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new4now ago


did you look at the ones working with it?

a lot of kid foundations connected with Bloomberg in NY

I haven't even really dug in with this guy

wonder if there's a NXIVM connect

his daughter is a professional equestrian

didn't Claire complete and get a horse farm in NY?

didn't Maggie Nixon have a thing for horses or Ms Sunshine for that matter?

just a thought

carmencita ago

Most def a possibility. When they have so much money, what else can these people do with it. They seem to squander it on evil and superfluous things. And making more money. Read my comment. Where did all those kids go?

new4now ago

after Sandusky's Second Mile, makes you wonder

carmencita ago

The Foster Care program as we know tries to find homes, this adoptions. For each adoption they are paid a fee. Think about the incentive and the total. It's really disgusting. The Sale of Children. There is no punishment horrid enough for these people.

new4now ago

he's a big supporter of I think Oceans

have to look into it when I get some time tonight

carmencita ago

The 3 Musketeers. Cuomo Bloomers, and DeBlasio. I think they are working hand in hand to keep things running smooth. DeBlasio is hiding something for sure. I think he may be using his wife as a cover (although her being a former lesbian is crazy enough). How can you be gay and then not? Abracadabra!!! I have not figured that one out yet.

Cara_C ago

Cuomo and de Blasio are always feuding. I wonder what that's about.

carmencita ago

Smoke Screen. They do this in other cities too. They are not fooling me. It's all a game.