There is no help or rehabilitation for the evil filth which seems to be half of all Britts. Those guilty of raping children don't deserve to live. I don't want to pay the co$t of their prison sentence. Do you?

pixiesbitch ago

Yikes, it is not half of all Brits. Ridiculous. It is muslims and they are not British. They always say here, Muslim first, British second. Their true allegiance lies with Muhammad who is said to be perfect in the Quran, so we all know why they like raping underage children.


Sorry. Didn't mean to offend you. Just my observation. :)

pixiesbitch ago

It’s fine, but I’m just letting you know it’s ignorant to say half of all Britons are paedophiles.

Podge512 ago

Bullets are much cheaper!

urbanmoving ago

I remember hearing about this thanks for reminding me, time for the big guns to fire

Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair.

dreamwarrior23 ago

This is why they turned a blind eye to the rapes. This is why much of Europe has allowed mass migration of people with a rape culture, so they could enjoy sloppy seconds undetected. Now we know the truth. They don't care if they destroy their own race as long as they could have their little girls and boys

auralsects ago

Oh my God that might be the absolute dumbest thing I've ever seen posted on this sub. Congratulations. WOW.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I said this from the outset.

This was never a racial issue.

urbanmoving ago

Its a belief system and it ties into so much

carmencita ago

An investigation has now found that, in the town of Rotherham in South Yorkshire in the UK, at least 1,400 children were sexually abused over a period of 16 years.

Do not miss the pic of Jimmy S with MI5 Pedo on his t-shirt. Yes, he bought a Speedo t-shirt and crossed out the s & e and wrote in MI5. Again, we can't and don't have to make this stuff up. This is a MI5 Controlled area imo. A free for all for the Elites and whomever.

MolochHunter ago

also in Telford, 3 Council workers involved

protection rackets - cops take money on a promise to send complainants packing, not to arrest or quash investigations

also the Labour council had 'voting block agreements' with imams. See, if an Imaam says to his islamic congregation 'You will all vote for Party x ' they bloody well will. They do not vote according to conscience with the same frequency westerners do, they vote in a block for the party most tolerant of the creeping introduction of Sharia Law - including menstruation as the acceptible age for intercourse, and sexual slavery of kaffir as practiced by the prophet himself. And thats why the labour Council destroyed the whistleblowers dossier of 300 cases of child sexual exploitation - to do otherwise jeopardised their precious voting block

Now, what's so interesting about the corrupt police dynamic here is that even though this shows 'evil white patriarchy' is also behind Grooming Gangs, it is the TOOL OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS that these cops found MORE EFFECTIVE than not being politically correct

because regardless of its intentions and aspirations the ideological flaws within political correctness (never objectively assess or challenge a claim to oppression, suppress freedom of speech) render it more readily usable to those breaching Human Rights than by rejecting political correctness.


Even if you are passionate about Human Rights, Political Correctness is a counterproductive method of upholding them

auralsects ago

why don't you british parents take some responsibility for allowing jewish filth to brainwash your children into such dirty whores who don't value their bodies? pathetic.

kazza64 ago

you're a dirty whore

3141592653 ago

You are calling kids "whores." That is sick

auralsects ago

The average age of virginity loss in UK is 14. (That means half of them lose it younger.) So clearly that's not a kid and clearly youre the intellectual equivalent of a dull knife. And yes I'm calling them whores, as thats manifestly the case since they literally sell their bodies for loose cigarettes.

darkknight111 ago

Our resident donkey is either a psychopath or a sociopath. Of course he's a vile piece of shit.

He shills for islamic acts of savagry all the time.

MolochHunter ago

what a revolting piece of shit you are blaming the victims

these girls are naively coerced into human trafficking . They are 11 years old and just curious what its like to have a boyfriend

then they are drugged, packraped and told that if they tell anyone or leave the gang will go to their house and rape their mother and sisters

you really are a low life piece of shit for shooting your mouth off like that

auralsects ago

LMAO triggered. Unable to accept how monumentally they failed as parents. They aren't "drugged" dumbfuck.

I went to a bar....i was given alcohol... Sniff... I crashed my car on the way home and I'm a victim...

MolochHunter ago

if we were in physical company, youd trigger my fist in your face if you speak about the victims like that, with no hesitation

SchlongKeyhote ago

...that wouldn't make your English girls any less outrageous little SLUTS. only ridding yourselves of jewish degeneracy and enforcing some morality will help.

I bet youre one of those cheap bastards who jumped at the $300 all-inclusive graduation trip to Ibiza: <---VICTIM ….of bad parenting <---your daughters <---- @darkknight111 daughter <--- do you realize these FILTHY KIKES do this on purpose? WAIT, LOOK GOY, A MUZLIM!!

this is the most important book you will ever read

youre welcome

darkknight111 ago

He's either a psychopath or a sociopath (either way, a type of sub human only fit for being put into ovens), of course he's gonna be a horrible person. I'd punch him too if I ever met him, only I'd focus on stomping his balls into bloody paste after the face punch.

He shills for Islamic savagry and their pro rape attitudes because he's a a "sand wigger" (white on outside, muslim on the inside).

SchlongKeyhote ago

save the white race in scare quotes lol, I knew you were a fuckin dirty little jew-rat faggot.

darkknight111 ago

So you don't deny being either a psychpath or a sociopath then? You don't deny being incapable of alturistic/selfless acts either, or your true motive for wanting Sharia (its the only way you're ever gonna get any since you're such a vile, ugly, obese piece of garbage). Thought so. You and the rest of your sub human kind are only good for one thing, being put into the oven.

I always knew that you were a fucking dirty sand wigger rat faggot. You're also wrong about me being a jew. Knew you were never smart.

OnSeveralWatchLists ago

Spread this wide. I'm posting it where I can.

carmencita ago

Rotherham is in Yorkshire County. Savile Country. Also Pippa's Father in law who was recently charged in France for raping his niece

twice, he also came from Rotherham. New Name - Rotting-ham Too many pedos being created in Yorkshire County.

MDE ago

Also Ricky Dearman (Hampstead) is from Rotherham.

carmencita ago

Another Cesspool. I wonder if Biden has ever visited. Nothing surprises me about this place anymore.