YogSoggoth ago

Scottsdale was always a Satanic center since I was a kid. Phoenix too. This video came out yesterday, ...https://mobile.wnd.com/2018/08/okeefe-catches-antifa-teaching-activists… Now this Andrew Zee might come across as a low level player, but I am not even sure if that is indeed his real name. Definitely PG related because he drops Tom Steyer in conversation.

notagame ago

Thanks for this.

Didn't know about those being centers for Satanism, but it fits. Will definitely take a look at the video.

YogSoggoth ago

Before google cracked down on it's own Raison d'être, there were multiple sites about the satanic highways with message boards. From 1880 to 2016, the Social Security Administration has recorded 347 babies born with the first name Zed in the United States. That would be Zee in American.

notagame ago

People would be surprised at how many Satanists there are in the US ... and around the world.

Offering disenfranchised kids fame, money, and/or power is an enticement. Of course, once in, they can never get out. As in never.

Bree_bby72 ago

What's your thoughts about vop I'm very mixed?

notagame ago

I think they found something.

I think it's being covered up by character assassination via ad hominem attacks. All arrows point to something being horribly wrong. And the fact that Arizona is so compromised and involved in human trafficking just adds to it being a cover up. Remember that the hair dye was black. That meant it wasn't Mexican children being brought into the US. It was US kids or European children being taken out of the country.

carmencita ago


Big-Time Gangsters Set up McCain's Family Fortune The Buchanan-hating Bronfman family are the "godfathers" behind the organized crime empire in Arizona that spawned the political career of "reformer" John McCain.

In 1976 a crusading Phoenix reporter, Don Bolles, was murdered by a car-bomb after writing a series of stories exposing the organized crime connections of well-known figures in Arizona, including one Jim Hensley. (Cindy's Father)

Five years later "Honest John" McCain arrived in Arizona as the new husband of Hensley's daughter, Cindy. "From the moment McCain landed in Phoenix," according to Charles Lewis of the Center for Public Integrity, "the Hensleys were key sponsors of his political career."

The fact is, the people ultimately behind the Hensley fortune are even more interesting and controversial

While it is well-known McCain's father-in-law is owner of the biggest Anheuser-Busch beer distributor in Arizona—one of the largest beer distributors in the nation—the media has had nothing to say about the origins of the Hensley fortune that financed McCain's rise to power.

The Hensley fortune, in fact, is a regional offshoot of the big time bootlegging and rackets empire of the Bronfman dynasty of Canada, founded by Sam Bronfman, an early partner of Meyer Lansky, longtime "chairman of the board" of the international crime syndicate. (The Bronfmans cover all bases. Sam's son, Edgar, today—at least publicly—supports George W. Bush.)

If it's Democrats, they are getting help. Remember they are all in this together. The Bronfmans and McCains, especially Cindy's father plays a big part in what happens in Az.

notagame ago

Awesome info. Big thanks.

But this:

The Hensley fortune, in fact, is a regional offshoot of the big time bootlegging and rackets empire of the Bronfman dynasty of Canad

The bootlegging reference made me think of Trump's tweet ... the one about Al Capone.


Looking back on history, who was treated worse, Alfonse Capone, legendary mob boss, killer and “Public Enemy Number One,” or Paul Manafort, political operative & Reagan/Dole darling, now serving solitary confinement - although convicted of nothing? Where is the Russian Collusion? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 1, 2018

Wonder if he was making reference to the Bronfman's and this mafia cartel?

And, of course now, you have the Mexican mafia added to the mix.


They also say that “there is a schism between the EDNY and Main Justice [Democrats] over whether to indict a clearly guilty Emiliano Salinas for his large role in the Bronfman-Raniere crime organization.“ Salinas is the son of a former president of Mexico



carmencita ago

I see you already have a down voat. That's good. They don't like it when we are right.

Sackajahweeda ago

Is there anything I can do to help? I often forget to upvote and have only downvotes aws like once...

carmencita ago

Yes. down voat all the returning shills. Their posts & comments.

Sackajahweeda ago

Ok I will certainly try but that is one seriously LOOOONG LIST!!

notagame ago

Absolutely. Lots of shills on here lately.

Let's keep pissing them off.

carmencita ago

They think we don't know that they are trying to load the board with nonsense, so our posts move on. Really. We didn't just fall off the turnip truck.

notagame ago


Even replies. Yes, some of these are written with a psy-op's practiced eye. I don't even bother to answer them. Such pros. And they send them to boards like this to disrupt flow, create dissonance, and cause fights. Anything to keep us from talking about the truth and that is: There is a global elite cabal that are pedophiles. PedoWood is part of it, burning in hell is not enough.

They need to go to jail.

carmencita ago

Well since the pope said there is no hell we will have to settle for lock up. To bad the days of ball and chains are gone.

notagame ago

That is true. He did say that. Think he was in the new snake chamber.

Yup, it leaves Gitmo!

carmencita ago

This has always been my favorite pick. How great it would be to see BO and HRC with the shoe bomber.

carmencita ago

With the other players like Clare, they had some small charges at the start as well, then we find it mushroomed into a RICO Case. Many more charges added. Possibly this is what may happen to Salinas. I am hoping. There are many that are making money from Salinas' drug trafficking. Republicans and Democrats. in DC and across the country. Governors, Mayors they are all getting a piece of the pie for letting him operate in their cities. Beyond Despicable.

notagame ago

Oh, yeah! They're in on the take.

