Return to Pegasus Museum / Temple for Child Sacrifice (pizzagate)
submitted 6.6 years ago by Oh_Well_ian
The Pizzagate Investigation has traveled a long and winding road and now that major cracks in Hollywood are beginning to open, it's probably a good time to go back to the beginnings and remember we are not just dealing with 'perverts and kid diddlers.' This isn't only about Pedophilia. There is something deeply sinister and horrible going on with these Elite Freaks. James Alefantis' Pegasus Museum deserves another look.
The construction modifications of the Pegasus building are very, very suspicious if not obvious:
A staircase that small children would find impossible to climb.
An elevated second floor that looks more like a viewing platform, not only for the space below, but for the windows at the top of the space that overlook the playground. The platform is also on a rail for sliding back and forth over the space below and from window to window and can even cover the staircase, preventing access from below.
The wooden table stands alone, without any indication it's used as perhaps a coffee table. The design looks like a workbench with a shape ideal for splaying out a small body.
The observation platform and skylight at the top of the building with an eagle eye view of the playground below.
Alefantis' CREW waiting for the show to begin.
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racmo 6.6 years ago
On the last instagram pic jc says 'sausagefest' and cwoolman says 'no girls allowed in the clubhouse'. THAT'S NORMALLY SAID WHILE VIEWING ART I GUESS
Oh_Well_ian 6.6 years ago
Ambramovic spreads pigs blood and semen on a wall and calls it 'art'.
They think 'art' gives them cover and we're all just too stupid and unrefined to get it..
Same way LBGTQPB----- is being used as a cover for degeneracy. It's an alphabetical slippery slope in plain view.
PedoStomperReturns 6.6 years ago
Yes I'm sure it's pig's blood.
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racmo ago
On the last instagram pic jc says 'sausagefest' and cwoolman says 'no girls allowed in the clubhouse'. THAT'S NORMALLY SAID WHILE VIEWING ART I GUESS
Oh_Well_ian ago
Ambramovic spreads pigs blood and semen on a wall and calls it 'art'.
They think 'art' gives them cover and we're all just too stupid and unrefined to get it..
Same way LBGTQPB----- is being used as a cover for degeneracy. It's an alphabetical slippery slope in plain view.
PedoStomperReturns ago
Yes I'm sure it's pig's blood.