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Cc1914 ago

Ok Just watched a whole handful of her videos , she didn’t say anything particularly bad about trump , she actually thanked him . She pleads with people to realize that not everyone that is “ blackmailed “ is happy about this situation and how some who have done these bad things don’t know anything else and how it’s generational . She was adopted and sold for sex as a child by her adopted parents ! I really believe her . At first I thought , maybe this is a set up of some type , but go watch all her videos and see for yourself . She tells us to look in our own hometowns for any old buildings being torn down because those are the types of places that had basements and that’s where they were abused and tortured .

exposethecriminals ago

Posting here for visibility:


I have not been able to watch all of her videos, so I have little comment on them. But the woman's name is Jennifer Guskin.

Here is a video of CPS trying, and failing, to take her and her fiance's baby daughter, Iris, on April 6, 2018:


19 days later, on April 25, 2018, Iris was medically kidnapped by CPS, and then nearly died: Mother Who Was Sexually Trafficked as a Child in Foster Care Has Her Own Baby Medically Kidnapped – Fears for Her Safety :


Child Abuse Specialist – Never Examines Child but Makes Recommendations


A report by Dr. Michelle Chudow, Director of the Child Protection Team at GRMC, appears to have played a big part in what happened next.

On April 25, CPS medically kidnapped Iris and kicked her parents out of the hospital.

The Shelter Care Authorization paper states as grounds for her seizure:

Caregivers, Jennifer Guskin and Scott McFalls are refusing to agree to follow through with the discharge agreement for Iris’ intensive follow up for medical care.

The document lists the plan that the parents allegedly refused to agree to.

However, the medical records clearly state that “Mom and Dad [are] in agreement with POC [plan of care].”


Dr. Chudow was consulted by CPS since Monday, April 9, the day that the baby’s tongue and lip tie were addressed. She admits in her report:

Of note, I have not examined this patient myself as of the writing of this note, nor have I had any direct interaction with the patient’s family.

She states that the parents “accused the SW [social worker] of trying to take the baby away from the parents” on April 6, which is exactly what the records show the social worker was attempting. The parents’ fear was accurate.

Another major issue that Dr. Chudow seemed to have was Jennifer’s comments that:

CPS is trying to steal her baby for the purpose of trafficking the infant or in order to receive a bonus at work.

The patient’s mother even mentioned one time that she, herself, was sexually trafficked as a child….

Jennifer is on disability for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of the things that she has experienced, but an evaluation in the hospital for Postpartum Depression rated her at low risk for that. She has no other psychological diagnosis.

That evaluation apparently did not convince the Child Abuse Specialist. Dr. Chudow wrote that she was afraid that Jennifer has an underlying psychological illness that prohibits her from:

being able to trust and engage with both medical and child protection personnel, and not allow her to see past her own paranoid delusions regarding people trying to steal and traffic her infant.

In other words, without any evidence to the contrary, the horrors that Jennifer experienced growing up, things for which she has a recognized disability of PTSD, are chalked up as being “paranoid delusions,” used as justification for taking her child.



9 Vaccines Given to Baby Who Went into “Full Code”


Iris was discharged from the hospital 2 days after CPS took her. Before they released her, they gave her a total of 9 vaccines, without her parents’ consent.

Jennifer was shocked to see in the medical records that her baby went into “Full Code” for which CPR was administered, the same day that she was given all the shots.

No one will elaborate on what happened to her daughter.

Yet, CPS and Iris’s guardian insist that they need to give her a second round of vaccines. Jennifer refuses to consent unless and until they get the full medical records and find out what happened to cause her baby to need CPR.

She said that when they were allowed to see Iris 2 days later, she seemed lethargic.



Next Court Date Is Months Away


The CPS investigation has closed. They still accuse the parents of refusing to agree to the conditions for release despite evidence to the contrary.

Iris was placed with a family member, but Iris’s parents do not believe that their daughter is safe.

The next court hearing is scheduled for October 25, but Jennifer and Scott plan to request an emergency hearing. archive

Cc1914 ago

think- ago

This is very interesting (and sad), @Cc1914, but it doesn't confirm what she said on her YT vid, does it?

I will ask @EricKaliberhall to have a closer look at the comment above, since he was the one who flaired the post, and is familiar with it. Eric - @Cc1914 thinks that @exposethecriminal's comment proves that the woman ist legit, and that we should remove the flair. Thoughts? Thanks! :-)

Cc1914 ago

Thank you .. Im on her FB right now . She has been at this for a while and has people on FB who believe her . How can we not believe her ? She has 3 hour video recording cps at her house . She has documentation on how they messed with her daughters medical records! I think she is unhinged and rightly so . This is typical of someone suffering from ptsd .

