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Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Poor kids. Fuck these people. Just throwing this out there, if anyone can answer some of these it might help open the issue up a bit to even greater understanding. What kind of equipment would you need to keep the organs viable during and after transport. soak them in propylene glycol and freeze them for long term storage? Refrigerated shipping containers? Was (((any)))) military ships in the area? Also I find the amount of victims strange is demand that high? or is there a way too keep them long term?

dtneslo ago

i think keep them alive then take what you need then refrigerate the bodies to keep other organs fresh...The pix with large amounts of kids are puzzling because they show no sign of life OR they were killed medically and THEN their bodies were found...I wish I had the original pics to forensically analyze them for dates and locations etc...

fogdryer ago

It does not work that way. Science has developed a drug that gives an organ 3 additional days to be vilable . Organs need oxygen —- blood flow.

I find the photo peculiar. Why are so many there? Were they doing like a 60 day waste management schedule? I didn’t take the liberty of a magnifying glass..... the kids looked intact. What were they doing there???? The adenchrome comes from the back of the neck. All you need is a needle... I didn’t see the date on this article something is off

3141592653 ago

Do we have proof about adrenochrome and it being extracted that way??

13Buddha ago

There is no documented evidence that I could find of adrenochrome ever being extracted from a human pineal gland. BUT, there is documented evidence on the correct surgical procedure for accessing the pineal gland when a person presents with a pineal gland tumor. That approach is the posterior cranium, the back of the head. The gland is in the cranium, not in the neck.

3141592653 ago

Thank you! The pineal gland has long been referred to as the third eye, a concept that I do not think is nefarious at all. And that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, supposedly weakening our psychic capabilities / spiritual connection. So that lends something to the idea that they would want to mess with someone's pineal gland, if in fact there is a way to do that that either hurts the victim and/or provides a benefit to the perpetrator. Mostly conjecture, and but important and relevant I believe. Thanks again