Call_Of_Goat ago

this is a copy and paste of a comment i made to someone insane clown posse has a song called >To Catch a Predator< its about killing pedophiles trying to meet a underage girl there is a song called The Neden Game here a what was found lyrics "I pull a forty out and pour some for your little brother I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll tell you this You know for only 13, she got some big tits" timestamp 0:54 1:03 this song is called Lil' Somethin' Somethin' this is what was found "My name's Violent J, so I can't fuck around. Who's the dirtiest bitch in the whole town? There she go, she workin' at Dairy Queen. Bitch couldn't be a day over fifteen. So I threw her in the butt like that. I hit it so quick, I made her butt cheeks clap. HaHa Why wait around 'til she gets married. Cause I'm ready as long as her neden's hairy" also my friend said at the concerts sometimes the singer Violent J would change the ages like instead of 13 he might say 18. timestamp 2:04 2:27

there is a song called Meat Cleaver by a group called twiztid and insane clown posse is in it and here is what was found "I'm a serial murderous killer molester Naww, I'm just juggalin your balls a bit It's J who's into that shit (Yeah, fuck you)" timestamp 3:33 3:43 The rapper Violent J also has a daughter named Ruby Bruce and i believe she is 13 and also into something called furries her twitter is she is really into the furries thing that is all i have for right now hope this helps someone

Call_Of_Goat ago

This is more stuff i found INSANE CLOWN POSSE (ICP) - No Type (4 Life) timestamp lyrics"Hoes off her pussy like a pizza slice and don't care if I only wanna smash em" 1:18 1:21 and a video (recent) titled (icp disses merch) Violen J has a shirt on with the eye of horus and what looks like a snake making the infinity symbol.

MichaelClayton ago

You guys know that's a tranny right?

realityisinsanity ago


rainbowlakes0 ago

You guys should investigate IG: tama_watercolor a Japanese (?) artist who feature doll-like children in cannibalism situations.

redwing14 ago

theres way more female pedos than I realize.

realityisinsanity ago

Indeed there are way more. They tend to get away with it more because "muh vagina." No offense to sane women.

Call_Of_Goat ago

I have a friend who is a hardcore insane clown posse fan. anyone want me to ask him if he knows anything?

darkknight111 ago

Do so, but please try to be subtle. Don’t want you being in danger or anything:

Call_Of_Goat ago

ok Insane clown posse has a song called >To Catch a Predator< its about killing pedophiles trying to meet a underage girl there is a song called The Neden Game here a what was found lyrics "I pull a forty out and pour some for your little brother I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll tell you this You know for only 13, she got some big tits" timestamp 0:54 1:03 this song is called Lil' Somethin' Somethin' this is what was found "My name's Violent J, so I can't fuck around. Who's the dirtiest bitch in the whole town? There she go, she workin' at Dairy Queen. Bitch couldn't be a day over fifteen. So I threw her in the butt like that. I hit it so quick, I made her butt cheeks clap. HaHa Why wait around 'til she gets married. Cause I'm ready as long as her neden's hairy" also my friend said at the concerts sometimes the singer Violent J would change the ages like instead of 13 he might say 18. timestamp 2:04 2:27

there is a song called Meat Cleaver by a group called twiztid and insane clown posse is in it and here is what was found "I'm a serial murderous killer molester Naww, I'm just juggalin your balls a bit It's J who's into that shit (Yeah, fuck you)" timestamp 3:33 3:43 The rapper Violent J also has a daughter named Ruby Bruce and i believe she is 13 and also into something called furries her twitter is she is really into the furries thing that is all i have for right now hope this helps someone

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I had quick gander and its looks like its just a young kid who likes animals and Twattter, but I think its weird how a young kid would suspect mind control. Okay,maybe this is dumb, me and my friends are total conspiracy nerds. But the moment we saw this picture, we went crazy. He is telling people that he is being controlled. You can see it in his eyes they are making him always tired. We are just going crazy. He is telling people- This is the picture

Fateswebb ago

Dude that's post malone....