Cc1914 ago

You have to see this one ! Omg this woman says she has killed people ! Why do I believe her and why do I feel sorry for her ? 😔

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you. Yesterday I watched the first half, about statue sacrifice, and just now I watched the second half, about coffins, and death matches. I believe Jennifer as well.

I remember babies being put in the oven in roasting pans, like in a home kitchen. I have no memories myself of those statues, but I'm sure it happens every day all over the world, unfortunately....

I remember being put in coffins too. I also remember a death match in Florida. Here is part of a letter I sent to someone of influence who I remember from my childhood as being on the side of good, the excerpt is about the death match:

It reads:

"There is an Air Force base in Tampa that I took photographs of, someone must have them. Also [redacted 1] was there when some orphans were made to fight each other in death matches, with weapons. They were dressed up at first for an adoption party, but they died. John Gacy entertained the children in his clown costume. I was in charge of sorting the children according to abilities. [Redacted 1] was a kind man inside, but did as he was told.

I don't know why [redacted 1] was in Florida. I was there many times, also with two siblings at least; Gacy and [redacted 2] brought us to St. Joseph's Hospital there for MK Ultra. John Gacy, who I remember now being told was related to my mother, a distant cousin by marriage, owned property for some reason one hour outside of Tampa, in Brooksville: "


In my endeavor to be brief in that letter, as I didn't know if the letter's recipient would remember me, and I figured if he wanted more details he would ask, I left out a lot about the orphans' death matches. What I left out is below. Also from context he knew my approximate age then but I'll add that too:

I was a child, this was in the 1960's I think (I was born in 1962.) There was an "orphan adoption" party, somewhere, with balloons and cake and a clown (JWG.) It might have been under a tent, outside. The orphans thought they were possibly going to be adopted.

I think it was the next day, I remember sitting outside with John Wayne Gacy, possibly others adults too. (Note: JWG is a trigger point for the world, and especially his poor living victims. I've posted this before, from my personal experience JWG was mind controlled, a lot of the time, and was not actually responsible for the horrific crimes committed through him, and importantly too, most that were deaths were not even caused through him, but rather were committed by evil people in the cult, which my family was part of. I will be dead, or worse, tomorrow if I come out publicly with this.)

As I wrote, we were outside, and JWG was sitting on one of those large finished logs that lay horizontally on the ground, like one sees at a campground. He was playing the guitar and singing a country song. He also wrote songs (I'm not referring to that day, specifically.) I was wearing what I think of as a circus costume, but black. A skirt, sweater, tights, boots toward the knee, and a feathered headdress/headband with black feathers up in a triangle shape. My skirt was not the fabric shown below (in an unrelated online photo from a DIY crafts website - of child circus costumes,) and my tights were opaque, not fishnet as in the unrelated photo, but the image does reflect the length of my skirt I'm referring to, a costume I never had at home:

A man came out, and John literally stood up and appeared like a movie "trope" of a mind controlled subject. I never knew, or believed, that (some) people actually acted that way under MK (sometimes,) until I remembered that he did that. John was standing almost basically "at attention," and just had this faraway robotic look, it was so sad. He said to the man, "Should I bring the tiger in?" or something to that effect. The man responded yes. The man said to me, "__________, bring in the children." I was not under MK at that moment. I dejectedly stood up, brushed myself off, and that's all I remember from that moment. The next thing I remember is leading the orphans into the arena. For some reason I think the warehouse the arena was in, which also held bleachers around the ring, was underground. There was a Black girl in a pretty white dress in the front of the line behind me. She was eaten by the tiger, which they had starved beforehand.

The next thing I remember is leading some of the orphans out of an air shaft and they escaped. I have not listened to Jennifer's YouTube video about rescuing orphans yet, but it couldn't have been the same incident, as Ivanka and Jennifer wouldn't have been born yet.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get them all free. The ones that were left, I remember the death matches Jennifer recalls. As I wrote in that letter, "some orphans were made to fight each other in death matches, with weapons....I was in charge of sorting the children according to abilities." I also remember something about the children having to hold a piece of paper in front of their own chest, like an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. I can remember a boy standing with his back against the far wall of the ring, on the right hand side, if a person is facing away from the door that I and the children had entered through. He was maybe five years old. He was holding such a piece of paper against his chest. The wall was wood, and painted dark forest green. The boy had on brown pants and a mustard colored sweater, his hair was sandy blond, and he had a little wave in his bangs on his forehead.

