So, I've been following a Youtube channel lately about the McCanns seeing as they were recently in the news AGAIN with more taxpayers' money being spent on a case that we all know is suspect.
Starting with this video: Madeleine McCann Raf lossiemouth connection ?
It mentions a visit of a priest from RAF Lossiemouth 3 weeks after Madeleine went missing
The next day they get confirmation that they will have a visit to the Vatican. (A private plane was laid on by Sir Philip Green).
Apparently Prince Andrew was Honorary Air Commodore of RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland since 1996
Before that he was Colonel in Chief of the Canadian Airborne Regiment between 1991 and 1995
That association ended in scandal. Canada Ends Top Regiment After Charges
An elite Canadian paratroop regiment that shocked the nation with the disclosure of gruesome hazing rituals, racial incidents and the torture killing of a Somali teenager during a 1993 peacekeeping mission is being disbanded.
The decision followed the broadcast last week on Canadian television of two amateur videos. One showed Airborne soldiers in Somalia in 1993 making racist remarks and talking about killing "niggers." That video was shot in the weeks before the Somali teen-ager was tortured and killed while in the custody of the regiment.
The second video showed a hazing ritual in 1992 at the regiment's base in Petawawa, Ont., in which drunken Airborne soldiers eat vomit and feces and drag a black trooper around on a leash with the legend "I love the KKK" written on the soldier's back.
Well what other associations does Prince Andrew have with Canada ?
A good many of the Duke’s 25 homecomings to Canada have hinged on his role as a trustee of Lakefield College (and patron of the College’s Friends)
How a royal gift exposed sexual abuse at an elite Canadian school
Prince Andrew wanted to memorialize his friend and former chaplain at Lakefield College School. The resulting tribute prompted Father Keith Gleed’s victims to finally break their silence.
at least five former students came forward to report they were sexually abused by the one-time chaplain.
In reality, Father Keith was a pedophile who preyed on vulnerable young students and took his secret to the grave—only to have the truth exposed, ironically enough, because of Andrew’s well-intentioned efforts to enshrine his memory.
There's that pesky issue raising it's ugly head again.
The second video which needs mentioning is: Madeleine McCann the Dutch connection
In it he mentions a doctor Weinberger, and in the comments section :
dr paul jeromeweinberger worked.Portman downs
Porton Down you say? Well, that needed investigating..
Of rather more interest is that Weinberger's former company, Enigma, was set up essentially as an 'arm's length', government-backed private company, whose office was eventually located inside the highly secret Ministry of Defence establishment at Porton Down in Wiltshire, not far from Salisbury. It is famous, or perhaps notorious, for conducting research into biological, chemical and nuclear warfare. The murdered Dr David Kelly was associated with it for many years.
Weinberger did live close to another Ocean Club guest, Dr Julian Totman and his wife, both of whom were General Practitioners in Salisbury. But still more relevantly, Dr Totman had a second surgery actually inside Porton Down.
Dr Paul Weinberger and his wife are directors of a company called Diasolve Ltd at 7-7c Snuff Street, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1DU
The company's physical location is at Porton Down : 114 Tetricus Science Park, DSTL Porton Down, Salisbury
Guidewave is a subsidiary :
The accountant's address at 7-7c Snuff Street manages 174 companies there:
Quite an interesting bunch of companies., including: Jensen Wealth Management Ltd.
St. James's Place is one of the UK's leading wealth management organisations, managing client funds of £90.7 billion. The company was founded in 1991 by Mike Wilson CBE, Sir Mark Weinberg and Lord Rothschild and today through its Partnership provides reliable and expert advice in all aspects of wealth management.
The McCanns' have some very high level friends indeed.
Further reading:
June was when the McCanns did the bulk of their Grand European Tour and a plethora of Sirs and Lords appeared on the scene. Sir Richard Branson, Sir Philip Green, Sir Tom Hunter, Sir Christopher Meyer, Lord Stevens and not forgetting that Lord Tim Bell had already given his support the previous month. The connection between these people is that they were all endorsed by the Royal Family. They were knighted by the Queen. While the credentials of these people were discussed on the Internet, everyone overlooked the fact that the benefactors had all been honoured by the Royal Family.
(That's Lord Tim Bell of Bell Pottinger and Cambridge Analytica connections.)
Britain is ruled by disassociative sociopaths in a cult that calls itself “The Royal Arch”. There is a ruling politburo of “Guardians”, consisting of persons selected by existing members. To be a guardian, one is trained from early childhood for the role in the usual manner – electroshock and sexual abuse.
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think- ago
Oh, that was that regiment? I remember the case.