ronnyCPI ago

Had a weird gut reaction to the man in the white shirt in front of the Nazi Wall of Shame: Josef Mengele. I know: impossible. If he WERE still alive, he'd be around 100 years old. But I remember reading somewhere he died his hair and drank children's blood to stave off aging. Could it be possible? Not likely. No. No way. Mengele still alive and being housed at Epstein's pedo island? Weird AF. I know. Impossible.

sore_ass_losers ago

I think the pattern of the walls is highly consistent with being rough hewn coral.

This is from Coral Castle in Florida:

Masklophobia ago

I still don't see it, it's just blurry photos that may or may not be real. Without further evidence this means absolutely nothing.

Also who the fuck is Q?

Snailracer ago

This is really old stuff from instagram, the security footage is from a brothel somewhere in asia. The pink neon lights are used to promote brothels, they operate openly with signs on the street. There is no link to cannibalism or Epstein that I know of, or could find. I consider this disinformation.

realityisinsanity ago

There was an earthquake nearby the island recently. Destroying evidence with nukes or some other weapons?

sore_ass_losers ago

So it's a photo from the monitor of a 16-channel surveillance system DVR. Shows a snapshot in time from 7/2013. Not seeing Ch 1, 5, 9, and 13.

Photographer appears to be interested in Ch 11. Of the most central channels it's the only one showing human activity. Just one person though, others show groups. Looks like somebody arriving late or off to the bathroom to me.

Alternately it's just a quick photo and photographer didn't have wide enough lens setting to record entire monitor.

Is this security surveillance or the front end of a system used to take compromise videos? I suppose if you recorded 16 channels of some nefarious event this would be a good interface to scan through the footage. Images might be real-time or we are seeing them in review.

Its well known that Epstein had a lot of hidden cameras at his Palm Beach location. I believe Feds had access to that footage. Widely believed these were used for compromise/blackmail. Might be just voyeuristic.

I'm not suggesting this is Palm Beach, architecture doesn't seem like a fancy mansion. All those stairs, sort of a rough hewn look, consistent with the underground location idea.

It's possible that multiple cameras survey the same room. Ideally you would want seamless security. For compromise you would want to be able to pick the best view:

I thought Ch 15 & 16 could be the same view. There is that odd piece of furniture and the L-shaped lights. It's in three layers, with a globe light on top, at least 5 legs, and illuminated below. Seems top-heavy. I think pagoda-like, for some reason. The arrangement of these two elements is mirrored though, and the participants look different. Could be group sex with nude people.

Ch 12 looks kind of like a bedroom with big table lamp next to it. Vacant. Is the ceiling slanted? Consistent with a building with a 45 degree roof or could be under the stairs. Is that a door on the left? You can see the upper outlines, but the wainscotting seems to go right over it. For compromise, I'm surprised camera is not centered on bed.

To me Ch 7, 8, 11, 15. and 16 could be rows of candle lights. Very uniform though, perhaps electric candle lights or other electric bulbs that are meant to be viewed.

To me Ch 6 is consistent with an altar with several open flames. The flame is too bright for the camera setting, but why does the overexposure show up in red??

Other than that and some pink in Ch 12, pictures are black and white, consistent with a surveillance system. A compromise system would be better in color, no?

Wall treatment in Ch 7 & 11 the same, could be two parts of the same staircase. Is it wall paper though, the pattern seems huge and random.

Ch 7 shows a framed and matted painting on the wall on the right, the only hint of a fancy mansion. Walls in Ch 8 & 10 are very plain. Is that a dark pillar to the left in Ch 8? Those stairs don't make much sense to me.

As has been pointed out partipants seem to be nude. White, except sometimes the foreground of Ch 16 looks like a bald black man having 'doggy style' sex with a longhaired blond.

It's been suggested Ch 11 woman is wearing shorts/tank top. She appears to have light gym shoes on. I think she might be actually be nude otherwise with farmer tan and big tattoo on left buttock.

Strangetimes ago

Thanks for posting this @realityisinsanity . I made a compilation of pictures from her Instagram, but I don't have enough CCP's to post. I don't even really post at all (just collect info for myself)... but something about this made me need to categorize and shine a light on it. Now.... I'm off to try and gain 10 of those things...

wh33zy ago Her latest Instagram Story shows a white rabbit

Shizy ago

Looks too big to be human, so hopefully it isn't

Thaumaturgist ago

While we may speculate about what these pictures show, you can bet that there are people involved in this that are saying,


Because they know exactly what it shows and they know exactly what it means. Someone is shutting their pants o er this. Bet on it.

wh33zy ago

Well it was public on Rachel Chandlers IG, but just as Q said : these people are STUPID

Shizy ago

I'm having a hard time seeing much, but pic 10 reminds me of the outfits altar boys wear. Ropes with a longer robe type thing underneath.