Maybe his and my sweaters are a clue, that either there was a cold snap in Tampa at that time, or that I have the location wrong. But I don't think the second is the case, however my mind is open, I'm always willing to change it, I just want truth, and justice, for these dear children.

If people wonder why those like Jennifer and me haven't been offed yet, I don't know, but I think (((they))) can't kill willy nilly, I think if I came out publicly I'd be done in, so maybe my family has permission. I believe if cult/cabal members don't have permission, they can get in trouble with the cult/cabal. Another thing is Jennifer mentioned she carried classified information in the past, and I don't recall that for me but I surmise these lunatics spent a ton of money training people like her and me, and maybe (((they))) hold on to hope they can use us for black ops in the future, without our knowledge or consent of course. Further, we may have powerful people "on the inside" protecting us in some way. Another possibility is in my experience, authentically good people are appreciated and yes, even respected, by cabal members, with of course some exceptions, as long as we don't have proof to show. (My relatives are the exceptions....) One more, in Jennifer's case, her parents and in-laws might be consciously feeding off of her and Iris's psychological pain, so maybe they love having her alive, as long as she doesn't have proof of anything they did wrong.

Cc1914 ago

My heart goes out to you and all who have suffered these unspeakable deeds ! Their day is coming and they will be destroyed forever ! Psalms 37:10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you.

Cc1914 ago

Thank “ YOU “ for being so strong and determined to expose the truth !

Shizy ago

What an amazing find! It is infuriating that his family has been repeatedly wronged! What a ridiculous law that a home birth automatically triggers a CPS report! Way to let the government intrude into the lives of its citizens! And a medical doctor is operating outside her scope of licensure by attempting to provide a mental health diagnosis. If she had legitimate concerns for the mother she ethically should have made a recommendation for a psych eval. This is just so wrong!!

Cc1914 ago

Please watch this .. she says that she has killed people . Her videos are not organized in a way that accurately tells her story . They are all scattered , so it’s hard to understand her whole life’s story clearly .

exposethecriminals ago

I want to add a small comment to my comment above, , which includes Jennifer Guskin's Facebook video, and the Medical Kidnap article.

In my "forgotten" half of my life, which was cabal-related, and of which I have now quite a number of emerged memories, although I cannot quite follow what Jennifer is saying about Donald Trump (and I haven't watched all of the videos yet,) I also perceived Donald Trump as not a pedophile. I only have one emerged memory of him. I can't promise it's accurate: I had recently reached the age of consent (I was born in 1962,) and I had been set up by my parents to be mind controlled and drugged and placed in a fake prostitution and bestiality performance video, to discredit me if I ever talked about my childhood or became a public person. I was a very good young woman and a virgin until I was 18, that's how evil they were. Jeffrey Epstein was told to do this to me. If memory serves, DT and JE collaborated to make my parents believe the video happened, but we did something else instead. This sounds unrealistic, I'd like to know exactly what really happened, but this is all I can remember: I was dressed in a certain way, I had a wig on, and the lighting and angles were also carefully pre-planned, to make me look like me, but before I became of age. From what I recall, DT never touched me, but it was my call to not be fully dressed to make it look "real." The film is, if one thought I was underage, which I was not, "compromising but not sexual." But since I was of the age of consent, it's absolutely nothing. We've all heard DT plans things ahead. If my memory is correct, JE had told people years prior, when I was underage, that there was a film of DT and me. That's how long Trump, Epstein, others, and I just now remembered, I as well, had been planning it. As far as I recall, it feels like it happened in an elegant hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. The age of consent in Florida is 18.

The last thing I ever wanted to do was tell anyone this, without having the film to show them (blurred!!!,) and I figure it will all come out eventually. But I feel so bad for Jennifer, that I had to.

Cc1914 ago

BTW .. you rock at research my friend 🙂 you are on top of it !

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you so much!

Cc1914 ago

Your welcome 🙂

Cc1914 ago

Oh my !!! Wow 😮 thank you so much for the ping . I can’t even believe what I just read except, I knew that I couldn’t dismiss the horror I saw in some of her videos . This is just horrible . We need to write mass letters or something .. I would love to be there with them in court for support .

Shizy ago

It would be amazing to get the mother over here to share more info with us if she was willing to do that. The more light she can get shining on all of this the better

Cc1914 ago

Yes your right ! In one of her videos , she was begging for someone to help her locate some medical records . She can’t remember the name of one of the facilities. Whatever insurance company she had ,( assuming it’s state) they have to provide the records of all the places they paid money to on her behalf .. if I’m correct?