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

but why does a kid from from a member of the insane clown posse suspect he is under mind control? Theres some white rabbit imagery in her twatter and on his face, then there is the devil baby stuff....

Fateswebb ago

Well, idk, I know post malone is from colleyville or grapevine, he grew up with some friends of mine. They say he was a weird kid.. seems obvious, wasn't successful with the girls, etc. But he does have a somewhat normal backstory...

Truthseeker3000 ago

Lyor Cohen is running them all into hell and beyond. Sickest most evil man in the biz.

Call_Of_Goat ago

ok he gets off work in 4 more hours. i will tell you what he says

TrishaUK ago

sorry only got to the fb page and can't stomach the people.

auralsects ago

'Intel sharing op'

You are such a fucking faggot.

darkknight111 ago

The fact that me being nice to people gets more done than you’ll ever contribute speaks volumes.

The person who’s a “fucking faggot” you. The only thing you’ve ever been capable of is useless shit posts, projection of your failngs onto others, and being a filthy sand nigger. 98% of this board is more useful than you.

Worthless IDIOT.

auralsects ago

LOL do you really think a comparison of our submissions will reflect better on you than me???

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Maybe it's nothing but it would be interesting to look at the residents. They're a band that has some very unsettling qualities who have lots of eye imagery. They're identities have remained secret for a long time also.

sodePllAlliK ago

On the subject of ICP, I heard Violent J defend Michael Jackson's "sexual preference" back in the early 2000s when he was accused the 2nd time. Also, their old Manager Alex Abbiss (pronounced like Abyss) supposedly "retired" but he was allegedly fucking young teenage girls in the butt, and they were getting heat about it, so they talked him into leaving the company. I have nothing to back these claims. It's just speculation about Alex, but I definitely listened to J defend a pedophile for fucking kids.

sodePllAlliK ago

Haha so you think 1 of those 2 idiots made that spiral graphic? Knowing them they probably looked at the cut, thought it was cool, and that was it. I've listened to their music, and "followed" them since 1994. I've heard stories about dumb shit, but never anything involving pedophilia with ICP. If there was nything more, I would know about it at this point. If the shit about Alex is true, and they knew about it, then fuck them. We're on our way to this becoming a witch-hunt though, and we should be careful throwing these accusations around without sufficient evidence.

madhatter67 ago

Just a note on the blood splattered vest picture....

A comment to it says you'd suit Feltham better....that's a notorious young offenders institute near London

realityisinsanity ago

Shnyagi is an image sharing site I believe. The main thing it is used for is porn I think.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Did you notice the last comment, Tombstone pizza, I thought that was weird but its not much just a bit strange, Tombstone Pizza is a frozen pizza maker that got its name from being right across the road from a cemetery. There is no proof that that is what is happening, have you seen the film Soylent Green?

realityisinsanity ago

Yes. I have.

realityisinsanity ago

Many of the accounts have an unhealthy obsession of cats. Sex kitten programming?

sodePllAlliK ago

Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats, and the "God of Death.".

realityisinsanity ago This one screams MK Ultra with the picture of the butterfly next to Barbie fruit snacks.

sodePllAlliK ago

In the world of "kink" the butterfly represents the "Mommy Dom/little girl/babygirl submissive" relationship dynamic. They use the butterfly because of how the upper part of the wing is BIG while the lower part is little but they both make up each wing and are inseparable. This is the same reason they use the little heart inside the Big heart symbol. "littles" and "babygirls" often list their favorite toys and treats, which would explain the Barbie and fruit snacks. "Age play" is how they're pushing pedophilia into the mainstream.

Lavender7 ago

what a rabbit hole that all is.

Malignment ago

just going to put this here,

you guys have to check out this thread this person did on twitter on the Nike CEO’s art collection.

Tony Podesta tier weird shit, dig dig!

sodePllAlliK ago

That Mark Ryden's shit is the worst!

think- ago

Leonardo Di Caprio and Katy Perry collect his paintings. And Lyndsay Lohan had a tattoo made after one of his paintings...someone did a post about it IIRC.

sodePllAlliK ago

Of course they do. Both were most likely raped when they were children, and I think many of them get the attitude of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" literally.

think- ago

Yep. Sad, but true.

