Narcissism ago

Peter Tatchell used to spend time in Thailand in the 80's when a lot more stuff went on back in those days.

MolochHunter ago



SeeHear ago

I was wondering how everyone thought a big naked baby was funny. Idiots

luvgabe ago

I can find no source for Peter Tatchell being the organizer of the Trump baby balloon.

luvgabe ago

I finally found a source!

According to a news report by AFP of the July 13, 2018 anti-Trump protest in London, the march was organized by the Stop Trump Coalition, "a network of grassroots campaigns, unions, NGOs and politicians formed for the event". One of the politicians who marched in the protest is "veteran civil rights campaigner Peter Tatchel".

MolochHunter ago

thx for checking, i wasnt very methodical there & took it on faith

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Yuke ago

What a piece of shit.

P.S: Peter Hitchens might be a little shocked to hear himself referred to as 'late'. He's not dead, you are of course mixing him up with his brother, Christopher. But both of them are/were great in their own right.

MolochHunter ago

ah - yes i was wondering if i was pre or posthumous

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

This certainly puts depicting trump as a baby in a new light.

think- ago

Hi @MolochHunter, thanks for posting. I would like to ask you, however, to put the quote into the body of your post, so that people will be able to read it without clicking the link.

Also, please add this link as a verification of the quote to the body of your post, since the Reddit pic is not enough to qualify as legit source:

You can, of course, link any other newspaper article about Thatchell's quote that you may find.

The original letter to the Guardian cannot be found on the internet it seems (it's from 1997).

I'll give you the 24 hours Grace flair, so that you'll have time to edit.

Thank you. Please keep up the good work.

MolochHunter ago


think- ago

Thanks! Will remove the flair.

nzmc ago

just look at irony, pedophile is creating BABY balloon as a psychological projection mechanism and using that as viable tactic as he things for trump, amazing coincidences, those people are stupid

pixiesbitch ago

Says a lot in that case that mayor of London and Muslim brotherhood member Sadiq Khan signed off it. Not surprised with Labour.

Blacksmith21 ago

Khan is a Muslim. High probability he is a kid-fucker too.

pixiesbitch ago

Labour are scum, tories are scum, every political party seems to be full of pedos.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Does he happen to be jewish?

Podge512 ago

This is the same piece of filth who, after successfully campaigning to have the legal age of consent for sodomy lowered to 16 described it as a, "good start. He was also caught engaging in paedophilic banter on his Facebook account.

realityisinsanity ago

Homosexuality is a result of childhood abuse whether sexual and/or mental. It's a mental illness that needs treatment. They used to consider it that not too long ago.

MolochHunter ago

i dont believe in a false either/or premises

I believe much homosexuality is of the precise type you describe above, but i think it can also be indelible from birth , and this observation is not unsupported in the animal kingdom

truthdemon ago

Humans are supposed to have moved beyond acting like animals... Thats the whole.point of acting civilised.. The satanic globalist are using imagery and sex magic to bring us back into our animal state.. Imo the whole point of our souls journey on this planet is not to get trapped in chasing desires but to learn to get off this planet ... This is the basis of the debt system which drives the sale of desires... ... We are meant to leave this world payment debt system not feed and save it buying into their social programming

Imagine everyone turns gay...eould that end the debt system...u will still be a debt slave ... So whether being gay or not is the imperative argument ...its stop being a debt slave to the sociopaths who r distracting u with issues that dont address the debt world ..but rather is anoother ploy to further it..

MolochHunter ago

if the erasure of desire were the evolutionary optimum, one would hope Buddhism would be the worlds fastest growing religion

