3141592653 ago

This is huge

WeirdlyEerie ago


*Mother Patricia was "into the occult"

*house torched and dog poisoned by "prejudiced neighbors "

*terrorized constantly by violent brother Morgan

*House Mariah shared with Tommy (who is 19 yrs her senior) was a "castle" with "2 pizza ovens"

*article closes with "thanks Marina"

Edited to add, I archived it but voat says my archive is banned domain

Ekatsia ago

It was sad to read that Mariah never once visited her sister. I don't understand, if you're so rich and have so much money, how can one of your own siblings be on food stamps? Wouldn't you help?

WeirdlyEerie ago

I just read a bunch of articles because of this post, and apparently she did help but sister was hooked on heroin and kept checking herself out of rehab. She has appeared in the tabloids regularly, with worse and worse predicaments, asking for Mariah to hep financially. Most recently, she is being sued for $2 million for driving on the wrong side of the road, head on collision crippling a truck driver ...

These life outcomes are consistent with a high score on the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire (which suggests to me she DID go thru a lot as a kid, which nobody denies.) Her son doesnt want her to meet his fiancee, and she is not invited to his wedding. Was he poisoned against her, or did she burn too many bridges with acting out behaviors? No idea....

French_Bulldog ago

“Alison, who bears a striking resemblance to her famous younger sister, claims that she was sexually abused at the meetings.”


Zinnsee ago

Or maybe she just made it all up for some gibs from her rich sister.

new4now ago

I've come to learn, people who have sold their souls are seen in public with their handlers who themselves had sold there soul

Mariah and Eminem used to date

He used to say she was crazy and now she says she is bipolar

They date and handle others and come out with some disease or something

Lupus- Selena Gomez

Did she really need to get rid of first kidney or did she donate hers?

Lady Gaga has Fibro to cover her messed up life

There are others

carmencita ago

Mariah Carey just announced today that she is Bipolar and is seeking out help. This is what they do. Have someone come out and tell all, and then they come up with a reason those things happened.

Shizy ago

That poor lady! What a strong survivor she is. Unfortunately I'm not surprised in the least to hear a famous celebrity superstar has family ties to occult rituals and satanic abuse.

SeeHear ago

Makes sense that Mariah is talking about her Bi Polar all of a sudden. Bless the children who have to deal with this, and the survivors

racmo ago

this will help redpill the unaware. anytime something is relative to a celebrity, it's all snap to attention

millennial_vulcan ago

You might also want to look into Mariah's shady ass first husband/handler, the one and only:

TOMMY MOTTOLA @migratorypatterns @fogdryer @think- @Magonia @carmencita

Like his good friend and old client Wacko Jacko, Tommy too owned a large pedo ranch. He's another one, like so many of those music honchos that are flying under the radar. uh, allegedly.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, he' on my radar.

What a perv.

Dauphin ago

I was just going to say Tommy Mottola... actually Jackson is quoted as saying "Tommy Mottola is the devil." I believe Michael was a victim in all this as well and may have even tried to help kids. Like many other victims he may have also slipped and indulged in "the forbidden fruit" ie children.

carmencita ago

Jose Menendez and Ricky Martin and Menudo

sunajAeon ago

I would take this talk from celebrities who want to cash in on the current Hollyweird "He touched me" with a grain of salt

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Fair enough, but the person that outed this isn't really a celeb. More like family of celeb.

patriot_biz ago

Yeah, but it's still bullshit. She probably did the interview for $20 and a sandwich.

bajewy ago

Mariah carey's sister lives in Kingston NY? That's where Chelsea clinton got married.

The Carey siblings grew up on long Island near the Vanderbilt museum and complained of satanic rituals? Weird.

Mariah was married to somebody who chair's TeenNick.

ProgNaziGator ago

Well when you put it that way

CheeseboogersGhost ago

At this point I must assume that everyone in showbiz sucks and fucks little jewish peters. They all go to these satanic gatherings, most of them do drugs, and many of them are pedophiles.

BrowardSheriff ago

How do you know so much about them?

truthdemon ago

Havent u heard.. its called pedowood.now...the x men of the pedo empire.. All pedowood is a cesspool of pedopans .. Politicians ..preists ..and their pr agents the pedopans of pedowood are the pedopillars of the pedoempire

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Basic awareness

racmo ago

lol! oy vay

Humansized ago

So robes = occult? Truly terrible but what does it have to do with satan worshipers?She even says they never said anything alluding to stan, just that she thought they were evil and wore robes. Are pedophiles not deplorable enough without suggesting they worship the devil?

Shizy ago

What she described surely is satanism. They don't have to say Satan to make it so

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Sorry, the longer we take this stance, the more this perpetuates ad infinitum. Ritual Abuse Cases This link shows how ritual abuse cases are covered up on the regular. If you remove the ritual from the action of these pedos (as they are somewhat different) then you miss the fact that these people are using even the pedophile culture as a smokescreen for their deeds. Just because things are removed from public record doesn't mean they didnn't happen.

Humansized ago

I wasnt taking any stance, im just skeptical is all. They could be worshiping the devil, but honestly I feel like the moniker of satan worshiper is just a boogyman of sorts. I think it equally as likely they were wearing robes to conceal their identities.

