Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Dude's seriously deranged. Anyone else notice that the director's cue reads 911?

09 followed by 5+6 = 09 11

rickman ago

You know what else is like Alefantis? Jenna Fischer's character Pam on The Office was called Pan by a concussed Dwight. Could've called her Pen, short for Penelope, or Pat. Writer of the episode Mindy Kaling chose Pan.

It's just a coincidence. I'm sure it was no reference to her real life husband at the time.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Patton Oswalts daughters name is Alice. His wife apparently died in her sleep.

Hagen19 ago

Pictures of her together with this Patton creep are heartbreaking. That child is haunted.

rickman ago

I just looked up some photos of them at a movie premiere and he's holding her up in a very strange way. He's holding her round her waist and she's literally just hanging there.

FlashVirus ago

Old news. Cernovich is onto this "Ian Black" guy now.

HennyPenny ago

these unfortunate bits about his personal history in St. Louis:

"10) Monsignor Russell J. Obmann, the pastor at my grade school, St. Joseph's in Manchester, Missouri, who gave the young boys in my class alcohol and showed them porn, and probably other stuff as well. He was later caught having sex with a male student, but was only reprimanded by the Catholic Church. Now he's dead.

11) The fact that we all told our parents that Russell J. Obmann was doing this shit, but they thought we were being silly and making up stories because he was a dick even outside of being a child molestor."

Gunn's comments on some of his parents' home decorations: But it was Gunn's museum-quality titles that captured the pieces' essences so well. We're particularly fond of an ornately framed tranquil scene of two friends beneath a tree with their pet ewe, which Gunn renamed "I'm Going to Stuff That Lamb up Your Ass, Whore."


His father was board member of Catholic Charities St. Louis, Mo and is atty for same.https://relationshipscience.com/person/james-f-gunn-3533772 One of the agencies under the Catholic Charities umbrella is an infant adoption agency. You have to wonder about what kind of upbringing produces a James Gunn Jr. He appears to be on good terms with his parents as he cast them both in one of his films

“Look, I’m a kid from a very dysfunctional family and my parents are very open about this,” the film’s writer-director, James Gunn, says by phone from Los Angeles. “My family were all very large drinkers — my dad is sober now, but he was a very big drinker when I was growing up — so when you have a family that’s very imperfect but at the heart of that family is a lot of love, I think it gives you a measured, multifaceted view of family life https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/james-gunn-says-guardians-of-the-galaxy-vol-2-a-family-affair-1.13566331 "

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oy vey (((they're))) falling like dominos. Can you imagine if Hillary had won how brave they would all be?

spezkiller ago

I couldn't post this as a thread but this is the latest on Patton Oswalt also... https://kek.gg/i/3jJpC6.png

gamepwn ago

I just made a thread on this! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2640668

tech-adm ago

Guaranteed PEDO - He ADMITTED to having received and viewed child porn. He ADMITTED being sexually aroused. He needs to be arrested. Who knows how many children he has destroyed?

MeatballPizza ago

Stunning. More evidence of the Hollywood-wing of Pizzagate being in power. He OPENLY posted all this and was hired to direct one of Disney's top movies that year.

Props for finding all this. Brutal.

Cc1914 ago

Whoa this is horrific once again ! These people are getting easier to catch that’s for sure ! So blatant and so proud of their depraved selves 🤢

carmencita ago

BREAKING NEWS!!! JAMES GUNN FIRED From Guardians of the Galaxy III He takes full responsibility how he acted 3 yrs. ago!

https://www.indiewire.com/2018/07/disney-severs-ties-james-gunn-tweets-guardians-of-the-galaxy-1201986139/ @dtneslo

HennyPenny ago

James F. Gunn, Sr, retired atty now works for Catholic Charities, St Louis. Mo.

carmencita ago

Yes, and I wonder if that's why Jr. is holding up that IMO's Pizza! Are there more connections to St. Louis for him too? Don't know, but will check this out. I know that when I was researching with @Wolftrail7272 that he told me IMOs played into problems big time in St Louis. Are there more connections to St. Louis? Why are they at odds with Gunn Sr. Is he pushing something other than Catholic ideals on the services? Hmm. Thank You HennyPenny!

carmencita ago

Dog & Bones? Another Sicko. Who in the world really thinks this stuff is funny. This is really a sad commentary on our nation, and the world.

carmencita ago

The human meat package is Beyond Sick and Vomit Inducing. Who would ever want to see any thing like that but a Real Sicko. Barf.

Dkeere ago

I've got the exact same item in a big box of Halloween stuff...

carmencita ago

Now James, we told you to knock that stuff off.

Dkeere ago

This shit is why pizzagate will never be taken seriously, because it's been taken over by goofs like you. Using a prop gag that can be bought at Walmart as proof of some kind of conspiracy, and then downvoting someone that points it out?

