When you have a guy that is visiting the White House, why would you expect him to have Anything expected at all, He would be able to have anything remodeled or redone with out any suspicion on that block. No inspector is going to come knocking on his door.
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Blacksmith21 ago
Not sure how any of that ever got through inspections....
Oh_Well_ian ago
probably because the entire District is owned and paid for...
carmencita ago
Hmm. A shill voated both our comments down. Not surprised. Good.
carmencita ago
When you have a guy that is visiting the White House, why would you expect him to have Anything expected at all, He would be able to have anything remodeled or redone with out any suspicion on that block. No inspector is going to come knocking on his door.
Oh_Well_ian ago
DC is the most evil city in the entire world
it's not even close
Blacksmith21 ago