millennial_vulcan ago

Good for you Carm. Upvoating all.

Don't forget too that all this distraction from the real pedo elite. We know who they are wink smile :) :)

carmencita ago

They will be getting theirs soon. Unbelievable lately. So many more are catching on.

GreenDell144 ago

Im surprised he got anything. 5 years ain't justice by any stretch.. But it is more than they usually get.

Hopefully we will see real justice in our lifetimes.

carmencita ago

We can only hope. But not until the devil leaves the Vatican. I think he wanted to nip it in the bud before it blew up any bigger and there was way more to that story than we will ever know.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

As always, you are on top of things. Ty

carmencita ago

Read my comment to expose the criminals. This whole thing just incensed me so. I am so sick of this Freebie.

exposethecriminals ago



carmencita ago

Besides the Horrid Perverted Abuse of the Child Pornography that is what incensed me so. They are getting off Scot Free imo. Plus if he is dealing in CP then we have to know he must be guilty of much more heinous crimes involving those children. Is he creating the CP while raping those children? Idk, but it is a huge possibility. And he is serving only 5 YEARS because he was tried by the Vatican and not in the US. In Canada they put out an all country wide search. Here, Pffft.

InflationSlave ago

5 years is a long time for having and posting pictures. Since there is no cure for teh gay, I assume there is no cure for pedos, so what's the point anyway?

carmencita ago

The point is to get them off the streets and keep them away from Our Children. Lock them up and throw away the key. There are others on here that have much worse punishments in mind.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

It's called deterrent. If there's no punishment, there's nothing to make them think twice, therefore the demand for such material goes up, therefore production goes up, therefore, more kids get victimized.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Besides, they also get processed as sex offenders like the disgusting perverts that they are. I'd be happier if we publicly executed them, but alas, I'm not the one making the rules.

JJNova ago

Your post is the only one that makes sense. He was busted for possession, not production. Looking at images of a murder doesn't make you a murderer.

I wish they would bust more creators.

Shizy ago

sick fucks who are the consumers of the product of child porn drive the market for producing child porn. If these sick fucks weren't "looking at images" then children wouldnt be getting raped to produce them! How the fuck do you not understand that!?!!!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

The point is that the creators are fueled by demand... furthermore, this is very much a situation of "smoke and fire". Does this piece of shit deserve 5 years, 10 years, 30 years??? That's up to the courts if they have no evidence of him engaging in/supporting illegal activities directly.

However, the whole case re: the Catholic Church is very hush hush. We all know it is happening and has happened extensively, yet the evidence/trial details/sentencing is very hard to find. Massive troves of CP in the church likely mean they are acquiring this outside of the church. The sources need to get nabbed/exposed.

My hope is that 5 years is a reflection of this worthless diplomat cooperating and spilling those details.

Octoclops ago

I assume there is no cure for pedos

Yes there is. Drain cleaner clears it up pretty quickly. You should try some too.

lamplight ago

No! This is not justice. I'm tired of people who put on one holy face in public and an evil face privately. What about the victims?

carmencita ago

Here is the thing. Who believes that he did not do it before? He says he did not do it in his early priesthood and insinuates nor when he was younger. Priests like him have caused people to not trust the word of a priest. We know that they can lie, now that we have a liar sitting in the Vatican.

YogSoggoth ago

I went to Italy to represent a righteous religion, and I was so depressed after being there, I immediately started downloading/trading CP. Never felt that way before. I wonder if the Italian judges would let that skate by, even with the influence by the church?

carmencita ago

Imo, the Vatican pretty much owns the politicians. So they own the judges as well. Plus they have their own court and jail. I am sure the judge will get a phone call when necessary.

Factfinder2 ago

I'm with you. Stop the insanity. We don't need a Vatican embassy. Anything that needs to be said to the Vatican can be said via video conference. Imo, we should rethink the whole embassy system.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm beginning to think the entire UN operation is nothing but a bunch of pedophile diplomats.

YogSoggoth ago

Vatican City is it's own country. Properties of the Holy See. Look it up for patterns. Knights of Malta proudly put the sticker on the back window.

Shizy ago

Yep that's basically what it is.

mooteensy ago

I've thought that for a while now too. A total sham.

carmencita ago

Exactly. I highly agree. I think they began the program to take care of their friends. Diplomats have many perks. There is also the Embassy in Art Program as well. I think we have covered that here.

derram ago :

Vatican arrests diplomat involved in Windsor, Ont., child porn scandal | The Star

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carmencita ago

TY! :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

y v w

RedditIsTheBest111 ago


carmencita ago

Diplomatic Immunity is a get out of jail free card. They can get away with almost anything. I remember a case of a guy I think he was Saudi, he killed a girl with his car and there were other circumstances, it was on 60 Min. He did not end up in jail. I bet there are many more of these cases, where they get off of crimes against children. Yes, I agree with your idea.

YogSoggoth ago

Remember the Saudi princess whose slaves escaped in Orlando?