exposethecriminals ago

I'm not sure if this means anything, but the "U" in special education school Umeed-e-Noor's logo is similar to an alchemy symbol for Autumn:

Umeed-e-Noor logo:


Alchemy symbols:


Spirit cooking is dark alchemy:

Hell’s Kitchen - Spirit Cooking with John Podesta & Marina Abramovic

Spirit Cooking is the title of one of her books which includes recipes that seem to center around mystical alchemy (disguised as artistry)

Iam7777777 ago

Melanias jacket was a message to pg. https://www.instagram.com/zara/?hl=en

GreenDell144 ago

Great research. Great post. Upvote city.

septimasexta ago

"The Clinton Foundation and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)"

"On March 19, 2015, U.S. first lady Michelle Obama and her Japanese counterpart Akie Abe announced a pledge “to strengthen bilateral cooperation in helping girls around the world receive an education, especially in developing countries.” The U.S. government will spend $250 million supporting girls’ education in the 2015-16 budget and the Japanese government will outlay $350 million or more under its Official Development Assistance (ODA) program during the next three years. According to the Japan Times, “Under the partnership, the Japan International Cooperation Agency… and the U.S. Peace Corps, both sending volunteers abroad, will formalize cooperation and ‘focus in particular on advancing girls’ education through cooperation on the ground in countries around the world.’”

This effort represents a promising starting point for cross-sector cooperation among U.S. and Japanese aid agencies, companies, civil sectors, and local social entrepreneurs to create a “Collective Impact” on girls’ education in Asia. Moreover, this model could serve as a framework for additional U.S.-Japanese development collaboration utilizing cross-sectoral expertise in ways that benefits both countries." https://www.cogitasia.com/u-s-japan-efforts-in-girls-education-can-serve-as-basis-for-cross-sector-collaboration/

ESOTERICshade ago

Great thread exposethecriminals. You have been pounding the pavement lately :)

exposethecriminals ago

Thanks. This one hit me hard; I don't know why but this logo got to me, even the "U" and the person with "a crown" on feels Satanic. I really wanted to work hard on this post overall. Who knows what's going on but I have a bad feeling.


ESOTERICshade ago

That pic just sort of has a bad vibe.

exposethecriminals ago

Yeah, it does

MolochHunter ago

do we have any confrimation that the babies are stolen / sold for the purpose of sexual exploitation? In pakistan you have other shit going on like women who give birth to a girl, know their husband/family will punish them for not having a boy instead

exposethecriminals ago

The Chief of Allied Hospital (as of 2017) is/was Dr. Mohammad Aslam:


He may be the one in the center: https://kek.gg/i/3JhSg2.jpg

He is a cardiologist, listed here as Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Aslam:


Quicktor ago

exposethecriminals ago

Bukhari estimates at least 90% of all working children in Kasur under the age of 14 experience sexually harassment or other forms of exploitation, and says he has come across hundreds of cases.

Horrifying!! Thank goodness well-meaning adults found the two boys safe new jobs

Quicktor ago

yeah this whole "generational sodomy in the name of god" routine produces submissive, egoless masses that parasitically devour their surroundings...and it ain't just Pakistan that's fucked...

but aren't those figures amazing to consider....that is ONE town...there are close to 2 billion people between India and Pakistan alone...

exposethecriminals ago

Yes, heartbreaking. I couldn't even get through this documentary:

Pakistan's Hidden Shame

Pakistan’s Hidden Shame: Documentary reveals horrors of pedophilia in K-P


GreenDell144 ago

Monstrous. I’m at my limit reading these horrible and heartbreaking accounts. 🙏🙏🙏

exposethecriminals ago

Here is the Facebook of the Medical Superintendent of Allied Hospital, Dr. Khurram Altaf; he has 2,000+ professional seeming Facebook friends:

https://www.facebook.com/khurram.altaf.399 archived here

Yesterday he posted from the military line of control for occupied Kashmir. Of course innocent until proven guilty, but does anyone have insights into any potential relevance for that location?


septimasexta ago

Kashmir is a muslim controlled part of India. Last year, Senator Schumer helped bring in a pedo-athlete from that region (circumventing Trump's immigrant visa ban).