DerivaUK ago

He’s also Director of the Directors Board at Disney

think- ago

Just a coincidence....of course....

DerivaUK ago

Of course.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Hes Right,! How have we not seen this for so long? That Mickey - Wicked thing just takes he piss, Now im thinking what other symbols etc could be ambigrams. Q has mentioned Reflections. Its probably not related, but its worth a quick look.

carmencita ago

Wow. That's some really sick stuff. He is where he is for a reason.

think- ago


carmencita ago

Large companies have been infiltrated with sickos. These ceos did not get like they are by just doing their jobs. They were sickos before they got promoted.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Wow, another CEO sicko. Why am I not surprised... Thx for this. I'm sure there's much to dig up on this creep as well.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are so many people out there who so do not GAF anymore about anything and will post the evidence of their crimes publicly for all to see! Sickening how these people are allowed to exist.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The dead panda in a cage: For newbies, a panda seems to be the kid with black eyes who was beaten, there is a magazine called Pandahead which I assume means getting BJs from those beaten children.

rainbowlakes0 ago

The model Barbara Palvin sports a lot of panda imagery even in her campaigns for L'Oreal. And she was discovered at like 13.

think- ago

IIRC, we thought that 'panda' might be a reference to a pedo, as pedos seem to identify with them.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Its been said a few times that a panda is a fucking sick term for a young victim of abuse who has two black eyes.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

OK, that would also make sense, but those kids on Pandahead magazines also had black eyes. So they looked like the pandas... "getting head from" a panda... IDK what do I know

panda also makes sense to gay people I guess since bear is a pretty common term

Blacksmith21 ago

It's about time you got back to work LOL:

  • Artwork a la Alex Podesta and the otherone which did the hybrid human things

  • Tunnel builders

  • Friend of Panda

  • Down with the Clown

  • Pizza Slut frequently recurring theme. For a long time in colloquial vernacular.

sodePllAlliK ago

Dude, I just searched Alex Podesta's name and all I saw were pictures of him wearing a white rabbit costume in every picture! WHAT..............THE..............FUCK???!!!

Blacksmith21 ago

Welcome to the rabbit hole.

think- ago


darkknight111 ago

We all know we’re in one since the resident sand nigger auralsects is trying to disrupt the thread again.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

On "A disturbing pic depicting a demon pedophile." She uses a cherry icon, I assume that means she likes those food code words, huh...

darkknight111 ago

Cherry being slang for vagina is pretty common (iirc), especially in a sexual context (ie “popping a cherry”). Would be a good idea to check for any pedo contexts though.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well in this context she meant it as a pedo comment, is all I was trying to say... it was just a dumb comment I guess.

darkknight111 ago

Not dumb at all. The fact that she even mentioned the cherry in context of that pic is suspiscious.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Holy fuck WHY? just WHY?. We need to start documenting ALL the people who reply to this shit. This is totally fucked WHY would anyone cheer this shit on. I'm honestly torn between finding religion and giving up on the whole human race, (kikeniggerfaggots excluded of course)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah we should keep this thread going as the place to do it. Incidentally, I just got followed by a Scientology Auditor, went to go block him, and noticed that there was one pornographic account following him. I wanted to make a post about it but just blocked it instead because you never know if you're being tricked into viewing CP and I don't like sharing that stuff. Who puts porn as their header image on Twitter?? Disgusting.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Ill take your word on the cp, that devils tongue painting one was bad enough for me, so thank you for your consideration. I'm gonna keep a casual list of any people linked to this stuff but I'm not gonna go looking for it, but I'm sure there is plenty of youtube vids voat posts etc that are more "safe for life" that contain some of these satanic/pizza/ related art I'll probably post the list when it gets to 50, or 100, for the braver goats or the desensitzed channers to do more digging into or for a reference. It might come in handy, it might not, but it couldn't hurt.

carmencita ago

A good choice. Exactly. Horriffic!!! The plastic bag over the head. This is beyond sick.