DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This thread makes you all look stupid. All of you. Yeah, you too.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

More garbage at this sub muddying the waters. None of the pictures are clear and they look like they were taken by a toaster. None of the pictures reveal anything. What is wrong with you guys?

neptunium1 ago

One degree of separation been Chandler and Hillary Clinton

lovely1 ago

Q said investigate those close to Epstein .heres his little blackbook

Strongrightturn ago

I am compiling some pictures from a recent rabbitholing I've been doing. All of these are loosely connected to Rachel Chandler. Bottom of thread on 8Chan.

Iam7777777 ago

Another that is associated.

Truthseeker3000 ago

beckychandler1 on Instagram is her sister.

Fancpanz ago

If this does not produce fruit this site is officially dead

think- ago

Rachel Chandler's Tumblr is still online:

Look at the second pic, the baby at the right. This looks weird.

@Vindicator @srayzie @bopper @EricKaliberhall @migratorypatterns

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

She has a lot of pictures of children

REB_Militia ago

these people use symbolism in the oddest (see: fucking horrifyingly creepiest) ways

Shizy ago

I didn't see the baby pic, but did anyone else see the one of the boy with a white sheet draped over him but his whole right butt cheek is exposed? How is that legal? It's not a little toddler, he looks about 9/10

Truthseeker3000 ago

It looks to me like they kept the baby in the box the woman is holding up with the hole. Sick fucks.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Wish we could read the address on the box.

think- ago

Aargh...hadn't thought about that. :-(

srayzie ago

This stuff makes my blood boil

migratorypatterns ago

That s beyond weird.

Is that a newborn? Looks in trouble.

think- ago

Yes. Actually I'm not sure whether the baby is still alive. :-(

migratorypatterns ago

Hopefully, it's just a weird photoshopped effect.

Fancpanz ago

Hey I don't have enough points to make a post bus someone should. Rachel Chandler's mom is the head of nxivms executive success network Nancy Salzman

lovely1 ago

interesting. similar. I wonder. I know they say chandler is from the chandler fam and they advertise salzman daughter's as other people but they do look alike. I would love to know more about Rachel's parents

Fancpanz ago Old post with great info

haggl ago

yeah 1.3 years ago and deleted by corrupt mods, reminds me how old this is :(

lovely1 ago

you rock

Fatty9000 ago

Thanks, there was no context for those who are out of the loop.

Vindicator ago

Check the sticky I just posted. It's all there.

4freedomsring ago

“Lesgirlslesboys”. Children’s clothing agency. Video of underage children, pornographic. Linked from Midland Agency. Sharna Osborne instagram.

Otto- ago

I just spent the last couple hours going over this stuff with 8chan, haven't been this angry in a while. There's some real shit here, no joke. Really don't want to sleep with this in my head, but the guys over there really scoured it faster than I could read it.

I'm very impressed with everyone, at the speed with which all had jumped on it; still remember when the link was public and seeing this unfold all before me and Q posting live, it was very insightful. Chandler is down but there is so much disgusting stuff from the instagram followers and friends. I'm sure most of it is archived already but I recommend people get at least a feel for the extent of their arm. This stuff is what got pizzagate rolling in the first place, not so much the emails, but the instagram on top. The fact that they still use it, and need it to share or network with others, means that we have the convenience to build on it.

Good luck processing all this the next couple days, you guys make me feel a lot better. Bless you all.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Post what you are talking about because there is nothing damning in this thread or even visible.

YogSoggoth ago

Shills everywhere I go.

Fancpanz ago

Plz provide link

Onetime1 ago

It is at The specific thread(s) are the research ones, over 1,170 individual threads now. They have filled over 751 postings in way under an hour when the global audience - now numbering in the millions - fires up and engages. Between all the great work and involvement on voat, the Chans, Reddit, Twitter, et al, the hideous cabal is under grave assault. We must press on.

gaggs ago

Do you have a link?

SweetChicken ago

Channel 10, the one with people that appear to be on buckets, looks like people eating at a table with what appears to be blood everywhere on the walls. Impossible to confirm from just this alone without proper tools. I would also suggest that they all appear to be wearing the same clothing. Like, maybe it’s a recruitment type of place. Think, building an army of loyal workers or soldiers who are also satanist or whatever you want to call them. Just a thought

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

What are you on about? Nothing can be seen. A blurry unfocussed mess and you have this wild scenario. Are you guys selling this as Q's revelation? This is pathetic.

carmencita ago

I f you look really close those are children sitting on those buckets. If you look closer one or two of them, their bottoms look very curved like they are naked. Sickening actually. Am wondering if anyone else sees this.

SweetChicken ago

After closer inspection I believe you are correct. At first I just thought they were all wearing the same clothing but it was whitewashed out with brightness. Now I think you’re tight and that appeared that way because they in fact do not have clothing on. Looks like blood to me as well. Cannibal feast? Ugggghhhh I shudder

carmencita ago

Yes. shivers and chills

speedisavirus ago

Yeah, Q makes Instagrams private. Got it.