SeeHear ago

Satanic people drink blood and make kids have sex with each other. Let’s not split hairs on this one. I believe the lady. Mariah has nearly broken her mind control on a few occasions, and bears all the attributes of a mk ultra slave. It’s a damn shame.

GreenDell144 ago

Satanism and the occult figure into the pizzagate, along with the pedophiles. I have been surprised on more than one occasion to see how the two seemingly disconnected cultures are actually well connected, so your comment is understandable. Stick around. It gets worse.

SterlingJB ago

Robes = occult? Maybe not. Waking your kid up at 2am in the morning to dress in robes, chant latin, and perform sex acts sounds like some pretty dark, occult shit to me regardless of whether stan was directly mentioned or not

racmo ago

oh i guess soon this kind of thing will be normalized--different "service" different time--move on nothing to see!

FuckJamesWoods ago

Waking your kid up at 2am in the morning

Didn't the actress charlize theron and the Sean Penn have a bizarre incident at laurel canyon with her adoptive son? IIRC it was predawn and some hikers called 911 when the found the little child screaming bloody murder.

Sackajahweeda ago

Can you give me a link I looked for this and couldnt find? Please do tell.

Sackajahweeda ago

Very interesting. Her childs home life is already interesting too. Generational fuckedupedness.

SterlingJB ago

I think FuckJamesWoods is talking about this story from 2014: http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/13/sean-penn-charlize-theron-son-hiker-screaming/
"The incident went down at Vasquez Rocks in Santa Clarita, CA. Charlize and Sean were having a sunrise picnic when a female hiker with a camera stopped after she heard Charlize's 2-year-old son Jackson screaming in a tantrum. The hiker went towards the child and started filming. We're told Charlize told the woman not to go near Jackson, so the hiker left and called the cops and claimed something bad might have happened to the kid."

(seems like this is the only one that mentions it was a sunrise picnic which certainly makes the story stranger)

fusir ago

It does sound a bit like the gnostic catholic church (not catholic, Aleister Crowley's group). They had a legal action of some kind going in australia in the last couple years over the claim that they need children to be present at their orgies, called black mass.

They are occult. But they do robes, and latin, and orgies with children present. Could a chapter take it a little extra far? Isn't that kind of the point?

InnocentAngels ago

Maybe you know the answer to a question I'm looking for. I saw a Youtube comment where someone said the temple on Epsteins Island is a Thelemic place of worship. How would one know if it is?

fusir ago

Nope. I really don't know this stuff that well. I saw what I was talking about over a year ago. I couldn't pass up the title. It's not like it's everyday someone sues their government over the need for children to attend orgies. I then looked them up the gnostic church on wiki.

I did do some reading just now for your question. One problem I see is this term Thelemic. It looks like Alister Crowley pushed against dogma and so thelema has been adopted by a lot of groups likely with different pagen themes to their estetics, including wicca, gnostisism, satanism, setianism, lucifarianism. So I would probably have to get in depth with all of those before seeing a picture of it would pop out to me as something I've seen. Which, like I said, isn't my thing.

Do you have an image of it? I've learned a new super powerful reverse image system that is way way better than tineye. It lets you look up part of the image and its results are super relevent. Ok, it's bing's search by image. It's good.

InnocentAngels ago

Yeah, I know the owl is associated with Freemasons. I was looking for info about the supposed fire on Lolita Island and came across this video. There are several video's about it now when you go to Youtube. Several showing the temple. I was just trying to figure out how this person knew it was a Thelemic place of worship. Was it a symbol on the building or the shape of the building? This is the video and where I saw the comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/333/comments/8b11ek/jeffrey_epsteins_island_pedoisland_catches_fire/

fogdryer ago

Shocking to me that this came out. With her being such A celebrity etc. great it’s in the open. Only then do we learn Did you “read “ the video of hil huma and the child? Only when in the open do we know what they are capable of. Who we need Not in our lives

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

It shocked me too, until I remembered that The Sun has been as reviled as The National Enquirerer so they have plausible deniability.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Mariah Carey was being worshiped on every channel and talkshow today because she came out as bi-polar. I thought this was a well-known fact for a while now.

SeeHear ago

She’s doing damage control for this so it doesn’t cross the pond. Too late

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Mark my words: Mental illness will be the new psy-op. People that aren't ill will be using it as cover for nasty deeds and those that tell you the truth will be called mentally ill and "re-educated" via chemical lobotomisation. Not my preference, but this does seem to be a direction they are going.

migratorypatterns ago

It's what these rituals do. They screw you up so that you go on drugs or get into something just as self-destructive and they destroy family relationships.

And these pervs keep saying that it does no harm.

Lies ... lies ... lies!


pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Not a fan of Mariah Carey, but this is an interesting article in that, it suggests she is probably MK Ultra and was a setup (honeytrap?) for James Packer.

Magonia ago

Well she was married to Nick Cannon. Who is much younger than her. Nick Cannon worked with Dan Schneider for many years. I remember reading he was promoted to some type of Ambassador or VP or some high up position of Nickelodeon.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

(((Dan "little kids are tighter" Schneider)))