rooting4redpillers ago

I watched the series “Patrick Melrose” with Benedict Cumberbatch. I didn’t know what it was about. His character is from an old-money, filthy-rich background, now an adult married with a son, intelligent, and totally self-destructing his life with substance abuse and other issues. Turns out, all due to sexual abuse by his monster of a father, blind-eyed by his mother (also a substance abuser)... It was really well done. So we’ll done it was hard to watch, which is certainly what it was meant to be. One surprisingly realistic portrayal of the damage and horror of child sexual abuse. No excuses in this one. These dipshits and their comrades like Rainn Wilson should watch it, and then go crawl in a hole and stay there.


"Make 'em laugh" and you can lay the cultural groundwork for a shadow government agenda without the public realizing it.

This is how I am rethinking Chris Morris's Brass Eye secial "Paedogeddon" which lampooned public/media hysteria in the UK regarding paedophilia. The show aired in July 2001.

What also makes me think Chris Morris is pushing deep state agendas by diffusing them into comedy, is his box office movie Four Lions. Telling the story of four homegrown UK jihadists, it predates the Arab Spring by a year and ISIS by four years.

user1212 ago

Tangentially related. In the kids cartoon Dora, she has an anthropomorphized map as a friend who gives her directions. He sings I'm the Map all the time.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Larry David's daughter is friends with that girl Maggie Nixon who Q posted a photo of with Obama

spacepopecoast2coast ago

I have been a fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm, but I admit he has made a number of jokes like this throughout the course of the show - a few off the top of my head:

  • final punchline in an episode was a little girl running into the men's room to give David a hug, David happens to have something stuffed in his pants, girl runs out of men's room crying "mommy I hugged him and there was something hard"
  • another episode Larry is dating a woman who has a son, the joke is that the son is obviously a gay kid, mom becomes offended that Larry would suggest this even though the kid is clearly acting very flamboyant (going along with Kinsey/sexual from birth)

there are likely a few more jokes that I can't think of right now, but yeah the "rash on her pussy" joke seemed pretty far over the line even for Larry David's comedy

hang_em_high ago

Also the kid with the huge dick. Fucking tired of my favorite shows and actors turning out to be shit. I'm just going to switch to books idk.

DietCokehead1 ago

Another Jew behind pedophilic media/"comedy". What a cohencidence!

TrishaUK ago

Who the hell jokes like this let alone making a skit about it? They are so in their own circle of pedo friends they don't even see its not normal!

i_scream_trucks ago

the entire fucking show was horrible as was seinfeld.

think- ago

They are so in their own circle of pedo friends they don't even see its not normal!

Or they see it, but know that they get away with it.

carmencita ago

It's a shame we have to have that stuff on our front page, but that's what it takes. It's still sad we have to read such disgusting language. The respect of women and men's private parts should be exactly that. PRIVATE.