spacepopecoast2coast ago

haha FUCK THIS FAT BITCH, MAKE NICKELODEON GREAT AGAIN (aka plzz consider donating your CCP, just wrote up /pizzagatewhatever post and got denied hard when I clicked submit - thank you for your charity, and may God bless us everyone!)

-- I was gonna post up this weird YT channel I found called GLOBAL WORLDWIDE, has anyone else seen it before? An endless supply of suuuuper weird 30 sec videos that give off a weird MK-Ultra brainwash-y vibe - something def off about the whole operation, curious what others might think... check it out:

Vindicator ago

I really hope the fuckers who run Reddit don't dox her. I'm sure they probably can.

Vindicator ago

Here's the solution to Pedowood:

migratorypatterns ago


But we have to build leave the tunnel for Huntington Beach open for safe passage to the normies.

Oh, and for Fabio and James Woods ... Roseanne ... think that's it.

Shizy ago

And @srayzie

srayzie ago

Yes, thanks for not forgetting me ๐Ÿ˜˜
You 2 get along now? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

@MigratoryPatterns is Fabio for you? ๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess James Woods is for @Shizy lol

Hmmm, now I need to think of who I would bring ๐Ÿค”

migratorypatterns ago

@MigratoryPatterns is Fabio for you? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Fabio appeared a while back and was pleading with people to wake up. He was talking about how LA was becoming a shit hole thanks to the dems and urging people to get involved and reverse the policies. That's why I' including him. Because he deserves better than to be stuck with Pelosi and the Lucifer worshipping pervs that scum-up Tinseltown.

srayzie ago

I was just playing with you. I think youโ€™re funny. I didnโ€™t know Fabio was awake. I was talking to @Shizy about the other people.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh! Got it. I read thee in the Comment Replies so the comment is never connected to anything. Couldn't imagine why you were saying that.

Yeah, Fabio is wide awake. He thanked the host profusely and said no one would give him airtime to say what he wanted. Then he went into how LA was becoming a shithole and how all the stars were being robbed and that they were scared and living in fear. He did a great job of red-pilling those who were listening. I got it, and this was well before the election so that didn't bring it on.

srayzie ago

Thatโ€™s Awesome! I remember that my mother in law had a huge crush on him. At first when I read your comment, I thought you meant you were bringing Fabio along because you had a crush haha.

migratorypatterns ago

So I was correct in it being directed at me.

No, it was for the valiant attempt at red-pilling. He did a great job. And he was never invited anywhere again. Never saw him popping up on other news channels. It's always surprising who turns out to be awake. Not always the people you expect.

srayzie ago

Yeah the Fabio comment was directed at you. The other ones at @Shizy. You show a lot of personality on your posts so I was joking around with you. Never mind.

I know what you mean. Who would have ever thought Roseanne would end up being woke!

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I never trusted her. I think it's because these victims don't act the way we think they should. But if she's honestly trying to expose this cabal, more power to her. That I can support.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I donโ€™t think she speaks to her family. I love her on Twitter. Now that she has her show, it will give her a huge platform!

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely she has a platform.

Hope she continues to make the most of it.

Shizy ago

Fabio ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

srayzie ago

LMAO! ๐Ÿคฃ

Vindicator ago


Deathtosatan ago

I think it's amanda cossgrove

SoldierofLight ago

When Nickelodeon tossed him, I really thought shit was going to come down on his head within days. But... crickets. Maybe the Reddit confessor thought so too. I really want his victims to see some kind of justice, even though nothing will erase what he did to them.

Shizy ago

Maybe shit not coming down will prompt a victim to step forward with allegations

mooteensy ago

Even if itโ€™s a larp, it puts the spotlight on how the victim was affected by Dan Schneider. Upoat for that. Hopefully other victims will come forward in the future. To his victims I say: We are with you! We believe you! You do not have to suffer alone! Most importantly, We will never give up on you.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Unfortunately people will write this off as a Reddit larp when, if anything, the OP is downplaying the situation

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it has the ring of truth, doesn't it?

Just4kicks ago

Someone needs to take Dan down, he needs to go to Prison.

PuritySpiral ago

The whole damn industry needs to be put to the sword.

IShallNotFear ago

Here is an link to the page. I had to pull it from the text-only google cache version.

LightlyToasted ago

Archive w/the "confession"


AndrewBlazeIt ago

Flip-flops were insanely common footwear for Jamie Lynn Spears in Zoey 101.

Just sayin'.

Cc1914 ago

Yep ..

pedodestroyer ago

4chan was thinking it perhaps was jennette mccurdy

Cc1914 ago

Mccurdy had already expressed her feelings about DS online before and this girl said this was the first time she's shared this anywhere .. so I'm thinking it's Jamie L Spears