But the problem is in doing that, they set themselves up for blackmail. They can never be effective again -- not with that hanging over their head. So it's not just some pocket change. They really are screwing with everyone's lives.

carmencita ago

It's impossible to get out once you get started. It's the money and what it buys. But they are causing severe heartache for many families and horrible deaths. They need to be kept away from the human race. Locking up is the only way. For a long time. They have made life a Living He77 for many. Now it's their turn.

notagame ago

They have made life a Living He77 for many. Now it's their turn.


carmencita ago

It will put to end so much suffering for families and Our Children. Let's keep praying.

notagame ago

Absolutely. I never stop praying.

carmencita ago

He’s the only one we can always count on.

carmencita ago

Yeah I know about Salinas. Bronfman is in control of Canada and he is head of the Jewish Mafia which was called the Purple Gang when his father started out bootlegging liquor in Canada If you read the whole section in the link I sent your eyes will pop out, like mind did. Also remember that in Tucson the last name of the mayor is Rothschild. I am racking my brain now for I can't remember who the bf of Salinas is. He is married to a sex symbol woman but they are real boyfriends. Darn! OOH, just looked it up. Alenjandro Betancourt his biz partner. Salinas pretty much in control in Mexico. One of Nieto's kids is involved too and so is a child of Fox. They are all guilty as HE77.


As it says in the article Mexicans will not be enticed by NXIVM when they find out Salinas was gay. They are not as open about that as we are here. This will be one of the biggest trials ever. If it comes to pass.

notagame ago

Wow! You're way more up on this than I am. And I truly hope there's a trial. I would love these guys to serve some hard time.

carmencita ago

We'll see whether things are going to change, real soon. If they don't tack on some heavy charges for him then it's a dog and pony show.

notagame ago


We'll also be able to tell by who else is arrested.

carmencita ago

I am going to keep checking The Frank Report for I believe that is the most up to date.

notagame ago

I think it is not only the most up to date, but reliable. Sometimes I don't know what to believe. I don't trust a lot of the sites.

Oh Times Union was good also.

carmencita ago

Don’t follow any YouTube idols. They drain the time we can research.

notagame ago

Good advice.

They only repeat what everyone on Voat, 4C, 8C and Reddit's said, anyways.

carmencita ago

I see there is a post on the front page naming all the same idiots that are spamming the board The same ones from Mandalay Shooting. There is a list of them. This should be good. I'm gonna check it out.

notagame ago

Yup, just spotted it.

I can just about guess some of them. Probably on my block list

carmencita ago

A lot of them I don't recognize actually, but there are certain ones like jack parsons, etc. and jdp and polly peterson they have been going to town this week. Yep, down voating should be our mission this weekend. We should make sure others know.

notagame ago

I didn't recognize any of them. I guess there are shills devoted to the pizzagate subverse. Those are the ones that I'm familiar with.

carmencita ago

There are quite a few. But it's important right now to notice the present ones, the obvious ones. Down voat their posts AND comments. You can go into their comment history, hit context and you will see the comment and you down voat. You can do a whole bunch that way. I discovered that the shills do that too. Right back at em. Returning the favor, in a way.

notagame ago

Great idea.

Had no idea. Thanks for the info.

carmencita ago

Yeah, it took a while till I got it, wondered how they knew all my comments :)

notagame ago

Makes sense, but then we don't target people.

It all comes down to perspective.

new4now ago

Homeland Sercurity is dirty

who started it and why?

look into who ran/ runs it

they are in cahoots with the Aspen groups

Onetime1 ago

Former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevy abruptly resigned and gave a bizarre speech claiming he was a "gay American". Completely obfuscated in the media reports was that he was being blackmailed into appointing a gay Israeli to run DHS in NJ.

The 9/11 attack was the impetus to create this powerful, new, Cabinet level agency with which to subvert American democracy from within.

new4now ago

Immigration is their responsibilty

Trafficking is their responsibility

Government Cyber attacks is their responsibility

Tom Ridge, ex PA Governor, ran it first

PA is a very dirty state, so many roads lead back to PA

Michael Chertoff was next, he is very corrupt

I looked into DHS after LV shooting

remember thinking they were Clowns inside our boarders

They were a corruption from the begining

fogdryer ago

you know that they did not finish the investigation w/Penn State ??? its still going on, the abuse I mean. and we know soros funded a grp that launched an app to help illegals avoid the feds.....

notagame ago

Hey, didn't get a notification for this.

Will dig into this a little more, but you'd think the media would cover something other than the Russia hoax.

notagame ago

It's dirty for now.

It's part of the swamp and needs a good cleaning. I'm getting so sick of reading about all the dirty dealings going on. If we had a goddamn media, they'd be reporting on things like this. We'd actually see stories like this on the front page instead of fantasies based on a fictitious source, or ones based on how many diet sodas our POTUS drinks.

new4now ago

I think what everyone forgets is the CIA clowns run the trafficking of drugs, arms and kids

worldwide with other intelligence

might be a good reason people have been comped

notagame ago

Yes, and clowns have been mentioned over and over, but everybody seems to forget ... or not believe.

Great point.

notagame ago

Thanks for this.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
