morocco is a place where many perps love to go, it's a main hub for child trafficking in Northern Africa.

new4now ago

was thinking of looking it up


HennyPenny ago

The Morocco language school sounds fishy

Perrault by age couldn't qualify for a Moroccan work permit as he's well over 60, the school's legal headquarters is in Calif, the umbrella group that covers these schools appears to be based in Herndon,VA. The Moroccan school franchise is run by a Karl Stanzick who formerly worked IT for USAID, known to be CIA front abroad. He also has a company introducing internet to Morocco as part of Bush's Digital Freedom Initiative to foreign countries which also involves USAID.

Using internet access as bait, USAID/CIA gains entrance to countries with a carrot. At the same time, ex employees such as Stanzick run language schools that gain access to the youth of those countries. Less than vigorous background checks allow fugitive Catholic pedophile priests to teach in these facilities.

. Perrault found in 4/16 working in Morocco, at American Language Center in Tangier; living there off and on for 30 years. This school is owned by The American Cultural Association (ACA) is the not-for-profit, bi-national parent organization of the American Language Centers (ALC) in Morocco, which teach English as a foreign language. The American Language Center, commonly referred to as the ALC, is part of the American Cultural Association (ACA). The ACA is a private, non-profit [IRS 501(c)(3)], bi-national educational institution, registered in the State of California, as well as in the Kingdom of Morocco. There are 12 ALCs in Morocco, serving as a conduit of cultural exchange and providing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction for students

Karl Stanzik is listed as agent : Not only is he an internet entrepreneur in Morocco but he worked IT for USAID in Africa 3 years. USAID known to be CIA cover abroad https://www.linkedin com/in/karl-stanzick-530385/

Hall said investigators working with an informer in Morocco learned this year that Perrault was working at an English-language school in Tangier.

2016: Hall sent a FedEx package to the school in April containing a copy of Wolter’s lawsuit and a legal summons. An employee at the school signed for a FedEx package addressed to Perrault, court records show.

Perrault was subsequently fired from his job at the school, Hall said.

• Lastly, by Moroccan law, individuals 60 years of age or over cannot be issued work permits. There is a similarly title organization out of Herndon,Va doing the same thing apparently they have franchises, are non profit

new4now ago

very nice add, very, upvoat

HennyPenny ago

Ordained in Hartford CT archdiocese. Sent to NM for treatment 1967 and Canada 1992. Air National Guard chaplain. Allegedly abused at least 38 boys & girls; some took own lives.

January 13, 1966 Fr. Perrault began treatment/therapy with John Salazar due to "homosexual approaches to some of the young men Sometime around 1970 Archdiocesan priests, including Fr. Robert Sanchez, confirmed to concerned St. Pius X high school board members that the hearsay of Fr. ~-- Perrault being a '~practicing~~ -~ homosexual" was true, The board members met with Archbishop Davis who did not want publicity around the matter; He told the board members that he had placed Fr. Perrault under psychiatric care and that Fr. Perrault had voluntarily removed himself from that care, 1972 Perrault asked Victim #20 to move into his apartment September 14-21 1992 , Fr. Perrault negotiated a recurring salary and insurance benefits while on sabbatical from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. 1991-1992 Fr. Perrault repeatedly abused Victim #38

carmencita ago

This is happening all over the country. They send them for treatment that doesn't work. They don't have to release their names because they are covered by the HIPPA law because it is under the mental health guise. The Church is moving priests around like men on a chess board. St. Louis is another place like St. John Vianney.

think- ago

Allegedly abused at least 38 boys & girls; some took own lives.

OMG. :-(

1whoknocks ago

Good to see they're working with Morocco. Round 'em up!

Zzzmmm333 ago

One by one they are being round up 🎉🎉

new4now ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago
