urbanmoving ago

"Seventy-three per cent of children trafficked in the US were bought and sold on Backpage" I find this number to too high maybe KNOWN sales but I would say less than 10%

GreenDell144 ago

What a shameful and disgraceful fact. Don’t they have enough profit already, without taking their cut and enabling these reprehensible crimes?!! Out-bleeping-rageous!!!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I got super pissed the other day when Alexa randomly appeared on my tablet. It does not allow me to delete it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Sounds similar to that bill everyone here was railing against two weeks ago because it "threatened" websites like Voat. What was that the Communications Decency Act, or the Anti-Human trafficking act, where all the mods here were claiming that by adding accountability for websites who host content, Voat was threatened because of free speech? Like how is this any different and where is the uproar? (I'm not against this section of NAFTA although I'm not sure I'm for NAFTA).

Piscina ago

Yes, section 230 is from the Communications Decency Act. Backpage were allowed to get away with profiting from the sale and purchase of trafficked children because of section 230. Google, Youtube, Facebook and others want the same protection (in NAFTA) that section 230 afforded Backpage. The tech companies want there to be no repercussions for them even when they knowingly distribute and profit from prostitution, porn and child sex trafficking.

carmencita ago

Upvoat! Please spread this.

Markb63 ago

Facebook is a tool for trafficking.

Shizy ago

It's also a tool for spying. And morons put their whole lives on there for anyone to see

carmencita ago

You are so woke. Thank you. Alexa is another tool.

Shizy ago

Yessss!!! Alexa and Echo! Scary stuff! As you know Carm it's a process to wake up to what has been going on in the world. Thanks for what you do to help spread that!

carmencita ago

TY. I am trying to do what I can. I have been seriously affected lately by the many articles and reports. Some too visual and I should not have opened them. I am going to come back slowly. Yes, these are scary. I have even heard a few news people making small comments after featuring these Spy Tools on their programs. They are on to it. There is a family I know and the father and son both said these are highly suspect and the father said there is no way he will allow them in the house. Wish more were so woke.

GreenDell144 ago

Welcome back! You help us a lot.

carmencita ago

Thanks much! I try to do what I can. I think my brain had tragedy overload. Then boom! voat went down. So now I am back but taking it slow.

Shizy ago

More and more people are waking up! Did you hear about the Facebook app listening to you? I despise Facebook, but know several people who were using the app and then got creeped out when things they said in private conversation suddenly began appearing in the form of ads. Who knows what else there is that we just don't know about!

GaryCoolboobs ago

I have noticed that Facebook does listen in when you have the app. And the reason why I know this is because even though I turned off the mic for Facebook as for everything else, they still advertise things that I have said or even thought about. No joke. I was thinking about getting my masters degree in psychology one day, never once talked about it. The same day I check on the Facebook app is about an application to get your masters degree at this one school. It doesn’t matter if you turn the microphone off, they still listen. They have also constantly put adds on opiate addiction (which I found out in the zuccs testimony that it was towards everyone). I thought I was crazy when they kept putting up those adds. I got rid of the ap since I’d rather not be a tool they can use. I also got rid of the chrome browser. Sadly I still have youtube but that will be more difficult to get rid of.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes, Facebook stores your voice on its servers any time you use any type of voice recognition software on your phone, whether it be for typing a message using voice recognition, or sending a voice clip. Google also has all of your voice clips stored on its site in your account from every time you use voice recognition on your phone to search or type a text or what have you. I went back one day and found all of them on my Gmail account.

Think of all the videos and eye recognition software tools and all the YouTube videos that feature our voices and body movements. It would be so easy to lift a still from that and frame someone using photoshop or video editing software or to dub our voices into things. It's truly scary what is possible.

Most people log onto Facebook with no problem and don't care that their information is being stored. That is the key, you have to live your life as though everyone including the Government is watching and be blameless in your life or you're bound to get screwed over in some way.

new4now ago

some times a family member or friend will call me with some medical question

I would look it up and call them back

I keep getting phone calls to address my pain or my diabetes

didn't dawn on me the first time but the second I was like, I was looking up for my Dad

the woman said well can I talk to him, I told her he died and she hung up

they still call once in awhile, and I just let loose on them

most of the time I don't even answer unless I in bad mood and feel like going off

I don't feel bad for the women calling either, just with their opening spiel, they know what its about

maybe one of these days I'll play the game and see what their really about

maybe they want me to join a group to help with my pain SMH

dooob ago

This is why the whole Sillicon Valley is going down. Someone needs to short their stocks or whatever it is called (I think it is shorting). I bet in 1 year there will be no Foolbock nor Goolag.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/tjILe :

NAFTA shouldn't include outdated internet safe harbors | TheHill

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thelma ago

Hey, me too.

Teach me how.