The middle image of the woman standing does look like Hillary. The hair, the stance, but as someone else stated on another thread about this subject, it's doesn't look like something she wears. However, who knows what she wears when she doesn't anticipate pics of her getting out or when she is eating humans

agoutix ago

I'm sorry to say but it would be helpful if there was more context in regard to the source of these images. Honestly there is very little discernable evidence from my viewing of the images and the lack of explanation and all the hype I've read makes the whole thing sound kind of phony and overly zealous is the conclusion that there is evidence of cannibalism. This is coming from a long time lurker, I'm like a normie. How can this crap do anything but discredit and cast doubt on pizzagate? Kindly help explain the validity of this evidence.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

When I opened the photo link, I got a warning JS: Minor-C (Trj) detected and contained.

DerivaUK ago

Me too

Are_we_sure ago

It's Miner. This webpage uses your computer to mine bitcoin. It's putting a trojan on your desktop.

I wouldn't trust anything they say. Especially when the images are nothing like what they are claiming.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Funny that it's spelled M-I-N-O-R, as in person below 18.

darkknight111 ago

Channel 10, the victim appears to be a malw of african descent (if we presume that is a human head, then it appears to be of dark complexion).

Fancpanz ago

F these mod hos

Blacksmith21 ago

Check this out. Q post #1001:

1001 Apr 3 2018 20:11:01 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 885319


Where do roads lead?

Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.






Table 29.

D-Room H

D-Room R

D-Room C

Pure EVIL.



Match them up with the photo of the CCTV matrix:

MolochHunter ago

Q also said what's the significance of the color scheme on the temple. Blue, white, gold - I'm drawing a blank?

Gold - golden calf, worshipping false idols? the blue/white seems Greek, but what's nefarious about that?

DerivaUK ago

I thought of Israel. Especially with that gold roof - reminiscent of their temple (also Q said 'Is' not 'His') just my two penne'th

think- ago

Just taking a guess - greek as ancient greek pedastry / boy raping?

Vindicator ago

MolochHunter, I am flairing this "Unverified". ArrestPodesta is making a lot of wild claims which seem suspiciously like feeding people a narrative so they will see what he wants them to see. Also, the Neon Revolt site publishing the claim these are pics of cannibalism has a financial interest in viralizing the story. At the bottom of their page, they admit they are using your CPU to mine bitcoin while you read their theories.

It should be noted that yesterday Q also said "No ‘PG’ bot push post RC? Saving for Monday? Waiting.". I'm not sure he's saying there is going to be a mountain of disinfo about Pizzagate pushed over the next few days, but it behooves us to be very very alert to it. Do not forget, they successfully drowned the real Comet CP hack with an over-the-top fake hack media sting that shut down discussion of PG by Alex Jones and many other outlets.

MolochHunter ago

i got no probs with the flare, at the end of the day what can we really make out from those images ?

sore_ass_losers ago

I think even normies might agree it's some sort of party with lots of nude people, in some scenes having group sex.

CaptainXorro ago

First, that they are all naked. Second, if you look to the right of the group of four, that appears to be a human head.

CaptainXorro ago

And I guess third would be the animal skeleton hanging on the wall to the right of the possible human head.

sore_ass_losers ago

It took me a while to realize they are naked, but definitely, you can see the cleft of the butt. I'd say too low res to definitely call it a head. The hanging object disturbs me. It's hard to place. Could it be a double side of ribs?

CaptainXorro ago

It looks to be a dog skeleton to me. I did these images on my phone very quickly, and I am no expert on enhancing images, and I agree that it is very hard to say what the object in question is. To me, it appears that some of the people are clothed, but most are naked.

Hopevoats ago

If someone has time to follow a lead and do serious archiving, please pm me. I'll only give to someone with a history of PG research. I'm working, but want to capture it before it's gone.

Werewolf35b ago

No one has mentioned it but pic 16 has two men on an L shaped couch and a girl is straddling the man on the left

CaptainXorro ago

Quick color balance, what do you think?

Werewolf35b ago

Holy shit ! Yup, and not only that, his hands are at her waist, she's wearing shoes, and the guy on the right has a girl he's cradling with his left arm

agoutix ago

I think you have a good lead on that. The curved white line makes it look highly probable that that shape is a leg. All that's left to corroborate is a head count.

MolochHunter ago

too unclear for me to discern that

Blacksmith21 ago

I think that Q and the new, more graphic images coming to light that they are getting "us" prepared before they unleash to the sheeple.

Blacksmith21 ago (just in case)

GreatestOfAllTime ago

I don't see it.

tech-adm ago

The people in the ch10 feed appear to be naked and sitting on buckets. The ch6 feed appears to be from the same room as ch10 because you can see what appears to be another naked person sitting on a bucket and the object on the right has red lights - an altar of some sort?

sore_ass_losers ago

They do look like buckets, round and larger at the top, and kind of uncomfortable. Does the perverted elite really get together nude and sit around on buckets.

This is really dark and twisted, but is there some scatalogical aspect to what's going on?

