SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'"The Cannibal of Baal" Sven Nys' was posted in v/pizzagate and includes this reply from @Vindicator:

Removing this per Rule 1, since it was not edited. Also, @realityisinsanity, I'm afraid you've shown a pattern of repeated disregard for subverse submission rules, which means we need to ban you from v/pizzagate.

@think already warned you about this, in this thread:

And here is another thread we had to remove:

If you want to dispute this ban, please make a post about your reasoning in v/pizzagatemods and ping us, as we don't regularly monitor that sub.


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YogSoggoth ago

Pretty sure this guy has been talked about before here. There is no search engine in site. I talked to a mod, and he said, it is so/too hard. What, do we have to hire some geeks from other sites? If I had just a few more nickles to rub together, I could do that. Everything is archived.

think- ago

@realityisinsanity: I will flair your post '24 hours Grace', so that you'll have some time to establish a possibly connection to elite pedophilia or elite child trafficking.

Thank you. Flairing per Rule 1.


realityisinsanity ago

He graduated from Emory University which did participate in MK Ultra experiments in the 50's and 60's.,507101,507101

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Emory University is the home of some people (Zachary Stowe and others) I researched 10 years ago who were completely evil. Basically what they do is take money from Pharma to do "studies" to get new drugs approved and they're responsible for pushing antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs on pregnant and nursing women. I established this with @Pringle 10 years ago and published their financial ties. Anyone who works at Emory in the neuroscience department is automatically suspect. Anyone who works at CNN is automatically suspect. CNN basically = CIA.

Doug Bremner, a Psychiatrist at Emory who I know pretty well, wrote a book called The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg all about how Hoffman La Roche stalked and harassed him and even had someone enter his house and scare the crap out of him etc. all because he was challenging Accutane for causing suicides.

Pizzalawyer ago

Emory University is in Atlanta, where our CDC is also located. It is the home of Emory Univ. Medical School. Together they excel in biomedical research and vaccine development in which the CDC must play an important role. And finally it is, or was, home of the Yerkes Primate Research Center. And we all know what terrible things happened there with the blessing and participation of the US govt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The CDC makes a lot of money on vaccines... they're very profitable. Too bad they're full of squalene and aborted babies.

notagame ago

Good stuff.

Thanks for the info.

YogSoggoth ago

We ain't playi'n fools = notagame. Although I don't think it's right to support ebonicinuss's', ain't that de' truf. Bremner is Bremer. The foodstuffs.

realityisinsanity ago Him at TEDMED which is the medical version of TEDx. TEDx had that pro-pedophilia seminar from that German lady several months ago. This is another red flag.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

TED also has a few pro transgender ted talks, it's disgusting.

realityisinsanity ago Footage of him during the "efforts" in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010.

realityisinsanity ago Others doctors and him were forced to evacuate for "security reasons" from a makeshift hospital.

realityisinsanity ago Report on him arriving in Haiti

realityisinsanity ago Oprah interview with him about Haiti. We all know how sketchy Oprah's operations are.

derram ago :

CNN launch investigation into claims Dr. Sanjay Gupta mistakenly told viewers he performed surgery on girl, 8, during Nepal earthquake | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

realityisinsanity ago Supposedly he did not perform the surgery another doctor did, but this report falsely claims otherwise.

realityisinsanity ago Interview between him and the spirit cooker, Obama in 2015