"Senator Chuck Schumer pulled visa strings for Indian snowshoe racer, 24, who 'sexually abused a 12-year-old girl' while in the US for a contest after initially being denied a visa Tanveer Hussain, 24, has been arrested for allegedly touching the girl in an 'intimate area over her clothing' Senators Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand contacted the New Delhi embassy The senators' help allowed Hussain to get a visa to compete in the race Police said the assault happened Monday in Saranac Lake, New York Abid Khan, a fellow snowshoer from Kashmir, said the girl followed him and Hussain around in 'an affectionate way' during their stay in the village"

"Abid Khan, president of the Snowshoe Federation of India, said Hussain told him he is innocent. Khan also came to the village from Kashmir for the world championships but did not compete." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4275652/Indian-US-snowshoe-contest-accused-sex-abuse.html

exposethecriminals ago


rarepeeks ago

@Vindicator actually cleaned the slime off the sticky area and stickied some decent and relevant PG material. Am I dreaming? Maybe I should pinch myself.

kestrel9 ago

I haven't had a chance to read much on the connections but even so I found an Interesting note on JICA and that lead me to the Iran Deal LOL


  • Their history starts October 1954

  • Affiliation with Colombo Plan. Launch of Technical Cooperation Projects

From the list of Council Presidents I picked one (#44 on the list) to check out, due to year and his country of origin. http://www.colombo-plan.org/index.php/about-cps/council-presidents/


H.E. Abdolreza Faraji-Rad

Islamic Republic of Iran

July 1991 – July 1992

Abdol Reza Faraji-rad,was Ambassador to Norway under Iran President Khatami and is now apparently

director general of chairman’s office at the Tehran-based Strategic Council on Foreign Relations (SCFR), Abdolreza Faraji-Rad.

He reportedly just met with John Kerry recently.

John Kerry, who served as secretary of state from 2013 to 2017 under the Obama administration, was allegedly seen meeting Iranian officials on May 12.

Kerry was seen meeting with three Iranians with a five-man security detail, who were traveling in diplomatic vehicles, stated Jason Osborne on twitter. (He was former senior adviser to the Trump presidential campaign).

So John Kerry just left a meeting @ L’Avenue in Paris w/3 Iranians. A friend was sitting next to their table and heard JK blasting @realDonaldTrump. The Iranians had a 5 person security detail and left in diplomatic vehicles. Is he FARA registered?

A follow-up tweet included images of the men who met with Kerry. One was former Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharrazi, another appeared to be Iranian Ambassador to France Abolghassem Delfi, and the third was allegedly the director general of chairman’s office at the Tehran-based Strategic Council on Foreign Relations (SCFR), Abdolreza Faraji-Rad.

Tweet from M. Hanif Jazayeri: "The one in front is certainly Kamal Kharazi (#Iran regime's FM from 1997-2005). The one behind the door looks very similar to Abolghassem Delfi (current Ambassador to France). See photos for comparison. Please bear in mind these ppl aren't diplomats. They're diplomat-terrorists." pic.twitter.com/4ZoSA9cyJ6



exposethecriminals ago

That's incredible what you found just by choosing one connection to JICA. Thank you for adding that.

Indigo- ago

The school website image looks like their doing the hear no, speak no, see no thing.

exposethecriminals ago

I agree. The cell phone threw me off. I wonder what the person wearing the monkey costume is signing. According to Wikipedia sign language varies in Pakistan, but it's hard not to notice the possible "devil's horns" sign (or it's simply "I love you" in ASL.) It's chilling to consider what might be going wrong there.

Indigo- ago

Also that interlocking hand gesture which is meant to represent the spiral, according to that website it is called the Venus lock and channels sexual energy. Website is galacticconnection.com

Indigo- ago

SURYA OR RAVI MUDRA (SEAL OF SUN, LIFE) How: Touch the tip of the ring (third) finger and the tip of thumb together. The other three fingers are straight. Effect: Revitalizing energy, nerve strength, and good health. Planet: Sun; energy, health, and sexuality. Uranus; nerve strength, intuition, and change.

This apparently is one of 6 ancient hand gestures, and that is the description for the ring finger gesture.

Vindicator ago

Great thread, EtC. I'm giving this a "New Evidence" flair.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you !

argosciv ago


Been taking notes myself ;)

carmencita ago

Made me sick reading this:

Umeed-e-Noor intends to provide the infrastructure and support necessary to meet the needs of special children, including a residential facility for them. Particular emphasis is placed on aiding children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds; early intervention services for babies and young children; programs that integrate all aspects of learning, including language, cognition, motor, self-help socialization and play skills; vocational and life skills training for special children; counseling and support services for parents; and raising awareness about special children in the community as a whole.