alas, its Islam

truthdemon ago

We are all legally muslim..inside the world payment system.. Islam means surrender .and we have surrendered it through the double book entry system known as Christ in reverse by the merfhants who had bankrupted Rome around the 1450s .we have collectively surrendered our belongings ...our house, our car ...our children all to the registration process...All title are registered ...regis means roman emperor... Public means roman tax collector.. Buddhism ...comes from the word bodh..means to be aware...once we are aware of this we attain bodh ..we become buddhism...and we become aware of the solution ...which is to reversenthe running of the Christ system...which out of ignorance lend its beneficial potential to a fictional war set up by the merchants of london and venice ...we know it as the debt system... Knowing this all we have to do to reverse the Christ system is tonreduce debt at the US treasury ... The US as trustees for the war of debt of Rome ...will then be our debtors ..and we via our surety rights over Rome will be able to steer the ship away from war... The religions sold inside the war game are different fragments of the whole truth...even the secular payment system is encoded wiith the essence of all religions...which is the surreneder of all title or ownership and we running things as trustess of God.. At the moment the proclamation that the Pope is Gid is temperorary ..till the reTurn of Christ..which is codified phrase for saying when we wake up and re verse ..or re turn the Christ double book entry system.. Only then can we place charges on the pedofreaks ..under univeral jurisdiction ..all charge beingpayable to the US treasury and enforced by the US navy.. Google : universal jurisdictiin wiki Google : dum diversas wiki.. We are undrr papal bull dum diversas which means until different until we act the opposite ... till then Rome.runs the system as a fictional debt systrm.

MolochHunter ago

if there's a redemptive feature of Islam - and i think there's only a couple - its the banning of ursury (to whatever extent its faithfully observed)

I like your vision, you have Scope

truthdemon ago

The origin of islam is ebionite christianity.. ..the islam ..or any religion projected in front of u is a merchant or masonic version ..hiding the code of trust as to use us as human cattle.. The re payment ..happens through the double book entry system called christ.. There is no long haired caesar borgio look a like in the sky.. The christ is us ..acting through the world book keeper US.. the us is US ...we surrender to the US ..and the US surrenders to us.. ..the masons are the broker middleagent distracring us.from the code.. The redemption is reducing the debt at the US is the equivalent of declaring peace..when we increase debt ..the masons have the licence tontreat us as enemy if the state.. Reductiin of the debt is the only redemption... We are all running a christian empire..surrendering to it...but surrendering the administratiin of it to a bunch of socioapths .. An anology of the Christ double book entry system... Is that of a bus... Our birth certificates are like each seat... We collectively own the bus...which houses the seats... We appoint the conductor..who are the directors of the show direct the driver..via the voting system After contracting age..we arr requested by the conductor to be the driver..but he instructs us to drive it in reverse gear.. placing our credits into the templar banking system ..

We have to place our credits into the the Us treasury ..and become the conductors and make them drive the show in the correct direction.. We can only di that when we reduce the debt..

The whole system is based on christian law but run inside a fictional war game

Factfinder2 ago

In-depth article on Tatchell:

Tatchell's interview with a 14-year-old boy, now deleted from his website:

The chapter he wrote in a pedo book called "Betrayal of Youth":

bernitdown ago

Holy shit dude. Like. Pedo confirmed.

MolochHunter ago

you're a fukkn GUN, FactFinder2

carmencita ago

OMG. Here is the quote It's really bad. Good God. He comes right out and says that not all sex with children is unwanted. I would like to ask all those children point blank, if they really wanted sex with those adults.

MolochHunter ago

interesting how this guy - a darling of the Left - still gets a platform, whereas Milo Yiannopoulos said something similar but in a waaay more qualified sense, and has his career destroyed

carmencita ago

Well, they like to spread their NAMBLA propaganda. The MSM is pushing this, so yeah, that's why THEIR Darling gets the play.

YogSoggoth ago

And somehow, I am not surprised. They are all connected. If some of the big ones get arrested, then it might just lead to a long list by snowball effect. They have been molesting children with help from the government until now it seems.

carmencita ago

Everyone is Asleep to their Normalization Campaign Not to mention all the arrests. I don't know what in the HE77 It Will Take.

YogSoggoth ago

If you think about it, just our wonderful (priceless) group of archivists will ensure that none of these people will be elected for dogcatcher if politics go sour. Can't scrub what is archived. I just wish I knew that when Obama was a community activist or whatever. Original birth certificate could have bought me a Hawaii'n sugar plantation when the market was right.

carmencita ago

It's possible it still exists. We have come up with some very interesting finds, things we never thought were out there. Yes, it would fetch quite a pretty penny. I would cheer gleefully.