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carmencita ago

This is horrible

NoBS ago

What, the 24 hour flair from the organized Pedo protectors? They are no more horrible than Elitist Pedophile who own the FBI.

carmencita ago

I have read so much in the last few days my head is about to blow off. Anyone protecting or hiding their crimes or identities are guilty.

srayzie ago

We’re under attack here.

@Hojuruko constantly harasses me with his troll friends and says he would pay to have my son raped!

carmencita ago

Making comparisons like that does not get people to get on your side and to listen to what you are posting. I understand @hojuruku that what was happened was horrid but wishing the same crime upon an innocent child is not the way. I tried to help you and so did some others but this is not winning you favors. You are now harassing someone that had nothing to do with what happened to your child. Believe me we have just as much sorrow for your child as all the others. But this will not get us in your corner when you make threats against a member's child. That is not what we are about here. Now please calm down and put up a decent and coherent post. You know I can't honor this. I am on your side, but this is unacceptable. I sincerely think you owe @srayzie an apology. I think you are better than this.

srayzie ago

Thank you Carmencita. ❤️

carmencita ago

He did not start out this way, I think he/she is highly agitated and a feeling everyone is against him because of not understanding the policies or how to post. We don't know what the experiences where regarding the child. Possibly a lot of ignored requests for help regarding LE there never has been a detailed story about it. Frustration can lead to many things that we otherwise would never do. Might feel backed into a corner. Right now I am hope he sees that paring down his posts and simplifying them and just telling his story from the heart is the best way. We are all here to help, but threats are not how we roll. It's also not a good way to get people on your side.

srayzie ago

No. It’s easy to look him up. He’s given his youtube and gab. This guy has a history and is psychotic. There’s things about him all over the Internet. He’s harassed me now for weeks. He pings me constantly. He calls anyone that is a pizzagate mod a pedophile. I’ve tried talking calmly. It doesn’t work. He calls me names, is friends with Donkey, pings donkey and others and encourages them to harass me too. He lies all the time. Now he says he would pay to have my son raped? He’s lost ALL SYMPATHY FROM ME.

carmencita ago

If that is the casse, After hearing your expanded explanation, I too must admit He's lost ALL SYMPATHY FROM ME as well.

srayzie ago

I feel bad for Vindicator. He’s posting about him on 8chan and Gab and telling everyone he’s a pedophile.

carmencita ago

That is disgusting. Hmm. Could be if he raves on there like here, people will brand him a raving lunatic. The tables could turn.

srayzie ago

Well I’m gonna let everyone know so people don’t fall for his lies. That’s not someone you ever say to someone. That’s way too far.