Sackajahweeda ago

MT herself was a trafficker right? She put tons of money in the vatican bank how do you think that happened?

ArcherMcTaco ago

The point of interest is how much money she raise for the catholic church (which is still kept secret), figure this out and where it came from you will find the answers you seek

GeorgeT ago

There is a great video by Christopher Hitchins 1994, exposing Mother Theresa. Must watch. Yup - that mother Theresa!!!!

letsdothis2 ago

Tip of the iceberg? :-)

Hillary Clinton attempted to set up an orphanage with Mother Theresa

A further look into NPH Haiti, the orphanage that Laura Silsby visited to find her children - Politics, the church, intelligence services and children.

FATHER RICHARD (RICK) FRECHETTE, current President of NPH Haiti

When Rick Frechette became a Passionist priest in 1979, his goal was to minister to the spiritual health of humanity. Little did he know that one day he would also minister to the physical health of orphaned children and the needy. Born in 1953, Frechette graduated from Assumption College in Massachusetts with degrees in math and philosophy. He next attended St. John’s University in New York and studied theology as a seminarian, and was ordained a priest in 1979. After a few years as a parish priest in Baltimore, he met Fr. William B. Wasson, founder of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos™ (NPH, Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) and worked in Mexico in 1983 at an old hacienda that had been converted to a home for nearly 1,000 orphaned and abandoned children. As a priest and administrator, his next calling was to Honduras to help establish a second orphanage for NPH.

He also founded the St. Luke Foundation which creates dignified jobs in social service fields including 29 street schools, water delivery to the slums, hospitals and clinics and burying the unclaimed dead from the city morgue.

Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity in Haiti directed Fr. Rick to the next turning point in his life.

Mother Teresa' s Sisters of Charity Investigated for Adoption Trafficking (2011)

Mother Teresa Charity Stops Adoptions Over India's New Laws (2015)

The Indian government has responded by requiring that orphanages submit records to a central database, where prospective parents are matched with children


In September 2016, a Spanish nun working for one of the Haitian orphanages was murdered:

Spanish sister killed in Haiti described as 'energetic, enterprising, a woman of vision'

The aging white SUV that Solá was driving got stuck in traffic, authorities said. Though there are varying accounts of what happened next, two men approached the vehicle. At least one of the men shot Solá and a passenger in the front seat. The men took Solá's purse and fled. "Isabel's loss is immense," Fr. Hans Alexandre said at Sacred Heart Parish, where Solá's prosthetics ministry is based, Vatican Radio reported. "In doing this, they didn't just kill a person. They killed the hopes of so many." On Saturday morning, Fr. Enzo Del Brocco, a U.S. Passionist missionary, celebrated Mass at a chapel. In a homily honoring the feast day of St. Gregory, Del Brocco focused on the verities of faith, life and the eternal. But he also honored Solá and asked, "Who would kill someone who was helping the poor? Why?"

Landry said Solá's prosthetic work was only a part of her mission. Solá had "managed to find donors to build schools in remote and disadvantaged areas," Landry said. "She worked in the training of teachers for these schools." Pope Francis mentioned Solá and her dedication to the people of Haiti at the canonization of Mother Teresa on Sunday in Rome.

Pope’s Angelus Address at Canonization of Mother Teresa (mentions Sr Sola):

‘We pray especially for Spanish missionary nun, Sister Maria Isabel Sola Macas, who was killed two days ago in the capital of Haiti, a country so tormented, for which I pray for an end to such acts of violence and for greater security for all. We also remember other sisters that recently have experienced violence in other countries.’

Mother Teresa Canonization: Saint Or Child Trafficker

But, the Mother Teresa canonization is wrapped in intrigue. A certain Sanatan Powell was sold to a Belgian couple from Mother Teresa’s orphanage. For that, Mother Teresa received 100,000 Rupees.


Father Frechette, Hollywood and Scientology

In 2009, Artists for Peace and Justice was formed by Paul Haggis.
APJ began after filmmaker Paul Haggis met Father Rick Frechette, an American doctor and community organizer working in Haiti.

In the same year he left the Church of Scientology

After maintaining active membership in the Church of Scientology for 35 years, Haggis left the organization in October 2009.

Scientology in Haiti

By the time we arrived in Haiti, after a stopover in Miami, we had missed three landing slots at the airport. Aid agencies — genuine aid agencies — from other countries were being turned away, refused permission to land. But we still got a slot straight away. The guy who ran our charter seemed to think that the Scientologists had some real influence with the US Government, who were assigning the slots.

Then there's the Sisters of Mercy. I'm still to do a post on how they are related NPH Haiti. So yeah., 'tip of the iceberg'.

