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Blacksmith21 ago

Not sure how any of that ever got through inspections....

GeorgeT ago

Same way as H.H.Holmes' World's Fair Hotel back in 1893 which was rigged with secret passage ways, torture chambers, trap doors and crematorium. He is supposed to have killed 200 people, confessing to 27. I posted Wikepidea article back in December 2016 just before the Madisson Welch psyop. I tweeted it with a title 'Comet Ping Pong - too far fetched, so was World's Fair Hotel. Meet HH Homes' + Link. I was shaddowbanned immediately. I had only just joined twitter with barely 25 followers. I posted it again - it was erased!!! Someone better tell me to my face PG is not real! We have uncovered a global pedo - satanic SRA ring - THE DEEP STATE! You better believe they know we know! I followed Alex Jones for 15 years, and I had never seen him as spooked as he was on that day (Mar25, 2017, PG march) when he apologised to that Creep Of The Century (who might turn out to be the worst serial child murderer in history!)

Blacksmith21 ago

Very interesting piece of history:

Sounds like he had a Ghost Ship of hos own.