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Factfinder2 ago

Voaters have looked at her before, but she's a great target for further scrutiny.

A Voat thread search brings up these:

Here's a good one:

Psychanaut ago

I was just reading more for the parts about Gislaine Maxwell and then suddenly this Sara Latham just stuck with me...

Factfinder2 ago

This seems to be her on Twitter:

carmencita ago

The people tweeting to her are amazing. Podesta, Dan Pfieffer. Dan Rather, Marc E Elias. She def is not some ordinary sec'y. There is much more to her than has been made of. Is she one of those people hiding in plain sight? Under the radar too. Her connections to Podesta, Clintons, Freud seems to be a place the Podestas dropped as well. These people are always connected because they can trust no one else. They can't bring in new people. Very rare. Usually the same old same old.

Factfinder2 ago

She's extraordinarly connected on both sides of the Atlantic. Why are there no photos of her?

YogSoggoth ago

One thing seems for certain, her friends are afraid of Trump for some reason. Could be a pattern.

carmencita ago

Don't know for sure if this is her or not, but it kept popping up when I put in her name.

Factfinder2 ago

Link didn't come through.

Factfinder2 ago

The first one is a sports massage therapist:

The second one is actress Marcia Gay Harden:

On twitter she describes herself as a "wannabe florist"--a clue or a red herring?

carmencita ago

On her twitter there are 3 pictures Is she in one of them, like the first one. It may be. Why the secrecy about what she looks like? Something is off about that. Very weird. Could she know there are incriminating pics out there of her. She would have had to have them scrubbed or how odd there just are not any of her.

Factfinder2 ago

I think that's Chelsea and that Sara took the picture. Yes, the lack of photos is odd. It's like what is done for intelligence operatives.

carmencita ago

I mean, did she commit some crimes and there may be pictures that put her at the scene of the crime, or something similar? Really, the absence of photos really casts suspicion on her. Hmm. Makes you wonder. It makes it obvious actually. I think she may be much more important than many of us suspect.

carmencita ago

I noticed I could not find anything either. Also notice there is not one on her Twitter either. Evidently she and others don't want us to know what she looks like. For a reason.