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carmencita ago A relative of Todd and also involved in Art Link International which is located in Lake Worth, Fla. Check out the art. And Howard Brassner Age 69 two years older than Todd

carmencita ago

The link to the Art Link Int. has a map and right near it is which is a charity and all this is in Palm Beach County (Epstein) and near a body of water.

neptunium1 ago

Just read your comments. Great research. I've also added some comments to this post re Andy Warhol and William Burroughs who knew each other. (Todd Brassner was a friend of Warhol). William Burroughs, I've just discovered, was also a scientologist William S. Burroughs’ Wild Ride with Scientology

Here's a British musician and occultist talking about his connections with Burroughs. Nothing Here Now but the Recordings: A conversation with Genesis Breyer P-Orridge

If you look at performances of his band Psychic TV, they are very reminiscent of what happens in Comet Ping Pong

carmencita ago

If Brassner was that hooked up with Burroughs (who seems to have been steeped in Scientology belief) then he may have had a Wild Ride with it too. There are def also connections with his family and the place of the business in Lake Worth Fla. which is Palm Beach County. Wonder if there is any connection to DWS. She is everywhere.