It all sounds wonderful but all while reading it I know none of this will come about. It will be the exact opposite. When the Clintons say they are going to help children, they mean they are going to help themselves to the children. This whole site sounds lovely and that's exactly what makes me sick.

carmencita ago

Just got started. Looks like two Awans and Bibi ran for office


Rasheeda Bibi https://www.facebook.com/The-SAVVY-School-Rasheeda-Campus-992921417514296/ https://www.facebook.com/The-Savvy-School-Model-Campus-Jaranwala-Road-Faisalabad-176482452965653/

Malik Tehseen Awan https://www.facebook.com/maliktehseen.awan

Khushnod Ahmad Awan https://twitter.com/KhushnoodAwan Khushnood Ahmad is what I have found. When I typed in Faisalabad he came up.

Rasheeda seems to have a School I don't have FB account.

racmo ago

I know many voaters aren't buying into the whole "Q" thing, but he (they) did state that these people are into the sickest most heinous crimes imaginable....

ESOTERICshade ago

I know many voaters aren't buying into the whole "Q" thing, but he (they) did state that these people are into the sickest most heinous crimes imaginable....

Stop trying to give Q credit for stuff humanity has known for a thousand years. You scammers need to fuck off.

Shillaxe ago

We've been saying the same thing for MUCH longer than Q.

flyingcuttlefish ago

blogging this ....

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you. Those poor chlildren

exposethecriminals ago

Nataliia / Natalia Sova "Awan Spy from Ukraine":


Active Ukraine program - Global Adoption Services:


exposethecriminals ago

June 11, 2018: Zero Hedge: Why Does Imran Awan Work At His Clinton-Linked Attorney's [Chris Gowen's] Law Firm?

  • [Chris Gowen's] official bio.... “left the Public Defender’s office to work for former President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Senator Hillary Clinton. Chris was a fact checker for President Clinton’s memoir, ‘My Life.'”

  • “He also served as a traveling aid for President Clinton’s national and international trips. Chris finished his tenure with the Clintons by directing the advance operations for then-Senator Hillary Clinton during her 2008 presidential campaign.”

  • ...work for the Clinton Foundation and its Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Health Access Initiative


kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the ping and great post :) Will dig in later, but for now I found this (it's from April so maybe everyone knows already)

April 19, 2018 Imran Awan's Father Transferred USB Drive To Ex-Head Of Pakistani Intel Agency


The father of Imran Awan - a longtime IT aide from Pakistan who made "unauthorized access" to the House computer network - reportedly transferred a USB drive to the former head of a Pakistani intelligence agency, alleges the father's ex-business partner, Rashid Minhas.

Minhas told the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) - which traveled to Pakistan to interview those involved - that Haji Ashraf Awan, Imran Awan's father, had been giving information to Rehman Malik - former head of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and current senator. Malik was appointed to Interior Minister in early 2008, only to step down in 2013 after he lost a Supreme Court hearing over holding dual UK citizenship.

UK/Pakistani Citizen, Head of FIA? What could go wrong?

Minhas told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Imran Awan’s father, Haji Ashraf Awan, was giving data to Pakistani official Rehman Malik, and that Imran bragged he had the power to “change the U.S. president.”

Asked for how he knew this, he said that on one occasion in 2008 when a “USB [was] given to Rehman Malik by Imran’s father, my brother Abdul Razzaq was with his father.” -DCNF

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you so much for the additional information. Exactly, what could go wrong....?

exposethecriminals ago

It's possible Imran Awan and his family are involved in what is described in the article below, as they seem to be very much in control in Faisalabad.


"Protect me from the beasts," pleads sex-trafficked Pakistani woman [trafficked at 15]


FAISALABAD, Pakistan (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Zunaira Muhammad was 15 years old and....forced her into sex work [in Dubai.]

They are trying to elude the traffickers and corrupt police and government officials, whom her family and lawyer say are in the pay of powerful Pakistani gangs that ferry young girls back and forth to Gulf states selling them for sex.

Her story is not unusual. A significant number of girls and women are trafficked from Pakistan to the Gulf for dancing jobs and sexual exploitation

Pakistan is one of the worst countries in the world for human trafficking, according to the anti-slavery group Walk Free Foundation.

....traffickers operate in Punjab [which includes Faisalabad,] Pakistan’s largest province in the north west, bordering militant tribal areas near Afghanistan where reports are plentiful of trafficking in women and children.

....some FIA [Federal Investigation Agency] agents and police are aiding and abetting criminals.

[Zunaira's relative's] wife said that the police and the relative of a local politician allegedly are protecting the trafficking gang. “During the time my husband was detained, my sisters and I slept in a public park in Faisalabad city due to our fear of being kidnapped,” Qammar Sajjad Ashraf said.

