octoma ago

Garry Marshall is Penny Marshall's brother. Penny directed Tom Hanks in Big, a flick with a pretty strong pedo vibe. That would connect Hanks/Zemeckis/Spielberg/Marshall.

flyingcuttlefish ago

also Pedowood related -

On Mason symbols on Pedowood famous building, Creative Arts Agency HQ


ASolo ago

What is "Back To The Future" Really About? http://theopenscroll.blogspot.com/2015/10/what-is-back-to-future-really-about.html

Sodomite programming - ALL OF IT!

Haldelos ago

Have seen BTTF 1&2 like 50 times and very realized Elijah Wood was in it. He's been talking about this problem for years. Also, Christopher Lloyd is a guy who keeps popping up. He's in alot of movies with occult overtones. BttF, Buckaroo Bonzai, Roger Rabbit ect...I'd look into him and the Griffith Observatory.

3141592653 ago

Looks like they are not related

3141592653 ago

Ahhh this peripherally relates to Hanks as he has worked a lot with Robert Zemeckis. And yes I always remember little Elijah in that opening scene. Such a brilliant child actor. Thank god he survived. Also, I wonder if that foreign born actress would be willing to speak

TrishaUK ago

I saw a video on this before any accusations about Speilberg, changes everything after him being exposed. Wonder if those extras, the little boys, are still alive and if they would admit what went on.

carmencita ago

I read that letter by Crispin Glover. Really spells it out. Amazing accusations of Spielberg.

3141592653 ago

Yes. Incredibly brave and unprecedented

carmencita ago

I can't believe he is still breathing, as we speak.

Blacksmith21 ago

Wasn't one of them married to Penny Marshall (Laverne and Shirley)?

3141592653 ago

Her father was Tony Marshall, a director and producer. Wait a sec.... looks like Garry Marshall is her brother. Can't remember what his involvement with Heather was.. but looks like they're not related to Frank Marshall