Sackajahweeda ago

WTF is a 13 yo kid doing on grindr and WHYYYY doesnt the app do something to prevent this type of abuse of children?! I swear I could end this oxygen bandits existence straight away no need for a trial...Thank you FBI I am not sure if I could do that job and not hunt the people down off the clock.

Vindicator ago

Oh yeah...and if you look in the sidebar, you'll see I've added the links to the Human Trafficking Arrests spreadsheet and the Notable Resignations. :-)

Vindicator ago

Giving this the Swamp Takedown flair, even though this guy is not very big in the Swamp. What a vile piece of shit!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop trying to legitimize Trump. Always twisting things to your purpose.

Vindicator ago

Stop trying to legitimize Trump.

You're off your rocker, Death. A) WTH does this little child raping Obamawannabe have to do with Trump? B) "Trying to legitimize"? You're delusional. Trump is the President of The United States of America, elected by the American people despite massive illegal fuckery by his opposition. He is as legit as it can get.

Your Shareblue is showing.

millennial_vulcan ago

whoomp! awesome Vind! @carmencita

Huh, so the dad is a surgeon? You know theres an organs for sale connection in there somewhere....!

carmencita ago

Uh Huh. They never miss an opportunity. I don't doubt it.

millennial_vulcan ago

HELLO! NEVER FORGET the dentists chair found on Epstein's Pedo Island. Dentists are pure evil Satanists. ALL of them! (remember the sh*tstain evil prick dentist who killed Cecil The Lion....?)

The address for this kid in the unsealed docs is given as Upper East Side, Manhattan. Isn't that in Epstein's area too, like, in the 60s, I think is where his townhouse is?? @carmencita @new4now @exposethecriminals @Factfinder2 @rickman

lamplight ago

Nope, not all of them are evil. I know many of them.

millennial_vulcan ago

then please recommend a good one in my experience they all seem like evil sadists who love to boast about how much money they make inflicting torture and pain and unnecessary proceedures

lamplight ago

I would but would be doxing myself. Ask for the expensive numbing gel before the needle. It really helps.

lamplight ago

I would but it would dox me. Look for someone who pays the extra $40 for the "real" pain numbing gel. Most use the $8 tube which does nothing so patients feel the needle for novacane.

exposethecriminals ago

Do we have information about how dentists are used in SRA and Pedogate? I came across this slogan for a huge dental company:

Patient Experience, Practice Lifestyle SM

It's weird. Dentistry is work not a lifestyle.

I wonder if for those in-the-know, "patient" refers to an adrenochrome addict not a dental patient, and "practice lifestyle" means using dentists' tools to torture for release of adrenochrome.

new4now ago

where is this kid getting his backing/ money?

this weekend, or if I find time before, I gonna dig hard

and I going to start with Columbia U

took a quick look at their alumni

so many names that have shown up here

a lot of them with ties to Clinton

theres way more to this story and I not going to let it get swept like Jacob Schwartz

have a feeling they both had same porn

millennial_vulcan ago

right on the money N4N. Columbia is RIGHT NEAR to where the kid lived (according to address given in unsealed docs), but on Manhattan West Side I think, not East Side.

I don't trust any of the Ivies. Full of too-smart sick twisted elitest pedo freaks who either end up being suicided because their usefulness has expired or major proponents of ongoing sick freaky deaky shit we hear about and write about. @carmencita

I bet dentist dad and dental assistant mom will end up in a car crash any day now.....

new4now ago

so Dad is a dentist?

thought he a bone doc?

as soon as things calm down, gonna have to read everything

Port Charlotte, Davis family must have been there from start, theres a lot of doctors by the name down there

tbe high school he went to is less then 25 yrs old , check out the classes and groups

think his perversion began there, was recognized in Columbia U and joined up

am sorry, but I not too sympathetic to victims who become abusers

ok I not sorry

millennial_vulcan ago

my bad n4n. perv dad is surgeon. I mistakenly thought dentist (even though all dentists are sick evil twisted dog turds)

new4now ago

alls good

I've been blessed with good teeth

dont have to see a dentist much once I got the wisdoms pulled, and that was over....geez almost 40 yrs ago lol

getting old is not for sissies lol

new4now ago

figured as much, thought I might have missed something

I'm not always right, so thought maybe I should have checked before opening my mouth :)

millennial_vulcan ago

you ARE always right :)

new4now ago

haha, no, but I always willing to admit when I wrong

millennial_vulcan ago

huh. Where did I get dentist from?! I confused b/cos mom dental assistant. Apologies and thank you for correction! Dentists ARE evil though!

carmencita ago

Yes, I believe their usefulness has expired. I want them tied to a dentist chair and ............................ ............................. fill in the blanks.