“Police officials have been bribed by the wealthy, individual traffickers as not a single culprit who fired at Zunaira has been been arrested so far,”

[Zulfiqar Bhutta, the family's lawyer] is preparing a motion to transfer the case to Islamabad in an attempt to limit the influence of the traffickers. Meanwhile, Bhutta has been threatened outside the Faisalabad courthouse for his interest in Zunaira’s case and the police have provided him with security.


carmencita ago

Dont know if this applies but DWS had affair w/Awan and she is from Broward County where the Kaskys live. They run an Adoption Agency we researched during the Parkland Shooting. Can’t dig now on Phone.

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, thank you, I did not know that

carmencita ago

Will help out later

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you

MemeAmericaGreat ago

Of course, OP doesn't know what's going on here. If you've got a few minutes, I can explain it, so Western minds can get wrapped around it.

First, Imran Awan, or better known in Pakistan as Asrraff Imran Awan. That's right; he bought himself a tribal chieftain's title in his warrior tribe. That's right; he's a muslim warlord. I'll bet you'll be surprised to learn it's also called the Awan Tribe.

Wait what's going on here?

Awan's not a family name, it's the name of an ancient tribe of killer's, smugglers & white slavers. I shit you not! I'll wager, wife #2 the Ukrainian woman was purchased as a child bride. These Awan's are another Eastern Asian ancient bloodline, which has bundled up local opium from Pakistan & India for shipment by the British East India Company to China since 1718. Yup, this same tribe has been supplying the Queen of England's dope to China for hundreds of years. They created a nation of addicts cultivated by the British in China.

Remember Gandhi? Yup, he was a sandles & high fashion skinny, opium addict!

truthdemon ago

I have researched the sassoons and tatas and birlas as opium agent sof east india company.. Parsis set up hong kong and built ships for the east india company.. Where did u get info about this tribe being opium agents..i know a punjabi tribe called khetris used to be opium agents for the mughals and then the british.. I havent come afross the awan tribe..but please show me anyblinks u have.

septimasexta ago

I've done quite a bit of research on the British East India company. Could you document your statements? They are quite interesting and could be significant. Did they work for David Sassoon in India?

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for making the first comment of your year old account on my thread! Of course I don't know what's going on, and, I just read about the Awan tribe history the other day but completely forgot about it when I was making this post. Thank you for adding it!

YogSoggoth ago

Not getting into that, but for everyone's benefit this is a good timeline of known events. How Did The Awan Family Become Respected And Trusted ... How Did The Awan Family Become Respected And Trusted Washington ... Then his brother, Abid Awan, then Abid's wife, Natalia Sova became popular with those on ... Search domain www.investmentwatchblog.cominvestmentwatchblog.com/how-did-the-awan-family-b Was she a child bride, or is she a Bolshevik plant? Why so anti Russia? Most of the trouble in the region is over the golden triangle(opium). Re: [CTRL] Captain Prescott and The Opium Smugglers -Caveat Lector- Well, it seems that the Prescott name come to the Bush Family by way of Lucy Prescott. George HW's great, great, great, great grandmother, born 1757 - died 1792, both Concord MA.. Search domain www.mail-archive.comhttps://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/m

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, thank you --

How Did The Awan Family Become Respected And Trusted Washington Insiders? Is DC The Zoo It Seems To Be?

http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/how-did-the-awan-family-become-respected-and-trusted-washington-insiders-is-dc-the-zoo-it-seems-to-be/ ; archived

(I couldn't find the other one)

YogSoggoth ago

I still cant figure out why I can't post a friggin link here. Could be search engine trouble as well, but search Bush,ancestor, opium, and scroll. Quite welcome as always, and no need.

exposethecriminals ago

Okay, thank you

NoBS ago

"Of course, OP doesn't know what's going on here."

You start out as an asshole and end up with value added input.

I guess even assholes can post opinions that have merit.

Unlike you and I, the typical lazy poster with no links or investigative work, exposethecriminals makes hard work look easy. Way too easy for your pompous ass.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you!

NoBS ago

It's the least this lazy bastard can do. Don't let the punks drag you down to their level, let the asshole like me do it and take a breather, you earned it.

exposethecriminals ago

UPDATE: Imran Awan's father's ill-gotten farmland is in Chak No. 7 J.B., Faisalabad, just 12 minutes from Allied Hospital:


Rawrination ago

Gotta wonder what kind of crops he's planing there and what he's using for fertilizer.

opinionatedduck ago

I wonder if CEMEX has contract/s with them

Sum-of-Nun ago

Not sure what this means but ctrl f cemex.


toutedesuite ago

WTF is this link about? Mentions China forcripesake, and a torrent of search terms in a jumbled mess. This is a rabbit hole for sure, good catch.

Rawrination ago

cemex owns the land the child rape and murder cap was found on.