Dressage2 ago

Tick, tock you bastards.

maggiethatcher ago

We'll he doesn't actually say it was TONY Podesta in the tweet....

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


migratorypatterns ago

@Oh_Well_jan .... INCOMING!!!! Trump just ratcheted up the heat! This probably should go in the OP, but it's up to you!


I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!

auralsects ago

he didnt even allude to pizzagate

delete this fucking garbage, and your account

Shillaxe ago

Talk down DT get 70% down Voats, fyi

NoBS ago

Keep 'em in the dark and censor the POTUS.

Yeah, that'll help the pedo's stay hidden and safe.

Is this not your agenda?

think- ago

What a pity that he didn't mention Podesta's art collection. Every normie should do a google image search to see what a sick creep he is.

The_Savant ago

Someone needs to tell them who Jeffrey Dahmer is as well so they can fully understand that gross sculpture. Then they need spirit cooking explained to them. The girls in the swimming pool, abhorrent as it is, is just scratching the surface - once people realise that the message behind each painting is even more fucked up than the picture it's essentially a free redpill.

think- ago

Yes, and he also collects pedophile photographs. How he was ever labelled an 'internationally renowned art collector' is really beyond me.

mrohm ago

Paedophile "art" has been in vogue since Mapplethorpe.

think- ago

Yes, maybe even earlier. The French painter Balthus showed a painting at an 1936 exhibition in Paris, which depicted the sexual assault of a girl by her female guitar teacher. Later he did other problematic paintings, and also paedophile photographs (these might have been done after Mapplethorpe's first exhibitions though).

mrohm ago

You weren't kidding. I was just looking up Balthus, and now I feel like I need another shower. Ugh.

think- ago

Yes, the 'polaroids' he did are definitely child porn. An exhibition hall abroad had to cancel their exhibition in the end, since they were afraid they could be charged with showing cp.

Did you notice the label for the vinyard of the late Phillipine de Rothschild? The labels had to be scrubbed when the wine was exported to the US. He had other Rothschild connections too. Plus he was friends with Madonna, Bono, and the Dalai Lama.

neptunium1 ago

Interesting. Here's one response to his tweet: https://twitter.com/JohnRoby22/status/998204179519852545

Having a bad morning? Why are you asking people on Twitter. We don’t know.

That's from John Roby who has in his twitter profile (notice the butterflies) https://twitter.com/JohnRoby22

Please help us raise funds for the families who are supported by Nationwide Children’s Hospital Hospice and Palliative Care

We have some posts about them as there are Epstein connections:

The Wexners celebrate 20 years raising funds to help domestic-violence victims

Abigail Wexner is a lawyer and philanthropist who serves on corporate and community boards, including Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She’s married to Leslie H. Wexner, founder, chairman and CEO of L Brands, the fashion retailer behind Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works, Pink and other stores.

More on the connection between Jeffrey Epstein and Leslie Wexner (The Limited/Victoria's Secret)

Factfinder2 ago

Nice. Very nice.

Oh_Well_ian ago

great sleuthing, Anon !!

Man.. these idiots pedos are so desperate, they think trolling Twitter is going to save them !

migratorypatterns ago


Wading out and poking the swamp creature ...

fuckingmockies ago

Hey guys, I was a Marine a few years ago and even had an opportunity to meet Mattis. It wasn't like a one on one or any, he just spoke to my company breifly.

If you look at the Tweet before this one, he calls the FBI "hard charging" and in the Marine Corps, we often call someone who is motivated a hard charger. Just food for thought. Make your own speculations.

carmencita ago

I am glad he brought up TP, but he says nothing about JP being locked up. So how do we know. They both need to be locked up, including the rest of the Cabal.

Oh_Well_ian ago

They will...

take it to the bank.

carmencita ago

I hope it's soon. I am losing my patience. It's always next week, next month, 3 months 6 months, next year. For some, they have known about this stuff for years so it is a long time waiting. Patience is wearing thin. More of them need to be Called Out.

CognitiveDissident5 ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

I understand your frustration but we are significantly further down the road than we were in December of 2016.

When there are 29k indictments and a Fortune 500 full of pedophiles, unpeeling the onion without collapsing the world economy is a delicate operation.

Lump in a corrupt MSM, CIA, FBI, Judiciary and Congress who are determined to bring down the President and the extended timeline becomes understandable.

carmencita ago

I am not saying anything against him, it's just that I am erring on the side of caution. Been burned one time too many. Holding my breath. Waiting to exhale.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago


carmencita ago

I am so over all of them. We have been strung along by so many and so many times it is hard to keep the faith this long. After I was taken for a ride with Reagan, Clinton Bush and BO, I

am standing back and taking a breath. Not getting my undies in a bundle over anyone. Not rooting and whooping and hollering until they are marched in chains to the guillotine.

Promises will no longer do. Show me the money.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

We do well to give ourselves the time frame of the people who ended slavery. It was much more than one generation, must have seemed hopeless much of the time. Change comes suddenly when about 8% of a population has a very strongly held opinion they won't give up on.

Lets just keep on a walking, ..............Walking to the Promised Land.

carmencita ago

Now I am going to copy your other comment. Amen.

carmencita ago

I am hopeful. Patience is my virtue but they have been fooling Mother Justice for decades. They were almost killed off before to only ride again. Enough is enough!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


ridleychozo ago

hear, hear

Oh_Well_ian ago

I bet as a child, you whined about not being able to open all your presents on December 20th

ridleychozo ago

I bet, as an adult, you thought a pizza shop owner with hard evidence of child porn on his servers given to authorities in November 2016 wouldn't be arrested immediately because the luciferian President was working on a complicated deep state war. Oooh! He mentioned Tony Podesta in a tweet. There's no way that's just propaganda just like everything else! He said words! That's as good as an arrest!

Blacksmith21 ago

One could interpret it as saying the other "podesta brother" is already in jail. "Like others"....who else has been charged and arrested in association with the Podesta Group?

YogSoggoth ago

I would intrepret the tweet as, Podesta brothers are on a serious radar right now. Anyone have a problem with that?

Shillaxe ago

Lets revisit this in a week, month , year... & see what comes of it.

YogSoggoth ago

Are you tying to ask me for commissary money before you are jailed? Awkward on your part, but no. At least you tried at the end.

Shillaxe ago

So if the Podestas get arrested Ill be the idiot , if not you are, fair enough fucker ?

YogSoggoth ago

Just calling you out. All forums have been very active lately with the "nothing ever changes" crowd. Some of them are dormant accounts that were singing a different tune last week. Why all the sudden? From where I sit, stuff has to hit the fan one way or another. I guess you think it is safe to insult me in such a manner on an old thread. You would be stupid.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah, that’s a reasonable interpretation.

Oh_Well_ian ago

tic toc is becoming...


Cc1914 ago

The_Savant ago

That guy is fucking retarded. The most recent shooting was with an illegally obtained firearm in a gun free zone - unless they're advocating for armed teachers/security guards their point is mute.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/TT4pA :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....and why hasn’t the Podesta brother been charged and arrested, like others, after being forced to close down his very large and successful firm? Is it because he is a VERY well connected Democrat working in the Swamp of Washington, D.C.?"

This has been an automated message.

xXSanctumXx ago

@_@ Holy Fuck. He did it!! XD This is Golden.