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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

A while back I saw a Satanist on Facebook posting a link to an article about someone getting busted for child porn or rape. There was an intermediary link to some Satanic blog that linked to the Daily Mail that showed that the dude who got busted was the high priest in some local group of Satanists. I lost the link and can no longer find the guy but the Daily Mail article made no mention of the convict being a Satanist. If you look a little deeper you might find out that all these pedos are secretly Satanists but the news never seems to report on it.

That's one of the big things they don't want you to know about, Satanists infiltrating the government / local churches, posing as Christians, what have you.

disclaimer: not a Q anon follower

argosciv ago

Cram it, Scientologist shill.

That's one of the big things they don't want you to know about, Satanists infiltrating the government / local churches, posing as Christians, what have you.

Indeed, you just described Scientologists to a T.

Moreover, your self-advertising is disgusting.

srayzie ago

Shut the fuck up for once. Stop trying to convince everyone that Satanists aren’t bad!. It is absolutely ridiculous that you would try to convince a pizzagate community with this bullshit. Scientology and Satanism are SICK.

Your wannabe dragon ass is on my last nerve. Why would anyone on pizzagate want to take advice from someone who admittedly drinks human blood and defends Satanism? Who tells us that an upside down cross isn’t evil and told ME that Jesus was eaten as a baby?! You need to lay off the shrooms BRO.

@Vindicator @Think-

I thought before, that maybe this freak was just high. He’s constantly trying to convince others, even on Twitter, that Satanism isn’t evil. Then he expects me to read his fricken series so I can know the truth. He gets pissed at anyone who doesn’t agree and expects us to take the time reading his lame shit that he writes while he’s tweeking. Maybe it’s all an act and he’s a paid shill.

think- ago

Funny, srayz, I just wrote a PM to Vin a couple of minutes ago that I'm totally fed up now with @argosciv pushing Satanism here, and won't be silent any longer.

@argosciv: You realize that 99,99% of people here are anti-Satanism? So how come you attack a legit user here (@EffYouJohnPodesta), insinuating that she's a Scientologist, only because she doesn't like satanists? That's just ridiculous.

And how come you are trying to promote Freemasons and the OTO? Even trying to convince everybody that Michael Aquino is a totally innocent person? What exactly are you doing here on v/pizzagate, and why?

Don't you think it rings a bell when someone - you - who admitted having 'consensual' sex magick sessions with female teenagers, drinking their blood - pushes satanism, defends pedos like Michael Aquino, and attacks innocent users?

This is definitely not the right place where you are welcome with this shit.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @EffYouJohnPodesta

Cc1914 ago

Wow I’m glad I looked at this post ! Finally someone else is as fed up as I am ! I’ve been saying this for months and @vindicater I’d like to know what you think now about him and his satanism ? The very thing we’re fighting , is lurking amongst us ...

Vindicator ago

I judge by fruits, Cc1914. I don't know who is or who isn't a minion of Satan on this board, and who is LARPing. In my personal experience, Satan's devotees are usually those who claim to be good, and point their fingers at everyone else, not those who admit struggling with their vices. I look at the patterns of behavior and the impact those contributions make on the community and our investigation. Argosciv respects the community's submission rules and posts his material in v/pizzagatewhatever most of the time. I wasn't happy about the way my last submission about investigating the S8n Twitter was derailed by his obsession with "true Satanism" and I told him so. It's possible that disruption was deliberate and will become a pattern if people try to post additional research on the subject, but no one has made the case that is happening at this point.

Cc1914 ago

Fair enough, thank you for your honest reply . I didn’t read that board your referring to , but I will now . He has been maliciously working in the background to promote his satanic views . Yes this is my opinion , but also the opinion of several others on voat .