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Yuke ago

These are really old pics now. I've seen what the inside of the main part of Pegasus looks like now, the upstairs part. It's been turned into what looks like living accomodation. The downstairs is still used as a workshop.

Factfinder2 ago

Got any links to current pics?

Yuke ago

These are about the most recent but even these are from 2017, the ones with the large White marble looking table (the top is actually wood). There are sources I'm following for these but don't want to reveal them because some douche will comment on them and then they'll get closed. I'd like to keep monitoring.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Another huge red flag!!!

Why go through all that trouble to fabricate such an elaborate and specialized area that Alefantis and his clique were wildly anticipating and turned out in huge numbers for, just to tear it down???

Do you have any pics of the remodel?

Yuke ago

One of the most suspicious parts for me is that the two main guys from Squareform, who used to work from Pegasus, have both since moved from Washington DC on the East coast, to the West coast in Portland, and I think the other was San Diego. Its strange that they both made a huge move like that at a similar time.

dundundunnnnn ago

Are they friends with VooDoo Donut?