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Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Poor kids. Fuck these people. Just throwing this out there, if anyone can answer some of these it might help open the issue up a bit to even greater understanding. What kind of equipment would you need to keep the organs viable during and after transport. soak them in propylene glycol and freeze them for long term storage? Refrigerated shipping containers? Was (((any)))) military ships in the area? Also I find the amount of victims strange is demand that high? or is there a way too keep them long term?

carmencita ago

Demand is very high. There has been research here on ship containers but seems no longer people interested. Sad. Israel needs lot of organs. They had a law. People could not donate organs Religeos reasons. Law changed but some still did not. They use a lot of organs of Palestinian children.

3141592653 ago

It's horrible

carmencita ago

Ok. Now scroll down to R Young saying Jenny was no longer friends with GW. Also see her screenshot from Chan. That’s the one I wanted you to see. It means to me that she made a mistake about George. He tricked her. He could be involved in her death or missing. Idk. Could be DS or CIA. Or combo. She dropped him soon as she found he was a fooler.