spacepopecoast2coast ago

from what I've read, Dan Harmon being fired from Community was most likely because he was very controlling, opinionated, and difficult to work with - in particular, Chevy Chase had a very difficult time working with Harmon evidenced by a voicemail recording from Chase ranting about how much he disliked Harmon finding its way to the press... just the same, I have seen an interview with Sarah Silverman explaining why Harmon was fired from her writing staff after the first season of The Sarah Silverman Program - basically saying that while he was very creatively talented, he was also combative, arrogant, stubborn, and all-around difficult to work with

another reason I am sure factored into NBC firing Harmon from Community (for season 4 only, he came back the following season to finish out remainder of series) was that Community just did not get the ratings that a network like NBC was looking for from a sitcom in a huge primetime spot... Harmon is stubborn, but in a good way (at least artistically) as he doesn't pander for ratings and produced a much better show as a result - if you watch Community season 4, without Harmon the show's writing suffers, they over-emphasize love plot lines to appease a broader therefore stupider audience, and they needlessly amp up the sexiness of the female characters

Shizy ago

Thanks for all the info! I had no idea he worked on Sarah Silverman's show too!

spacepopecoast2coast ago

no problem!

iamthepizzanow ago

Cannot believe how many are in support of these scumbags and overlook what they did. Literal mind fuck.

carmencita ago

One of the comments: DDonna Tarttty

Shizy ago

She/he seems to be really aware of this stuff and makes a lot of good comments! I think she presented a lead looking into Vox, and the subway connection to pedos. The distanced themselves from creeper Jared, but what other associations do they have to pedos?

carmencita ago

The owner of Daily Kos was a surprise to me. Should look into his past too.

This past weekend, the liberal blogosphere was the victim of what can only be described as a deliberate attack. Some bottom-feeder got the bright idea to upload disgusting and pornographic images of children on Daily Kos.

According to a post from founder Markos Moulitsas, the sick individual responsible for this uploaded “several” images of child porn sometime over the weekend. Markos and his team “removed them the second we saw them,” and reported it to the FBI first thing Monday morning. Markos doesn’t know whether the bottom-feeder was “an actual pedophile” or just someone out to wreck Daily Kos’ reputation. Whatever the case, he has pledged that no effort will be spared to track down the scumbag and bring him to justice.

Could be nothing......or not.

Shizy ago

Good to have that on the radar. A few days ago I saw some posts in another voat forum about people trying to post CP here to tarnish voat so maybe what kos is saying is true?

carmencita ago

Could be. I don't trust him. I think they have tried that before. Do you remember when there was something about Bernie people on FB getting blasted with CP? That kind of stuff is not funny. Things really have gotten nasty.

Shizy ago

I think I did hear about that happening to Bernie people. So low and dirty!

carmencita ago

Glad I wasn't on FB. Don't know what the thing is to show your whole life to everyone. You can be hacked and who knows what. Remember the post yesterday I did about the Mom that had the fake CPS worker try to take her baby? I bet she found all her info of the baby on FB. People are so clueless.

Shizy ago

Also found this article:

Dan Harmon apologized (6 years after the fact) for sexually harassing a female writer on his show "Community". It doesn't specifically say what he did to harass her, but she states that he "crossed lines".

Judgejewdy ago

Very strange. Doesn’t sound like Hmmm.

Shizy ago

I agree! That's why I thought it was odd. Maybe he's playing with people and has something up his sleeve to expose? It doesn't really fit.

Judgejewdy ago

Or maybe someone got ahold of cdan the way they got ahold of WL. When the voice changes you know something is up.

Shizy ago

I hope not.