memphistre ago

This is his shtick. Guy is a tool. Detroit is famous for this kind of rap shit.

looking4truth ago

Not shocking this guy is associated with eminem

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Wipe them out...all of them.

sunajAeon ago

Maggots are in UK

sunajAeon ago

I see hollow points in his future

EvaEverywhere ago

It's a commercial, or two.

TrishaUK ago

Anyone heard of 'Lost prophets' lead singer Ian Watkins ? -He fortunately is in prison now but still continues to say he wants to rape babies! NEVER shown any remorse! - Sick pig! - My son, when he was a teenager, used to love this group, he was so shocked when this all came out and felt sick for even liking the man. THESE PEOPLE ARE DISGUSTING ANIMALS! To steal a line from Trump.

siegnagel ago

I remember when they were always on TV around 2001. Watkins used to creep me out and I was 27 or so. Something was always off about him. When it all came out I wasn't surprised.

Markb63 ago

Lock it up or kill it.

carmencita ago

Good God, the stuff we have to read. Couldn't make it all the way. Too weak. This is Beyond The Boundaries of Free Speech. He is talking about Committing Crimes. He is Rapping His Confession. Where are the Street Mobs when you need them?

carmencita ago

Lock Him Up With Hillary. One Cell.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This is 100% jewish. They are testing the water. It is creeping in.

Oh_Well_ian ago

These are CONFESSIONS of evil people and they should all be arrested IMMEDIATELY.

Immelda ago

I couldn't read all of it, only thing I can think of is shock genre sells, what is the best way to piss your parents off than listening to this shit? Or he needs the electric chair.

Food_Stamp ago

Piss your parents off by making them think that youre a pedo faggot? Swell idea.

Immelda ago

Kids do rebel 😉

Truthseeker3000 ago

Who produced this shit? Who signed this guy? Who were the writers of these songs? This is beyond over the top and for shock value, it’s as if this person has actually performed these acts the way they describe them. The music industry is too far gone. This is fucking sick. Darkness is just overcoming the world at such a fast pace now.

Baichu ago

Faster than ever imaginable.

VFD ago

Seriously?? Who in the actual fuck considers this music???

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

"In 2010, Bizarre was featured on the single "Be a Legend" with Russian hip-hop group Red Family MC'z. In 2011, Bizarre was featured on the track "Shock Em" with underground rap group Bankrupt Records for the album Double Vision. In 2012, Bizarre released his fourth mixtape, titled This Guy's a Weirdo, which includes a song titled "Justin Bieber" featuring King Gordy that was released along with a music video via Reel Wolf. In the song, Bizarre fantasizes about raping and murdering Canadian singer Justin Bieber. "

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Made me physically ill. Where's the outcry?

Vindicator ago

Gamepwn, you're back! So glad to see you are still with us. @think- will be relieved.

This is some sick shit you've posted here. Good Lord.

gamepwn ago

Yeah Im ok :) I had to take a break from everything for a while. Had a pretty rough year in the real world due to some things and my mind needed a recharge I guess. Haha I would never abandon you guys, we're all in this together to stop this :) Just needed to get my head right.

magic3383 ago

His shtick was rapping with Eminem but saying even more despicable things. It was the shock rap garbage of the late 90s.

Shillaxe ago

Who, besides psychopaths, would listen to that, demented.

TheTrigger ago


Food_Stamp ago

Commie tunes.

mrohm ago

Part and parcel of the "horrorcore" genre. It gets REALLY twisted. I had a friend who was into this.

Here's a bit from Eminem's Amityville by Bizzare:

"I fucked my cousin in his asshole, slit my mother's throat Guess who Slim Shady just signed to Interscope My little sister's birthday, she'll remember me For a gift I had ten of my boys take her virginity And bitches know me as a horny-ass freak Their mother wasn't raped, I ate her pussy while she was sleep Pissy-drunk, throwing up in the urinal (You fucking homo!) That's what I said at my dad's funeral"

Not PG related per se, but the Farmville murders was the murder of a family by a "horrorcore" rapper who loved rappers Razakel and Sicktanick tha Soulless. Among the merchandise by these two rappers were shirts saying, "Razakel molested me" and "Sicktanick raped me."

Very charming.

