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neptunium1 ago

Richard Laing - Plan UK

Richard holds a number of Chairman and non-executive director (NED) positions across a range of commercial and third sector organisations, including:

3i Infrastructure plc (Chairman) Perpetual Income and Growth Trust plc (Chairman) JP Morgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust plc Miro Forestry, a sustainable forestry business in West Africa, with over 25,000 hectares of land growing a mix of fast growing timber (Chairman); The Overseas Development Institute, the UK's leading independent think-tank on international development; Plan UK, an international children's charity with an income of over £50m; Leeds Castle in Kent, described by Lord Conway as “the loveliest castle in the world”.

He has had a wide range of previous NED appointments, such as:

Madagascar Oil, an AIM listed company focused on the development of heavy oil and conventional oil & gas deposits in five onshore blocks in Madagascar;

Mauritius and black money - Riding roughshod over regulators

The Paradise Papers leak has exposed Mauritius as a haven for tax-dodgers. The leaks obtained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and trawled by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, publicised 13.4 million records from two offshore firms, Appleby and Estera as well as 19 corporate registries in offshore tax havens - including Mauritius. What they found is that Mauritius is increasingly being used by the super-rich from abroad to avoid tax, or simply to cover up dodgy transactions abroad. Just to take a couple of examples, three British TV stars were found to have diverted £2 million via Mauritian firms to avoid tax claims by the British exchequer. A former Kenyan minister of agriculture, Sally Kosgei, was found to have used Zonrisa Ltd, a Mauritius-based company, to buy a flat in London near the iconic Harrod's department store. While Jean Chrétien, a former Canadian prime minister, was awarded stock options by the Madagascar Oil Company in 2007 in return for his consultation services via two Mauritian firms that the company had founded.

Pacific Rim Palm Oil

Palm Oil: Global brands profiting from child and forced labour

neptunium1 ago

**The Abraaj Group - and the Clintons

More Clinton Pay-to-Play: Billary and Obama Link to Iraq and Russia

Suspicious timing-WikiLeaks released an email, dated August 18, 2012, from the Clinton Foundation to former President Bill Clinton, advising the former President that “new sponsor” The Abraaj Capital Group agreed to support the 2012 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting with a $550,000 donation.

The Abraaj Group is a UAE private equity company co-founded by Hamid Jafar, the Iraqi business partner and brother of Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar.

In the same year of that donation, the State Department’s Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) awarded The Abraaj Group with the first of hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and investment management contracts.

Shortly before the signing ceremony for Gulftainer’s new Port Canaveral cargo container terminal, Bill Clinton flew to Dubai to attend one of the educational campaign’s events with Majid Jafar.

Bill was paid $5.6 Million to act as Honorary Chair of “Business Backs Education Campaign” which is funded by “The Crescent Group.”