Beast-mode-freak ago

Watch this post get "moderated" or deleted soon.

ClickClick ago

Midland Agency is Rachel and her partner Walter Pearce's website. The people on there do not look like actual models.

Walter Pearce seems like a satanic pedo edgelord. Looks like he's a recruiter and handler.

Warning: his Instagram has some disturbing pictures.

Shizy ago

That dude Walter is a freak! Notice all of the shots of him or others putting up the index finger? If I remember correctly that's a shout out to lucifer

Rawrination ago

Midland agency models is the thing that a lot of the West coast model/ art bs is into. Click on any of the pictures and you get the more professional looking shots. But the whole "real" and "authentic" look is what seems to be "in" at the moment.

DayWalker ago

why the fuck are you using imgur

Fancpanz ago

U got a dik in ur ass son?

Jigawhojogaboo ago

Now this is something.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Lots of creepy pics of kids here, reblogged by even creepier accounts - can someone get archiving? Sorry i’ve Too much to do today IRL

darkknight111 ago

This particular image may be the most important one.

Anyone here proficenr in enlarging and hi resolution editing.

We need such on every single channel in this security feed.

Channel 10 or maybe 3 is potentially the most damning from what I can discern.

carmencita ago

10 Sadly looks like children and they do not look clothed to me. They look naked. I am getting nauseous.

InnocentAngels ago You can see them better here.

InnocentAngels ago

I also thought naked people of different sizes. I could see them better in that other thread.

carmencita ago

Yes, I thought they were different sizes as well, but still children. Horribly Sad.

InnocentAngels ago

Hope we find out more about this.

carmencita ago

Really pretty strange the way it is just out there. How can they be so dumb, since there have been so many leaving Woke Comments. Utterly Baffling.

InnocentAngels ago

I know. I worry about false information or images being put out there. I noticed a bunch of new people on those threads.

carmencita ago

Yes, I have noticed a lot of new people myself. The 3 hr. kind. Btw, there was a post about Brock using some kind of operation to dox truthers. It has totally disappeared. Did you see it?

InnocentAngels ago

Some of these posters are rude, super racist and trying to stir up sh!t lately. What is happening??

carmencita ago

As I just replied in my post, there seems to be some kind of Propaganda Push towards Racism by the left and especially Media Matters as of late. They are trying to start a Race War. Or at least create an even bigger divide than already exists.

InnocentAngels ago

They are really pushing it. I saw somewhere a couple of days ago saying trolls and bots were going to be out heavy on Monday on Twitter and numerous sites.

carmencita ago

They are trying to turn the tables as usual. We don't want any people here that they are trying to push on us. If people can come here on their own merits, fine, but not in large groups that are allowed in under some blanketing law. Everyone needs to come on their own. They are trying to create more and more refugees and pin Islamaphobia on us when we don't accept them when there are thousands. They are trying everything they can because of the ban. Yes, there will be more of this.

InnocentAngels ago

I know they use Islamaphobia, along with other tags, to make conservatives look bad. It's just wrong to group people. No one looks at everything the same. I have always looked at each individual as an individual, not a group. I have known people that came from Bosnia, he was Muslim and she was a Christian. Great people that fit perfect in our country. Both of them worked, enjoyed all our holidays. I met some of their family too and they were very nice. Her mom spoke very limited English, but we managed to communicate in our own way. She later told me my mom really likes you. That was nice of her to say that. The problem I have with illegal immigration is you don't know who is slipping in that could be a member of MS13 or another gang or have terrorist links. Esp. when they come by mass numbers.

carmencita ago

Our Immigration Laws have been tinkered with and the ones that go back to the old days are not followed. When my parents came here they had to apply for their papers and after 5 years they became citizens. Just like that, but it was 5 years. Also you were quizzed and had to answer questions. Things were way stricter. Now it can take 9 years to get a green card. This is a game the govt. plays to put off paying full wages. Our System is Broke. So they can play their games and let in whomever they see fit. I know people like you mentioned as well. There is a family that my cousin has invited for Thanksgiving and they are the nicest people with well mannered children. Hard workers and always bring food galore even though they are told not to. Yes, the type they want to let in here are the trouble makers, not well grounded families.

Vindicator ago

Darkknight self-deleted it because it was over a year old.

carmencita ago

Good to know the origin and why. Thanks.

InnocentAngels ago

I've had that virus warning pop up twice on my PC in the last week or two. I always ignore it and eventually escape from it without hitting the button they want you to click. I don't know if it's connected or not. So many hackers out there.

carmencita ago

I have had the 403 and the Access Denied message many times this week. I sometimes can get around it, but sometimes have to wait to get back on. Things are getting tight. And as you say lots of new "members".