Kacey ago

Parenti wrote a good article about her
I volunteered at her Children's Home in Port-au-Prince in the late 90's. I didn't see anything suspicious. Besides sick children there were a few older orphans. I was there 3 months and never saw any of them leave. The nuns were not bad to the kids, but not at all warm. They seemed more interested in each other and doing their "god duty" and rituals than showing any loving to the kids. Of course one can get compassion fatigue, I understand that.
I was at the time at the end stages of rejecting religion. (I wasn't catholic but interested in the question of God and suffering) My time in Haiti convinced me that if there is a powerful god that god is not good. Her ideas that suffering is a gift from god I found particularly abhorrent, but I don't know if the nuns there subscribed to that. I think they enjoyed their own fellowship and were doing the work to insure their own salvation, nothing more.

jervybingly ago

When asked why she did it Mother Teresa said: To save my immortal soul.

carmencita ago

When qualified doctors visited the home, however they found that the medical care provided was very poor. Most of the volunteers had no medical knowledge and yet had to make medical decisions because there were no doctors available. There was no distinction made between those who were suffering from curable and incurable illnesses so people who might have survived had they been given access to treatment were left to die.

Needles were re-used so many times that they became blunt and they were not sterilized between uses. In 1981 when the state of care in her facilities was challenged she said ‘There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering’. This shows a very cynical use of the poor to further the ends of others.

That's just for starters. There is more.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ho Lee Fuk!

Think you're onto something here. Won't it be interesting to dig into the annals of history and see how many babies and organs Mommie Dearest Theresa gave away over the years.....

@new4now @carmencita

carmencita ago

YES. Mother Theresa herself was not a Holy Saint as jorge wanted us to believe. She did not treat poor people very well. From what I have read (albeit a few years ago) the money was probably going to the Vatican. Just like they are taking money from all the charities. I am sure there are many other imposters.

carmencita ago

Yes, I remember that article Hell's Angel. A perfect choice for jorge bergoglio. And pope john ll. I wonder if she was really a woman, she looks more like jorge. He was involved with disappearing babies in Argentina, they had something in common.

Geo_synchronous ago

Billy Meier's ET friends said Mother T was a child trafficker. Sent most of her donations to the Pope. Wake up people The Catholic religion is a cult. A satanic cult pretending to be Christian.

millennial_vulcan ago

Jackpot. See also my comment!

Shizy ago

Insteresting..... there is a story on drudge today about a mother selling her children.

3141592653 ago

Good find. These poor mothers. Led me to this article:

"India police find babies in biscuit boxes 'for trafficking'." How horrid.

new4now ago

there have been a lot of articles on her and her missionary work being corrupt , she even hooked up with Hellary for a charity house in NY

wintertriangles ago

Hitchens wrote a book about it way back when it mattered, and no one believed him. No does still.

GeorgeT ago

I saw video on Youtube. Great expose! Anybody suffering from hyper cognitive dissonance must avoid it at all costs, but those brave souls who seek the naked truth, please do so. Sick world indeed!

millennial_vulcan ago

I believe him. Was he given the quick killing cancer shot?

Hitchens knew a damn lot, that's for sure...


Mad_As_Hell ago

His book on Bill Clinton is a great read, he hated Hillary with a passion

GeorgeT ago

I believe he was silenced! As was William Cooper, Robin Williams, Joan Rivers (for saying Michelle was a Tranny) JFK, John Lennon.... the list is endless! But they cannot silence all of us. Their days are numbered. Expect new false flag attacks and new divide/rule stratagems - Michael Moore has been Resuscitated by his handlers for another round of Left vs Right.

new4now ago

have to look that up, never heard of him

Tanngrisnir ago

The guy smoked and boozed to an insane degree so he pretty much Darwin awarded himself.

He was a moronic Trotskyist who was only negative on Mother Teresa due to his hatred of any religious figure with good PR. He wasn't some hero bringing awareness to child abuse in religious charities.

wintertriangles ago

He rejected Trotsky later. If you read anything he wrote about...well, anything, you would know he doesn't blindly hate religious celebrities. She was a monster and he wanted to expose it. That's it. She had good PR because of the same fake garbage on TV today, the same that gave the White Helmets a fucking award. In short, you dumb.

Tanngrisnir ago

Yes, he switched from being a Trotskyist to being basically a Neoconservative in all but name, which is essentially the same group rebranded. In short, you dumb.

wintertriangles ago

Yes he was quite a warhawk wasn't he /s

Tanngrisnir ago

You are aware of who we are talking about right?

millennial_vulcan ago

He hated religious freaks FOR A GOOD FUCKING REASON, you FUCKING IDIOT.


He had more intelligence in his shits than you could ever hope to know in your miserable lifetime.

Tanngrisnir ago

Fuck you too.

millennial_vulcan ago

yawn. Whatevs. Easy fling back when you know the other person's right.

Tanngrisnir ago

Nah, worship your Trotskyite idol. Communism is the dumbest religion ever.

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm not disagreeing.

Tanngrisnir ago

He was against religion because it was out of the Communist playbook, moron. He never spoke out on child abuse.

millennial_vulcan ago

he was about to and knew too much/was killed. FFS, ARE YOU NOT LISTENING?

Tanngrisnir ago

Oh yes, I'm sure it had nothing to do with his disgustingly unhealthy and hedonistic lifestyle.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh go tell it to your local kiddie diddling priest

new4now ago

not no one, but very few do

think it was discussed here in many posts

3141592653 ago

mother Teresa herself?

3141592653 ago


new4now ago
