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DangersDad ago

This smells of fake news.

dtneslo ago

I think the story is bs especially with George Webbs name...he is psyop-ish but the kids all have bandages on their foreheads and the dead girl at the bottom is obviously real...i think "they" are covering these pictures in a BS story to take away from the obvious gruesomeness...

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

what exactly are you trying to say, that organ harvesting doesn't take place and you don't want to believe it, or you just think this one story might be fake?

Cc1914 ago

Look at this screen cap Jenny sent about GW and the woman he brings on board !! @carmencita

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

wow... thanks

Cc1914 ago


carmencita ago

I will answer this later.