Terraeri1 ago

Reviving an old thread here but i just wanted to add a bit more info, i remember watching Peaches on morning tv, promoting this new parenting technique which was basically never leaving your kids side. At the time i thought wow, what a nutcase, the kids going to end up with some sort of personality disorder. But now i believe she was fearing for her kids safety around these dirty pedos. It reminds me again of the Cathy O'Brian story, it wasn't till she had her daughter did she fight to get out of their clutches. Peaches became a mum and was willing to risk her life for her child.

I've never liked Geldof, but i always thought his saving grace was that he took on Hutchence and Yates daughter when they died (murdered)

Now I feel sick. The poor girl has been adopted by a sexual deviant.

Saturnnorth ago

Peaches was a Scientologist. She took a boy to celebrity centre after they had scored heroin and then had sex and took photos.

MichaelClayton ago

This is their new thing. Martyring supposed pizzagate exposers. It's such crap. They got the idea by reading these boards and we're taking the bait. These people didn't die and certainly not because of discovering children were being hurt. Please

Truthseeker3000 ago

Peaches Geldof and Casey Johnson were both offed or “sacrificed” by the Illuminati type groups they and their families belong to. Both talked too much about the secrets of such.

3141592653 ago

What did casey Johnson expose?

Truthseeker3000 ago

She got involved with a reality show girl and got engaged to her, Tila Tequila. Tila said many times she feared for her life in LA and that the “Illuminati” were out to kill her. She nearly got run over by a black suv one night purposely driving to get her. Casey confided everything about her life to Tila about satanic rituals, rape, torture and evil with her Johnson and Johnson family. Nicky Hilton was very close to Casey, the families knew each other well. When the Johnson family found out about the engagement they cut her off financially and she was murdered not long after. She never died by diabetes. Also after she died there’s video showing the cops escorting Nicky Hilton and Bijou Phillips to Tila house where they barged in and took all Casey’s things and her dogs which Tila kept saying we’re going to be sacrificed with Casey. Sounds all weird but true.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the info. Where/how do you know Casey told Tila about satanic rituals, etc?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Tila openly talked all about it. They pulled her videos off YouTube where she went into detail. She had a blog too.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the info

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I am ignorant to the accusations of Geldof and Hutchence death...anybody got a link?

Pizzalawyer ago

I learned by doing a wiki search of each since they were famous enough to have a wiki spot. All degenerates IMO.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Thank you for this thread. A reminder, that some, in that society, are not completely empty, by our standards, and pay with their life for it. Gledof's daughter must have had character. To be brought up in that world and still make a statement, imagine the woman she could be, not being brought up in that world. Even by our standard, they are not all scum.

Pizzalawyer ago

Nepiophelia is the strong sexual.attraction to infants and toddlers, age 3 being the cut off. Ian Watkins, a rock star from the Wales was finally charged and convicted for his sexual abuse of infants along with the young mothers who gave him access to their toddlers. Reports had circulated for years of his sex crimes but police failed to.investigate claiming his rock star status subjected him to all kinds of wild and wacky accusations that they would have trouble proving or sorting out fact from fiction.

Of note is a picture of him holding a naked lifelike babydoll on stage. Shades of Alefantis and friends, wouldn't you agree?.

mrnobu ago

Bob literally said “i blame myself for peaches death”

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He ain't lyin

Tzitzimitl ago

Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof-Cohen

what an informative name

carmencita ago

There's got to be a special place in Hell for parents that allow this to happen to their children.

Gorillion ago

Paula Yates was human garbage. Bob probably is too.

carmencita ago

I don't doubt it and it seems to be quite the thing to sell off your kid or have them killed when not convenient.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Geldof probably had her and Michael Hutchence killed too though #justsayin

siegnagel ago

To be fair as much as I hate Geldof, Hutchence totally mugged his off, any man no matter how meek would be very offended.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Her father is Bob Geldof. I wouldn't be surprised if he killed her or had her killed. Can't have one of his own children going against his teachings and straying from Satan.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Geldof is also connected to the death of INXS lead singer, Michael Hutchence

Pizzalawyer ago

They shared Paula Yates.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yep... I believe PY became MH's handler and when they lost control of him, he had to go...

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Exactly! The man's pure evil.

Oh_Well_ian ago

any man that has been knighted is a ghoul who rapes and eats children

I believe this 100%

Factfinder2 ago

Did you know he used to be a "slaughterman"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Geldof

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm in complete agreement with you. I should probably put together a thread about all the Queen's knights and dames. Here's a few:

See the stars who've managed to impress (bows down) Her Majesty


I wonder what a Dame Commander is? Guess I should start with Judi Dench.

Oh_Well_ian ago

all top actors are MK Ultra multiple personality psychopaths

This is why they have such high fatality rates and so few have extended careers. ( The programming breaks down on most and they become too high a risk. )

That was an assassination attempt on Clooney the other day. Clooney has no established record of drug use or depression so you can't put him down like Heath Leger or Robin Williams.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, totally agree with the MPD angle, but I do think there's more to it, but not many people want to consider the demonic possession angle.

Your theory about Clooney is interesting. I hadn't considered this. He owns his own satellite, too, so I've always thought he was a CIA asset.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Instructions on how to find a deleted Tweet: https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-find-a-tweet-that-someone-has-deleted

darkknight111 ago

Try the way back machine. That could work.

rickman ago

The day after she was found dead her husband was photographed smiling/laughing with a female friend. If she was killed I'll bet he was involved in setting her up.

siegnagel ago

Yes I remember Thomas Cohen with a female 'friend' on his way to her grave grinning like a Cheshire cat. Something way off with Peaches, Geldof, the Husband and her membership of the OTO (which she had tattooed).

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=0ohGV2DJlxI :

Peaches Geldof Murdered for Exposing Pizzagate!! - YouTube

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