millennial_vulcan ago

I am thinking whatever you are thinking!

carmencita ago

Ugh. I'ts not pretty. I saw a show where someone put a long tool up a man's nose and pulled out his brain. Very bad. But I am sure there is worse. Ugh. Writing that just made me sick.

millennial_vulcan ago

urrghhhhhhh! definitely having nightmares tonight :(

carmencita ago

Uh, I am very smart at avoiding things. I watched as he neared the victim and I closed my eyes when he got really close, and then I listened to the description. Ugh it still grossed me out.

millennial_vulcan ago

you braver than me <3

carmencita ago

Read this by Mint Press They are not kind to Joel D. The writer has contributed to Ben Swann

carmencita ago

We think alike. Dentist chairs always make me think of JE. and what the sick perverts use them for. Wonder if they put their son in it. No wonder he turned into a violent pedo. WTH did they do to him when he was a child? When he was their son to love and to hold tight. Instead we now have a perverted monster. They are to blame as much as he is. Yes, the Dentist Chair and possibly a connection to JE.

millennial_vulcan ago

we think alike always. I can't deal with the mom and dad. Satanic Monsters.

carmencita ago

I know. I am reminded of the Menendez Family. He should have killed them instead of what he did.

millennial_vulcan ago

Forgot about Menendez for a second. Dear God yes. I have not a jot problemo with anyone taking a shotgun to a monster pedos skull and pumping several rounds.

Not a jot.

millennial_vulcan ago

OMG I need to go bless myself in holy water. I really wish I hadn't read that. However, in a way, folk DO need to read it for this type of sh*t we are dealing with to really hit home. More like 'sucker punched' than 'hit'...I feel sick and dizzy and need a drink. Carm, do not, I repeat DO NOT read this @carmencita

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah. It's horrific, but it must be read. At least by some of us. We are going to be looked to as guides to help people understand this. In order to be able to help, we have to have a pretty good of understand of the reality of things.

carmencita ago

Thank You but I have no intention of reading it. Seeing is very bad but I am very visual so reading will paint a picture in my mind. NOpe. Not a chance.

millennial_vulcan ago

Good ok, was worried. Please don't. It is worst thing I have read on Voat so far. Stomach heaved. Now will have nightmare tonight. Determined all the more to fight for little kids. I can't begin to imagine this is the kind of insane sick horror that babies go through. Ok, now I will run to bathroom to heave.

carmencita ago

I won't say what they should do to that guy but they won't anyway. So he must be locked up for life. Without parole. She loves to spend time with her son. Look what she did to him. And his father. They created this monster. They could have created a kind and loving human being. They can now live with the shame.

rickman ago

Adopted and doctor and dentist for parents. Couldn't make it up. I also notice he calls his adoptive mother Mama Salami. No idea what that means.

This guy didn't just try to meet kids. He also groomed a 13 year old boy on Grindr and got him into his apartment where he raped him.

Blacksmith21 ago

Mama Salami. Do you have to ask?

Blacksmith21 ago

He was well on his way to spirit cooking. I'm guessing that the sicker shit you do, the faster you progress in pedo circles and the more $$$ and power you get.

exposethecriminals ago

Have the parents been discussed? If so I missed it

If not, here is some information:

Joel Davis's adoptive mother -- thanks to @letsdothis2 :

I think this is his dad:

Fathers Day 2018:

Fathers Day 2017:

Dr. Mark Davis

From a video on the page below:

YogSoggoth ago

The Dad is very suspicious IMO, from the pictures where they are out of country ... I just have a feeling. Fox and group are also suspicious just in the groups joined, and the black outfits for the picture? Notice how the bottom row is doing this thing with their arms? How does one go from being adopted to working with the Clinton crime cabal, and then be arrested for disgusting CP by the time he is 22 years old. Oh, and the floating Nobel prize like Oblama got.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Happy Father's Day to my ride". WTF does that mean?

ride 1. a) n. a car wheels b) v. to drive or ride in a car see riders

2. to be the one on top during sex.

Factfinder2 ago

my ride or die

Blacksmith21 ago

So...Dr. Mark adopted his pet boy and turned him into a confused pedo. We are starting to build quite the body of evidence as well as some demonstrable patterns of behavior.

Blacksmith21 ago

And FWIW - He looks of Latin/South American descent to me.

millennial_vulcan ago

AND FWIW, he looks like a MAJOR F*CKING PEDO HIMSELF, smdh.

Sheesh, this story has shat all over my soul :( But thanks for posting BS21, it is so important.

exposethecriminals ago

His mom is Eve-Ann Davis, a dental hygienist:


Factfinder2 ago

Wonky left eye.

millennial_vulcan ago

noticed that too...

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you so much for posting this. Original documents help us see a truer picture of what is going on.

