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carmencita ago

Glad you covered the sale of the "little" condo of DG. So much money was my immediate thought and also what are they exchanging as well. I also wondered how he "entertained" his pizza friends. Mark Rich is def Mossad. From what you described, it sounds like a Cc of our Deep State. KGB as well? Why not? Putin was a member of KGB. You can probably throw Rahm Emanuel into the mix as well since he is heavily involved with Mossad. Rahm dual citizenship to Israel. These guys are all dirty and so is Rahms bro Ari the biggest agent in Pedowood and major bundler for Obama. The moguls are probably all related to Mossad and Mossad probably controls Hollywood and the Movie and Music Industry. They let DG control it all. Nothing But Endless Rabbit Holes.

migratorypatterns ago


Good summarization.

Absolutely. DG is not the top dog. He runs things and for his trouble can entertain himself by indulging in perversities.

carmencita ago

Same thing in Chicago with Rahm and in NY with Di Blasio and Cuomo they All work for Mossad

migratorypatterns ago


You are exactly right.