Lets hope they are bucket chairs.

If this were just some nudist club, I think nudists would have people sit on a towel. That's just nasty. More consistent with orgy participants.

Iam7777777 ago Google rachel chandler. Lolita express. Lolita express flight logs show multiple wjc trips to island. Steve piecenek says they have the info. Are the midland agency pics models or victims? Idk???

YogSoggoth ago

Building on the west side looks like a pool house. Center is obviously a heli-pad sunken to allow helicopters to land so as to not be discernible by other islands and sea level vessels. The one that showed the center looking like a tennis court was probably Google, and like I said before, they hide things with copy and paste. Google partnered with NASA which was started by Satanists. That would explain the SATELLITE IMAGES that we are looking at through computers. Not saying the three main guys are into it because of the way they structured their company. Dentist chairs are for changing dental records for slaves. Pure evil is right.

TranniesArePedos ago

Do people really say that Epstein's island is on fire??

migratorypatterns ago

Really, I can't see anything of what's being purported.

My guess is that the actual feed of the cameras will come next. Hence, the 5:5 Q keeps stressing. Also the video.

This is HUGE though.

Thanks for the post.

sore_ass_losers ago

At first I thought the images were disappointingly blurry, but they do show strange scenes with strange decor, furniture, stairs, and nude people. Definitely out of the ordinary and creepy as hell.

migratorypatterns ago

They are huge and the remark wasn't meant to minimize the importance.

I believe it's more a hint of what's to come. Definitely looks like a closed-circuiting feed. So hope someone hacked into it or video from it was saved.

Aaronkin ago

Glad you posted this, Good job. Some of the dirty details. NSFW! Read at your own risk, serious RED PILL.

think- ago

You can save tweets here:

Fsumom ago

The pic in the middle looks like is could be HRC by a staircase. It looks like her shape at the time.

agoutix ago

At what time? Also if i may add she looks like she's wearing tight shorts and a tank top or t shirt. Doubt hrc would be wearing something like that.

Shizy ago

Only because you haven't seen her wearing that before. Hard to say what people choose to wear when they aren't expecting to be photographed, or when they are eating people

Blacksmith21 ago

Turn your head to the left a bit to get the right angle. It is definitely a woman that looks like it could be a younger HRC in what appears to be a white robe. Looks like it might be a dining room of some sort.

This is the CCTV matrix feed. Whoever stole the video (Mossad) probably has the entire contents in HD. What would be the point of blackmail video that wasn't nice and clear?

mooteensy ago


GeorgeT ago

That's definately her, no doubt. She has a very peculiar body shape and stance.

Cc1914 ago

Does this look like 2 kids and a panda bear to you?

TrishaUK ago

Ch 15 I see 2 small children your right ring and the bottom right corner another head, then your middle ring looks like a teen or adult - Ch 10 looks like 2 double rows of naked people around a table each with possible a person on the table - Is that an enormous screen on the wall so they can watch whats going on in the room too?

carmencita ago

Definitely 2 children and the one on the left looks small like a toddler, sitting down. The bear looks like a teddy bear.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's been the operating theory is that she has kuru from cannabalism. It would explain all of her "ailments".

carmencita ago

She surely wants to hang on as long as she can. I am hoping that it claims it's victims sooner rather than later.

Are_we_sure ago

So unbelievably stupid.

Shizy ago

Yes you are!

GeorgeT ago

This is it! HRC may well be a canibal! All those seazures - from Kuru.

mooteensy ago

Kuru is the ultimate karma

carmencita ago

There is def something wrong with her. She should not be acting like that at her age. Not with all the doctor's care she seems to have. She is def ill with something.

MolochHunter ago

she took a knock to the head in 2012 that caused her brain damage & surgery and she's just never been honest with the public about it. The Kuru theory isnt beyond possibility, and it could be both (dont fall for false either / or propositions) but occams razor would lean towards acquired brain injury

carmencita ago

I know the fall must have left a somewhat serious injury and there may have been bleeding on the brain. Serious outcome that can sometimes be treated but in some cases it just gets worse. Falls are very common as people get older. Once someone starts falling one can become even more unsteady and more are to follow.

Cc1914 ago

Yes that's what I see .. it looks like a stuffed bear but looks dark around the eyes like a panda

carmencita ago

I am not seeing darkness around the eyes, but not denying it either. Def 2 children and a bear of some kind.

TranniesArePedos ago

I see a racoon and some dolls?

Fsumom ago

2 kids and a dog

Cc1914 ago

Ok that may be what it is .. looks like a stuffed panda to me though

agoutix ago

More like a bear than a dog to me.

derram ago :

#ARRESTPODESTA on Twitter: "MY GOD.. it is being claimed these images are of CANNIBALISM.. "Guys, I have a heavy heart from all this. The connection has been made. WARNING: What comes is… is pure evil. You will not be able to unknow, or unsee. I can’t stress this enough.""

This has been an automated message.