InnocentAngels ago

I have had those before too. I also had Norton block attacks on some of the links I went off to about this thread.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, I saw that last night. Looked at the post about it today. Looks like he had mega bucks in his art collection. Wonder if he had a will?

carmencita ago

I discovered he has family in Florida also involved in the same bus. Art Link International. He was also a Scientologist. I am wondering if this was a hit. I find it very odd that this fire did not spread to other floors. Possibly contained. Just a thought.

InnocentAngels ago

It may have been a hit. Will we see more about the cause of the fire? Was his window open or broken to cause the fire to accelerate? Was any of his art work missing?

carmencita ago

There do not seem to be any new investigative answers. Same old same old since the fire. I saw an article yesterday where a woman in her 70's said she was scared out of her wits and called her sons to say goodbye. She said it was like 9/ll !! Can you imagine? If it was that bad how did it not spread. Some questions need to be answered here, imo.

carmencita ago

Wow. Things are really ramping up. Wonder if things are getting tighter for them. That post has me worried now. Hope we get some answer on it.

InnocentAngels ago

I worry about 2 or 3 posters here who have let their identity slip. Wonder if anyone else has had any unusual activity while online or in their home life? One of the mods should do a poll to see.

think- ago

I'll ping @Vindicator and ask him to please read your comment.


InnocentAngels ago

Thanks. I have had crazy things happen online before I ever came here. I believe one of the wildest was a hacker that got into my Email acct and then got my name from another Email acct that was linked. Around the same time they tried getting into my phone by my Email. Ended up just deleting my Email from the phone I had then. I changed all my passwords pronto. This happened 3 years ago. Just think it's best to know if anyone else has had anything odd happen lately.

carmencita ago

Thanks. Would appreciate it. @Innocent Angel brought up a good point. Would be good to know and if there are some that have been affected it may cause others to wake up and be more careful.

carmencita ago

I am most def going to tighten things up with myself and we all should. Dangerous Times. Good idea to get some feedback @think-

InnocentAngels ago


InnocentAngels ago

No, I didn't see it. They are doing whatever they can to shut this site down. Just like You tube and Twitter with conservatives.

carmencita ago

Very strange though. I checked in the deleted posts and could not find. Somewhat scary actually.

InnocentAngels ago

That is odd that it's gone completely.

carmencita ago

Yes. Completely gone. I have pinged @think- waiting to hear.

think- ago

Btw, there was a post about Brock using some kind of operation to dox truthers. It has totally disappeared.

When was the submission posted, Carm? I don't recall a post like this.

carmencita ago

It was last night before midnight. I don't know the exact time, late evening, I was tired from a family event and I saw it and I had messages to answer. I thought, I will get back to it and about 10 min. later it was gone. Poof! It just disappeared. I went into the deleted posts and could not find it. Now I can't get it out of my mind. There were 1 or two that commented but I can't remember who they were. As I said I was rather bleary eyed. But believe me, I know what I saw. It kind of shook me up. One the of the comments said that there may be doxing of truthers and those of the Soc. Media sites. Also of more sinister outcomes. I can't believe I am the only one to view this.

YogSoggoth ago

Before I started cooking I saw a young girl in a satanic robe that looked like the adult Rachel on arrest podesta.

EricKaliberhall ago

Channel 11 caught my eye first... HRC hunting children in some murder mansion... Weapon not yet identified... Just thinking out loud. :)

atimeandplace ago

Ch3 looks like heads in a surgery or morgue setting.

atimeandplace ago

Different sizes too. Fuck I feel sick 😟

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Humans are differnt sizes I have pictures with children and adults in them. You got blood feast orgy out of those 1920's blurry pictures? Bullshit.

atimeandplace ago

I can almost guarantee that, from my PROFESSIONAL OPINION AS A GRAPHIC ARTIST, PHOTOGRAPHER AND VIDEO EDITOR (with 20 years experience), that those are heads of differing sizes. Not my fault you just see blurry images. Maybe get your eyes checked?

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Am I missing something? The pics look so blurry to me. I can't make out what everyone is seeing in the sec camera pics. I even got my magnifying glass out lol. How can you see heads on ch3? Do you have clearer shots?

atimeandplace ago

20 years of graphic design, image editing, photography and video editing..... I work up close with pixels for most of my work, sometimes for long hours at a time, so it's fairly easy to pick out what is in these images. I actually considered going into digital image forensics, but I think you need like a thousand other degrees these days lol

realityisinsanity ago

Reminds me of Fiona Barnett's drawings

Mad_As_Hell ago

None of these are opening for me

Truthseeker3000 ago

WTF is she doing at the NSA? HOW and WHY does she have so much clearance and connections. Looks like beckychandler1 is her sister.

lovely1 ago

maybe shes an informant now :)

Donky_punch ago

Please use another image hosting site like

Imgur doesn't work on mobile

lovely1 ago

works on Samsung 8?