InnocentAngels ago

I did read this last night on another site. I wanted to throw up. Many thanks and blessings to the Fbi agent who took this piece of sh!t down.

Blacksmith21 ago

You have to compartmentalize. You cannot let what you see and read seep into other areas of your life. Bottom line is it is real, it is horrifying, but the only way to stop it is to know it.

new4now ago

there are times I have to step back and look other things up

that compartmentalizing has a way of hitting you at times

being a part of this is the hardest thing I have ever done, and I have not had an easy life

but it's soo IMPORTANT that people wake the hell up, our children and the future are at risk

I'm one of the older ones here, I can plainly see the changes since the 60's

we are plainly headed to a state of pure evil

we are clearly up against a mountain that needs to be blown to smithereens

but we are making head way, more and more each day, people are coming around

TOGETHER we can do this

( wiping tears)

Vindicator ago

TOGETHER we can do this

( wiping tears)

Together we ARE DOING IT. We've been doing. We're going to keep doing it until the cesspool has been flushed.

There are so many good people here, people who have given the finger to the spy surveillance, the black-pilled naysayers, the entitled power-abusers and show up here to keep abreast of the latest discoveries, to chip in, to add research, to encourage each other, to downvote the shills.

It's why I keep coming back day after day. You guys are real deal. :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

I've been compartmentalizing my whole life. I have my "breaks" from time to time, but only 1 person gets to see them.

Have faith and believe in a God above. I don't believe in religion, but I have a very strong personal connection with my God above. Prayer helps.

It sounds like you're older than I, but I'm not young either. I've seen the evil up close and personal. From Podunk to Afghanistan and the ME.

Yesterday was a pivotal day. And there will be more to come.

What you read in the indictment is just a whiff. Imagine that 1,000X magnitude.

Don't get sucked into the dark hole. Appreciate life's goodness and God's awe. Do good things. Be a good person. It will be worth it in the end.

Custodes Vero

new4now ago

have seen avoided the dark hole all my life,

remember how when I was young, Vietnam and the protests, I've totally have disliked " hippies" since then

Now, many, too many in Government

I remember how a Catholic Priest lead many blacks to their death

yea, Father Groppi

it was a long time ago, but I have not forgotten

at one time, I had thought some good came from it, but for the last few years, I know it only ensnared them more

Milwaukee used to be a good place, people with Pride

but the Dems took it all away

I still stay in touch with people there, the awakening there is slow but moving forward

I've seen what happens, maybe that's why I can see whats happening now so clearly

ugly things are coming

millennial_vulcan ago

Ive seen some ugly things too new4now. Its why I'm here fighting the fight. We are good folk and in my simple world, good folk win in the end. I have to believe that otherwise have nothing @carmencita

new4now ago

without faith in something there is nothing

funny how certain things from past are popping up

same stuff they did in the 60's and too many falling for it

in the name of political correctness and the use of rights, they will try to enslave us all

they have a good jump on it too

what a surprise for them that Hellery lost

the battle began that night, a plan already made

we must do what we can to get people to wake up

our country, and all over the world need us

together we can stop this

I'm back on FB and already getting in trouble, most on my list I dont really know, fellow game players, surprise how many know whats going on

carmencita ago

It's awful. I think we had easier times before the internet because the net has opened a whole new world that we never knew. A lot of good but a lot of bad as well. We never knew how horrid some of the things people do to their fellow humans. Beyond comprehension for those that care for our fellow men and women and Our Children. We have to remember though yes, there are still so many good people. They just don't know how bad the others are. I can't believe that the bad will win. I have always believed Good Triumphs Over Evil. @new4now

Vindicator ago

I can't believe that the bad will win. I have always believed Good Triumphs Over Evil.

Vice enslaves, making those who succumb to it ever weaker, stupider and more impotent. Virtue, on the other hand, makes us ever stronger and more free. Only one outcome is possible, so long as we stick to practicing virtue, such as Temperance, Fortitude, Justice, Prudence, Faithfulness, Hope and Love. This has been known for millennia; unfortunately, they don't teach it anymore. We're learning it here, though!

carmencita ago

Education. Education. This is what they are trying to kill for Our Children. We must not allow it. We know this, but we must impart it upon them as well.

new4now ago

the internet will be their downfall

and with the internet, I'm finding A LOT of good people willing to fight for children not their own

even some of our inhouse assholes care about the kids :)

carmencita ago

Oh yes, we do have some of those on here. But when it comes to kids the "Real People" will stand up for them. But then we do have our fakes.

Blacksmith21 ago

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Just gross

Factfinder2 ago

"interested in children aged "0+"

No doubt he'd rape in utero if he could, the FREAK.

YogSoggoth ago

That is why they picked him.