Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, indeed! You can't get more blatant.

TrishaUK ago

Some of the comments are shocking but wonder what this woman means by her comments:- D'asia L. ----------

Awesome shirt. This is the most souls I've gotten in weeks. ------------

great deals on souls. like taking candy from a baby ----------- ** more children then i like to deal with in one day** ----------- Is she dealing in babies? I need to try see if I can see her anywhere else on the internet!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, those aren't normal comments. Thanks for scrutinizing!

TrishaUK ago

For what its worth, D'asia L. & De'Asia L. Thompson - Looks like the same woman to me. (don't know how to add pics here). Shes a Clinical Social Work/Therapist, MSW, LISW, LCSW - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/deasia-l-thompson-centerville-oh/348752 - HTTPS://WWW.PSYCHOLOGYTODAY.COM/US/THERAPISTS/DEASIA-L-THOMPSON-CENTERVILLE-OH/348752 - (216) 465-0603 - HTTPS://DEASIATHOMPSON.COM/ -

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Hmm... hard to say for sure. Lots of people have the same name, and choose to spell it differently at times. I was doing Kate Spade research and found out Angel Pagan was the company's accountant. I thought this was strange until I saw other people including a pro baseball player with this same name.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The toon just had to have an all seeing eye necklace. They are obsessed with that nonsense. It's corny to me, but it is their symbolism.

cantfindmenow ago

What are you suggesting? That the festival and the clothing company are involved in paedophilia based on this imagery? I dont see it. The clothing may seem odd or weird to many but I know people who think novelty clothing is a great laugh (usually young students). When my son was a teenager he practically lived on pizza. I could see myself buying him the pillow or even pjs for a laugh as a novelty gift. Not everything with the all seeing eye has to mean evil. The cartoon character is jake the dog from adventure time. Hes a magical shape shifting dog, the t shirt design works. And the triceratops looks like a trippy dinosaur- which would be pretty cool to the crowd going to a dance festival. The only thing I find suspect is the panda on the pizza. Check who the designer was for that one maybe?

There have been pizza/cat memes as long as there have been memes so they're going to find their way on to tshirts without anything sinister going on.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Since I have been alive, never seen any family or friends obsessed with pizza in any way other than eating it. But talking about it and wearing pizza themed clothes or bed sheets? Never. And we don't obsess about the all seeing eye and constantly flash the A-ok 666 sign. You're just wrong, it's being pushed bu their is no demand for it.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Hi, welcome to Voat!

I see you're new here. I'd like to believe you're here to learn and contribute, but it seems as though your only objective is to promote more cognitive dissonance.

cantfindmenow ago

Hi! Tad judgemental but I understand voat will get a lot of people on here whose objective is to do just that. I'm not. I'm asking legitimate questions and giving my honest perspective. Just because I'm new here does not mean I'm new to pizzagate.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You may not be new to Pizzagate, but you need to do your homework on symbolism. Being that all of these symbols are being used to represent EDM and Bonnaroo should speak volumes to you. You're rationalizing this just as (((they))) want you to do.

cantfindmenow ago

Believe me I've studied symbolism for years and know of the relevance in pizzagate. I still think your reaching with this. If more evidence comes to light then I'll keep digging with you but as it stands alone these images are not enough to make me believe both organisations are involved in paedophilia especially the festival. That sort of imagery is really normal in music events that want to project an 'out there' vibe to its audience. Like I said the panda/pizza is suspect but I think its important to keep a balanced perspective on things at all times.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Not all of the symbols are representative of pedophilia, but the owl, All Seeing Eye, and others are definitely related to the illuminati, and we know that pedophilia and the illuminati are connected. Nobody is asking you to help dig. Please go to threads you feel you can contribute to rather than spending your energy on threads you prefer to dismiss.

pixiesbitch ago

this is one way they push their agenda and normalise it to be trendy and cool and then you’re just a bitter old person if you say anything

dundundunnnnn ago

Track ALL suicides.

Example 1:

Think Spade.

Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).

Trace to Import/Export.

Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.

Trace sale/spin off of Co.

Trace to CF.

Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks and I've been keeping my eyes open. Seeing this is a thread related to the music industry, Clive Davis also contributed to the same children's cause as Kate Spade. There's also a list on this same page that shows other charities Spade, Davis, Hawn, Russell, and Douglas all contribute to. https://www.looktothestars.org/charity/new-york-center-for-children

I hope Clive Davis is next to be suicided.

Ever look into him? I know he hasn't been discussed very much.

"Clive Davis: The Devil in the Music Industry"

The CBS Records Group was led by Clive Davis until his dismissal in 1972, after it was discovered that he had used CBS funds to finance his personal life, including an expensive bar mitzvah party for his son. We call it elite white collar corporate felony embezzlement with criminal impunity. http://www.topix.com/forum/afam/TKH2IUVOBNCQM0DMV/clive-davis-the-devil-in-the-music-industry

Above, Little Lucifer and Clive Davis huddled up and cozy at the Beverly Hilton the afternoon that Whitney Houston was found dead. https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2012/03/11/pandoras-box-ray-j-little-lucifer-young-buck-clive-davis-the-assassination-of-whitney-houston/

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

In 2013, Bonnaroo brought its stage to YouTube.[21] In conjunction with talent and Bonnaroo fans, Bonnaroo and Los Angeles production company Kids At Play created Soopergroop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnaroo_Music_Festival


Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I do find it creepy how the Bonnaroo festival is held at a place called "the Farm."

Bonnaroo also stood as the largest ­independently produced music ­festival -- until April 28, when Live Nation announced it had acquired a controlling interest in Bonnaroo and "The Farm," its 750-acre site, for an undisclosed figure. https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/6590603/superfly-jonathan-mayers-richard-goodstone-bonnaroo-live-nation

The CIA has a training facility called The Farm and Alefantis had a photo of him with a baby saying, "This little baby loved the farm" https://twitter.com/arrestpodesta/status/844831315425845248

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Good catch.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thank you

carmencita ago

The first link with the clothing website was enough for me. If you don't see it in that one, I feel sorry for you. All over the place really. I would not know where to begin. Almost Everything on there is Suspect. I would not wear any of it or buy any of it even if free. They could offer me enough to outfit me all day every day for a year. I bet there are Goofs that would grab at that. People have no morals anymore. All About the Money.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Since I have been alive, never seen any family or friends obsessed with pizza in any way other than eating it. But talking about it and wearing pizza themed clothes or bed sheets? Never. And we don't obsess about the all seeing eye and constantly flash the A-ok 666 sign. Your just wrong, it's being pushed bu their is no demand for it.

carmencita ago

There was not a demand for it. They made it look like there was a demand for it. So, stupid moms and dads are buying this junk because their kids friends all have it. They create a Storm around the items. You are older probably. I would never buy that stuff for gifts. Dumb bunnies think they have to have whatever is being pushed.

Blacksmith21 ago


Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm right there with you!