TheTrigger ago

Yeah, lots of edgelord-tier shit, in that scene. Still, though, you have to wonder how much of it is truth and/or fiction. At some point, when these people get deep enough in to it, you just know some shit gets done that they can't undo. Which probably ends up seeping in to their lyrics. Niggers end up fucking livestreaming their tortures/executions of blameless, random, victims. Just imagine what gets done, when cameras aren't rolling.

everbe ago

KidCrusher is another 'horrorcore' artist.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Eminem is an admitted jew boy.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

"horrorcore" genre

...I really didn't need to know that that was a thing.

mrohm ago

It's very very disturbing. Unfortunately, it is also very popular among a lot of maladjusted people, especially with Eminem's support.

Cc1914 ago

Does he say the pizza is " kid flavored "

Cc1914 ago

What the? I'm seriously sick reading this . How can this be , we need to find his social media accounts .

carmencita ago

I agree. He needs to be targeted and it needs to go VIRAL.

Cc1914 ago

I can't even believe the words . If you look at his instagram it's riddled with satanic Followers . Its so big of a rabbit hole , I tried , but I can't touch it .

mrohm ago

Sicktanick tha Soulless who I mentioned above is an admitted Crowleyite and Satanist. So is his wife Razakel. Satanism has entered rap in a very big way, and it seems to be quite serious, not the sort of goofy horror movie stuff of Iron Maiden and the like back in the 80s.

carmencita ago

I can't get in. I don't belong to Instagram.

GreenDell144 ago


spacepopecoast2coast ago

there is a song called "Dead Wrong" by Biggie Smalls ft Eminem (bizarre and eminem worked together in D12) that has a creepy line from Biggie

"Because you know I love it young, fresh, and green / With no hair in between, know what I mean"

spacepopecoast2coast ago

also forgot Eminem's verse starts out "There's seven different levels to devil worshipping: horse's heads, human sacrifices, cannibalism, candles and exorcism, animals having sex with em"

it's actually a tight song if you like rap haha back when eminem was still slim shady

(but yeah obviously fucked up given the context, the rhymes are nice though)

TheTrigger ago

Eminem was always gifted at word-play. He probably has an exceptionally high verbal IQ; that doesn't make the lyrics any less retarded. He could have used his talent to become the next fucking Oscar Wilde. Instead, he talks about slitting bitches' throats. Classy.

racmo ago

Wow this makes Majestic Ape sound tame

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I'd be amazed if you guys have never heard of Brotha Lynch Hung

HaveMercy ago

These people are sick! Thanks for shining the light on these pervs.

JJNova ago

I don't think this is really pizzagate related, considering Bizarre is part of a group that literally sets out to make the most offensive songs possible.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

yeah i kinda agree - worst case scenario is this is just a product of the weird "muses" these artists tap into to help them write

...cuz they're frauds, fuck people who let demons write their music and then claim it like they're geniuses - there are people who write incredible songs who will never get any credit, and they did it using only their God given talent

Food_Stamp ago

Faggots who are "just joking" about raping babies should be killed too. Same for those fags in the DNC who have paintings of naked kids (its just art, bro) on their walls.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

Putrid. Puke. Either this is the stupidist way to use rap to address pedophilia, or it's brazen boasting. I wonder if Bizarre has been on the inside, been raped, and is now totally antisocial using whatever child he can find for his pleasure- Or this is the most ignorant attempt at social commentary ever concieved.

I hope it goes viral and wakes up all the blue pill zombies out their.

Hopevoats ago

Reading that made me physically ill.

kazza64 ago

why isnt this cunt in jail

TheTrigger ago

There's legal precedent that you can't prosecute people for "art", regardless of how vile and perverse it is. Rappers' lyrics aren't admissible in court, as evidence. And if he's talking about that level of Satanist BS: you'd better believe that fucker's on some Jew's payroll, kidnapping kids, to feed in to the Hollywood rape machine.

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Because you know (((who))) supports him.

NoPlaceLikeHome ago

I think this parasite rapped with D12 back in the day? - yes he did.

TheTrigger ago

They're all connected. Probably a right of passage; think of the stuff MS-13 types have to do, in order to be accepted in to the group. You probably have to stab a kid in the heart, just as you're about to cum, or some equally fucked up shit, while other people record it— in order to be accepted in to the, "rap game". Same type of blackmail shit that they use to keep politicians in check, etc.

mrohm ago

And Eminem on his solo work.

Mad_As_Hell ago

mrohm ago

That's the one.

mooteensy ago


NoPlaceLikeHome ago

I think all Pedo's/child murderer's etc should get their dicks chopped off, and one hand chopped off. They will make them useless.

PuritySpiral ago

What the fuck.