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letsdothis1 ago

Porton Group’s history lies in partnerships with leading Government laboratories, funding and developing technology for military purposes, with parallel commercial applications. Such laboratories include Dstl (an agency of the UK Ministry of Defence); Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (the UK Space Centre of Excellence); and numerous other UK Government public sector research establishments, and universities such as Cambridge University. Porton Group has always enjoyed unique access to technology with worldwide market potential; embracing the competition of new entrants to the sector, and diversifying to new markets and opportunities.

Historically Porton Group has not been sector specific, having invested in medical diagnostics, biomarkers, access control technologies, next-gen flat loudspeakers, through to materials science and a host of sectors in between. However, Porton Group has a proud heritage in defence and security with many of our significant investments having had national security at their heart, but have gone on to be actively successful in commercial sectors.

letsdothis1 ago

Liam Fox, his adviser, and an irregular meeting in Dubai

n the hotel Fox was reunited with Adam Werritty, a close personal friend of his for at least 14 years, and three Dubai-based businessmen, including British private equity boss Harvey Boulter.

The meeting, which had been organised by Werritty, who has handed out business cards embossed with a logo of the House of Commons portcullis that describe him as "an advisor to RT Hon Dr Fox MP", was to demonstrate new technology that might allow troops to call home without fear of the calls being intercepted by the enemy.