Vindicator ago

Doing a little research and discovered both the video linked here and the pastebin of the court record have been scrubbed from the internet. Luckily, @shewhomustbeobeyed archived it. In case that gets removed through a DMCA takedown request as well, I'm going to paste the beginning text here, and include a screenshot, since the text contained banned domains.

Welcome all to another Anonymous Dox!

Today we are exposing the corrupted Pima County Sheriffs Department. We hope you will enjoy. As you can see from the dox the whole band is here and the connections are incredible. We have employees of Raytheon and more not to mention enough criminal activity to keep your toes curled. Go ahead, just try to find one of these guys who hasn't murdered another human being "in order to better protect you". With strong connections to the US Attorneys office and DHI and DHS which we all know is FEMA, from top to bottom the Pima Department is covered and completely infiltrated by the elites pawns. It is obvious by their past actions that even their specially designed task force to fight Child Trafficking has only succeeded in a few dozen heroin busts. Clearly the focus of the government, and above government organizations such as FEMA, in cooperation with the PIMA Sherrifs are not for the finding and safe return of the children. Not to worry, we will be keeping it updated and adding any necessary into as we find it.

Just take a look at the enormous RICO case current agency executive Mark D Napier was involved in. Sure he was able to miss the frontal assault but like any good conspiracy, the audio recordings of his own thoughts on the matter and his connections with the DHS make it obvious that he approves of money laundering. Naturally he would approve as it lines his pockets too, and the need for laundering money is extreme. The money must flow somehow. Instead of looking for children who have been stolen, raped and tortured, Mark Napier, Byron Wheeler Gwaltney, Paul David Wilson, Karl James Woolridge, Arresting ocifers Rice, Richard and Howard and the rest included in this dox have been found wanting. They are accessories to International Child Trafficking. They have made it clear their focus is to discredit and destroy the VOP and dismantle the search for these kids. So we will make it clear. Their titles and positions mean nothing because they are not upholding human rights for their populations. They have been found equal partakers in the crimes of smuggling children across the mexican arizona border, using Nogales as a gateway and driving these children straight up through Tucson and into the rest of the USA.

To you, badge and title holders-your titles and metals only prove your level of dedication to the elite- Anonymous' Mortal enemies. You have been found undeserving of privacy, privilege or profession.

Pima County Sheriffs Dept.

Vindicator ago

@darkknight111 @carmencita @Cc1914 See parent. Looks like they've been trying to scrub the information about corruption in the Pima County Sherrif's Dept. that was outted after the VOP arrest. This is related to the Cemex child rape camp.

darkknight111 ago

Did the author delete it?

carmencita ago

Btw, I think I remember Napier of Raytheon being mentioned in one of the threads on the camp site.

carmencita ago

Mayor of Tucson is Jonathan Rothschild

Odd thing about him is he was involved in a non injury accident in a city Prius No charges and then he was also the victim of a carjacking. I find this somewhat strange. I have looked him up before but not deep digging. How many people do you think with that last name are not related to THE Rothschilds?

The mayor is heavily into resettling refugees.

Tell me he doesn't know about that camp site. If they are trying to scrub, they are involved in something or they have orders from someone.

Vindicator ago

@think- See above. Also weird: this submission does not show as deleted -- but when I tried to upvote it, it says "Deleted submissions cannot be voted".

think- ago

To me, it shows as deleted, Vin.


Vindicator ago

Hmm. There's no removal comment from a mod. And the submitter's name is not replaced with [deleted], or [deleted by user]. I wonder if Putt deleted it for doxing due to a DMCA takedown request.

think- ago

Well, when I look at it, the submitter name is replaced with [deleted]. Btw., two of my comments are missing from my comment history, and I didn't delete them. LOL - any chance you experienced the same bug in the past couple days?

Vindicator ago

two of my comments are missing from my comment history, and I didn't delete them. LOL - any chance you experienced the same bug in the past couple days?

I haven't. Are you sure they weren't replies to PM's and you're just looking in the wrong spot? Check you Sent tab.

think- ago

Haha, yes I'm sure!! They were comment replies.

Vindicator ago

That's weird. :-/

darkknight111 ago

They aint the only LE protecting pedos.

Look at page 64. Robert Mueller blocked an investigation into a child sex trafficking ring. Anonymous should get this info.

It would be funny if Anon doxxes Mueller, then that info gets spread to Trump supporters or anyone that hates Mueller.

Cc1914 ago


carmencita ago

UPVOAT!!! Get This To The TOP. Also remember that the Mayor of Tucson is a Rothschild. Yeah. Aha. You read that right.

Cc1914 ago

Hahaha this is awesome ! I love anonymous !

carmencita ago

Isn’t this Amazing?!!! I can’t believe the info drop on this. :) WOW 😮

Cc1914 ago

Yes 😁 I have a feeling its gonna snowball ! Remember when we use to think nothing would get done in regards to PG ? Seems like stuff is rolling now , and won’t stop until it’s all out !

carmencita ago

There was a No Snowball in He77 Chance but yes Now it is a Huge Rolling One. Look 👀 Out!!!

Vindicator ago

Nice job on the archiving, SWMBO. The pastebin was wiped, probably due to a DMCA takedown request for doxing. Might want to add a screencap in case they wipe the as well. It wouldn't let me archive the archive.

carmencita ago

Thank You for including pastebin. I love the written word. I hardly EVER watch the videos. Doesn't work for me. THE Research on there is AMAZING! All the info and names and addresses and relatives. Unbelievable. If this RICO charge really comes about KATIE BARR THE DOOR!!!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It is a lot easier to deal with the written word for me as well. Once we see something we can't un-see it.

carmencita ago

EXactamundo! Also I sometimes make a paper copy :)