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RIPJem ago

**Why are @srayzie and other mods attacking and slandering a user who was murdered for knowing The Truth? **

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives and elite industry leaders?

Have you blown the whistle on unimaginable crimes, abuse and corruption involving top level officials and leaders?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you are close with tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

Do you think this is a game?

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know what the real Agenda is?

Have you ever considered the fact that George Sweigart is not Trustworthy like Jenny, and is partly responsible for her murder?

Does George Sweigart believe in the real Jesus Christ?

What is George Sweigart's end game?

Did George Sweigart and Jenny Moore see eye to eye on that?

Do you think Jenny fully trusted George?

What did Jenny and George disagree on the most?

Did Jenny trust Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Dave Acton, Defango or Unirock?

Do any of them believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know who Wendy is?

Do you know who Janine is?

Do you know who Jack Lew is?

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Do you know how Janine is connected to John Podesta?

Have you worked with Ari, Zeke or Rahm Emanuel?

Do you personally know some of John McCain's closest friends?

Do you personally know some of Hollywood's biggest stars?

What direct experience and qualifications do you have?

Do you know who Q is yet?

Do you really believe that Q can be Trusted?

Who has been telling everyone The Truth on Voat since the first day of Pizzagate?

JEM is not the only one who was threatened and murdered.

JEM knows The Truth.

George knows The Truth.

Only one of them is Trustworthy.

Vindicator banned her for knowing The Truth.

The Cabal murdered her for knowing The Truth.

Do any of you here know The Truth?

Why would you Trust in Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, John Huber and an anon named Q?

Do you know anything about 5G AI?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling?

Do you know what hedging is?

Do you realize how powerful those involved really are?

Do you understand where Donald Trump fits on that ladder?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is clean and not compromised in any way?

Do you believe that no one here on Voat is working for the Cabal?

What kind of person attacks and slanders a murder victim who was working to reveal The Truth?

@Srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @putitout ARE ALL EVIL OR EXTREMELY COMPROMISED.


There are only a few real people on here that can be Trusted.

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.

Look at who Srayzie believes are the Good Guys, and who is Neutral. Is that accurate and diligent research based on real experience?

Is Pope Francis Neutral? is Ed Snowden Neutral? Is Jared Kushner a Patriot? Is Alan Dershowitz a Patriot? Is Rudy Giuliani a Patriot?

Look at who Srayzie is praising, and then look at who Srayzie is attacking and slandering - a Murder Victim who was a long-time member of this community.

Why are the Mods all ganging up on the Murder Victim, and why are they so worried about being exposed?

One could say that Srayzie is simply an ignorant, uneducated fool, but even a fool would not stoop this low.

Is Srayzie a paid operative, and do you believe there are no paid operatives here?

Why are mods defending Are We Sure while attacking the person that Are We Sure threatened who coincidentally ended up murdered?

Jenny said that she was doxxed and targeted. How do you think that happened?



argosciv ago

Why do yourself and several others consistently mispell PuttItOut when pinging?

Should someone ping him properly for you so he can answer to your accusations?

cc: @Vindicator (3rd time's the charm, sorry Vindi)

argosciv ago

Oh, look at that, is also an actual account, inactive for 1.9 years, with just enough ccp to be able to downvote...

cc: @Vindicator