dreamdigital ago

Update: An extra bit of info added by @RedditRefugee

Chris Cornell was also communicating with Monica Petersen, the woman who got killed in Haiti because of investigating too deeply into Clinton Foundation trafficking activities:


ReddittRefugee ago

Chris Cornell was also communicating with Monica Petersen, the woman who got killed in Haiti because of investigating too deeply into Clinton Foundation trafficking activities:


theeht ago

@oh_well_ian @blacksmith21 @dreamdigital

Chester is very much alive, I can assure you of that. I spoke to him this morning. I also spoke with Peaches Geldof earlier in the week. Something big is coming.

dreamdigital ago

Is this a joke? Honestly. I can't tell if this is sarcasm.

theeht ago

@oh_well_ian @blacksmith21 @dreamdigital

John Podesta's "daughter" hates her lol


theeht ago


@oh_well_ian @blacksmith21 @dreamdigital

Oh well John Podesta - nobody loves you. Especially not your mother.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't believe a word of this...

Bennington and Cornell were not good people.

It's more likely they faked their deaths.

dreamdigital ago

I completely disagree. Do I think they were good people? I have no idea. But the random pattern of their deaths that revolved around what they were making is too much of a pattern to be a coincidence.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure.. could be a Satanic pattern of deception. I know quite a bit about Cornell's history, his ties to the occult and Disney, etc. Linkin Park's logo is the Pedo Triangle. The both had ties to Haiti and Bennington was a Podesta buddy.

sorry, too many red flags to place them on the side of the 'good guys'

dreamdigital ago

I agree. Maybe they were bad guys that flipped. They were born into it and trapped, like Paul Bonacci. Or like Fionna Barnett.

theeht ago

He loathed him vicariously.

theeht ago

Bennington was no buddy of Podesta. That's utter bullshit. lol

Ben means son and chester rhymes with jester.

Blacksmith21 ago

Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell: What are the chances that the method of hanging was a "signal" that they are faking their death?

dreamdigital ago

I can definitely see that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I have a hunch they're in a tunnel in Switzerland or a missile silo in Nebraska.

We really have no idea of the social hierarchy of the Cult and people we think as common celebs or performers could be at the top of the Pyramid because of their secret blood lines.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/1WSWB :

An Open Secret❌ on Twitter: "Chris Cornell was the main financial backer for a documentary “The Silent Children”, about child sex trafficking. After he died, the project was cancelled Chester Bennington was going to appear in the documentary His band Linkin Park was going to contribute music #35KReveal"

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