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bopper ago

Alefantis became unhinged talking to Ryan about this and above all things wanted the video on this taken down, It was striking really.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Alefantis was consolidating his entertainment/rape/torture/snuff/organ trafficking businesses under a single roof. The entire block where Pegasus is located was being bought up. The houses were holding pens for the children. The playground was the showroom. The room in the OP was the venue. The art was the money laundering. The warehouse was used to ship out the organs.


Yuke ago

Now, this is where you and I disagree. You say that "the entire block where Pegasus is located was being bought up". Bought up by whom exactly? What info do you have that suggests this is so and how does it relate back to these same guys? And then "The houses were holding pens for the children". I'm sorry, but we don't have any direct evidence of that so far; it's a guess. Stick to solid facts and not sensationalized comments that don't have any.

PedoStomperReturns ago

Comet Ping-Pong, owned by Jimmy Comet. Right next door, Bucks Camping & Fishing, owned by Jimmy Comet. Next door to that, Besta Pizza, the joint that had to change their logo because it was ripped straight from the FBI Pedo Symbols document. On the opposite site, Politics & Prose, a bookstore regularly visited by Hillary Clinton, and whom also had a Pedo Symbol (spiral) as their logo.

The entire block was being bought up by a pedo network, clearly.

Yuke ago

That block is nowhere near Pegasus.

PedoStomperReturns ago

So four suspect buildings right next to each other, two owned by JA and two with pedo symbols in their logos, that's not alarming or suspicious at all to you?

Yuke ago

I never once said that, I only said that they hadn't bought up the block where Pegasus is.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'It Takes a Village'

I'm free to hypothesis in my comments, Yuke. I refrain from making those assumptions in my submissions. I have been doing that since the beginning.

Look around DC. It a community of these people and Satanism is rampant. Same thing with Philadelphia and Baltimore.

Yuke ago

I don't mind hypothesizing if it sounds like a hypothesis, but what you do sometimes is make claims, claims that sound like facts; that's very different. Anyway, carry on, we're on the same team.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure... perhaps I went too far here, but when you look at Connecticut Avenue and Besta, Comet, Bucks, Beyond Borders, Et al. is shows a definite pattern. Make no mistake about it, these people want to drastically change humanity for the worse.

That is why I call the Cabal: 'Apocalypto in Armani Suits'