That shepherds crook sure keeps your herd in line...

rabies_4_all ago

The hysteria over literally any pic is getting out of hand.

carmencita ago

You know where you can put that crook.

carmencita ago

Little Boy Scared on White Rabbit: While wearing a Disney Shirt.

septimasexta ago

Did you notice the little boy is photoshopped in? A connection with Qfollow the white rabbit? Someone behind the scenes set up this reveal. Been planned for awhile. Timing of hang glider/FBI stroke. Coincidence?

Gunn similar Instagram style as Jimmy Comet. EVIL. Why do we never hear about owners/developers of INSTAGRAM? This is perfect medium for satanic/pedo communication. SYMBOLS ARE VISUAL. The biggest plus (they think) is it affords PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. No words to prove INTENT. Pictures are "subjective" (they think). They cannot win in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION. Just ask Gun(n).


carmencita ago

Hmm. I think you might be right. I saw a little thin line around his shirt on the left side. If that denotes photo shop then it is.

carmencita ago

I can't remember the last movie ticket we bought. I think it was for Buena Vista Social Club. And My Greek Wedding. Don't Laugh. LOL. Photoshopped? I will take a look. I am not good at recognizing that. Oh, Yes we know all too well how effective THOSE PICS are. They do wonders on Twitter.

carmencita ago

Oh my God IMO's I researched St. Louis and IMO's is highly suspect. I believe they are part of or in the Mafia Pizza Control Op They play into the Trafficking Big Time.


Hornbeck and Ownby disappeared 4 1/2 years and 40 miles apart, though both were last seen in towns within 60 miles of St. Louis.

A routine search warrant led police to investigate the Kirkwood, Mo., apartment of Michael Devlin, an IMO'S PIZZA manager and part-time funeral home worker. He was charged with first-degree kidnapping and bail was set at $1 million.

If he is hawking their pizza on Instagram he should be researched for Trafficking. Red Flag.

3141592653 ago

Creepy on so.many.levels.

carmencita ago

I should say so. Look at the comment from HennyPenny. There seem to be connections with Gunn Sr. to Catholic Charities in St. Louis! There is now more reason to check these two out Sr & Jr. Could Sr. have contributed to Jrs. pedo tendencies? Possibly.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Farrrrkkkk that white rabbit shit is CREEPY AS FUCK... These people are beyond evil... That little boy is scared for his life, that is messed up.

siegnagel ago

I didn't want to look, but just did. That's really really fucking bad. That poor kid man... :(

Cc1914 ago

Kinda gives the whole Easter thing a new meaning huh? This is why I don’t celebrate it myself , it’s rooted in evil and Jesus has nothing to do with a rabbit .

mrohm ago

Eh, rabbits are just a symbol of spring. I refuse to let these fucks ruin things for me. I still buy pizza, for example - by which I mean bread, tomato sauce, and cheese, not Skippy shit.

Jamescrow117 ago

Quick poll for the voat audience -

Did you find Roseanne funny?

If so you probably shouldn't be offering up your opinions on comedy.....

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

How much are they paying you? I'm guessing around $10 an hour for a hippie deadhead faggot such as yourself. I'm sure the degree isn't doing you any good.

LexTalionis ago

I don't find associations with Tony Podesta funny at all. Like I said, it's beyond the tweets.

duhiki ago

Combined with the CDaN blinds about Disney, it's not looking so good for the House of Mouse.


carmencita ago

That was one of the best letters ever on steemit. That idiot has over 500K followers. He needs to be Banned from Twitter. And his friend Larry needs to go too.

truthseekertx ago

Apparently, James mentor Larry Kaufman is into child sacrificing and even peed on a child. http://archive.is/TkxFq

carmencita ago

So stupid guy is tweeting about running into the great Oracle of DC, Tony P at Elios. Those tweets were as bad as Gunn's. Not surprised since he is his Men-tor. These two guys surely must be up to more than tweeting. Frightening if they did any of the things in their tweets.

truthseekertx ago


carmencita ago

They brag. But most people take it as bragging jokes. When in reality much of it is truth. People laugh because it is too heinous to believe. This is the new comedy. They are training people. Laugh at sick and heinous, we never did it because it is too sick. Ha! The joke will be on them when all this comes true and they are just dumbfounded sitting and staring at the wall. In a stupor. How did it happen? When did it happen? Then it will be too late. The answer is to STOP THEM NOW. Call them out on Twitter and Call out people in your circle. Don't be afraid to challenge.

think- ago

Thanks, @dtneslo. I hope someone archived the pics. Could you please add a sentence or two at the top of the post and explain who James Gunn is? Many people actually don't know him. You might want to link to his Wikipedia page.


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

More than enough info on this thread. You always show up to caution the good threads and then attempt to sound helpful. We knew you would be here doing this. Like clockwork. Now, get stuffed.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/7Im94 :

LIZ ThesePeopleRSick on Twitter: "James Gunn has been exposed for promoting pedophilia on Twitter & claiming to have child porn thanks to @Cernovich His Insta page is filled w/pedophile, occult & Illuminati symbols. Note the pics of children terrorized by white rabbits! Still think #Pizzagate is fake? #QAnon… t.co/WyM8zXpVMa"

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