realityisinsanity ago

They love their surnames. Bell = Baal. McCain = Cain

letsdothis1 ago

Lord Bell's new enterprise Sans Frontières Associates:

Sans Frontières Associates, the agency set up last year by a former Bell Pottinger partner and chaired by Lord Bell, has been given interest-free loans totalling £1m by its chair and investor Dods Group. Read more at

With 44 per cent, Dods' largest shareholder is** Lord Ashcroft**, the pollster and former Conservative treasurer and deputy chair.

Lord Ashcroft used offshore trust to shelter wealth while Tory peer

Lord Ashcroft, one of the Conservative party’s biggest donors, faces fresh questions over his offshore affairs after the Paradise Papers revealed a previously unknown trust sheltering his vast overseas wealth.

Scores of emails and financial statements chart the inner workings of the Bermuda-based Punta Gorda Trust from its creation in 2000, just after he became a peer.

Lord Ashcroft DENIES hiding in the toilet to dodge BBC reporter asking about his finances

The former Conservative Party deputy chairman was filmed by a Panorama journalist after he was named in the controversial Paradise Papers.

Suspected paedophile on UK's most wanted list arrested in France

Lord Ashcroft, founder and chairman of Crimestoppers, said: "There are still 17 fugitives on the list, many of whom continue to pose a threat to the UK as well as the communities where they hide.

How ironic.

letsdothis1 ago

Whether or not it’s true, the Internet has decided for the time being that British Prime Minister David Cameron probably put his private parts into the mouth of a dead pig when he was at Oxford. The allegations have been made by extremely well-connected Establishment figures, former Conservative Party Deputy Chairman Lord (Michael) Ashcroft, and former Sunday Times political editor Isabel Oakeshott

Isabelle Oakeshott

on Cambridge Analytica

letsdothis1 ago

Fergie, ex-wife of Prince Andrew and Bell Pottinger

The socialite who fell to earth: Stupendously rich after divorcing a billionaire, Heather Kerzner led a gilded life... then Fergie introduced her to the now shamed PR firm Bell Pottinger and it all started going wrong

The duchess had added two of her friends to the guest list that night: PR company boss James Henderson and Heather Kerzner, vivacious ex-wife of pint-sized South African hotels and casino magnate Sol Kerzner.

Ever since 2010, when her royal life reached its lowest ebb after a newspaper ‘sting’ in which she offered to sell access to Prince Andrew, her ex-husband, in return for £500,000, the Duchess had relied on Henderson, chief executive of world-famous PR firm Bell Pottinger, to rebuild her reputation.

nd that kindness has been repaid. Henderson’s son Felix spent a winter season working as an assistant at the Swiss ski lodge she jointly owns with Andrew.

Not long afterwards, 48-year-old Heather was making a significant gesture of commitment to their relationship, investing several millions of her personal fortune buying a 15 per cent stake in Henderson’s PR firm.

But amid allegations it tried to stoke up racial hatred in South Africa while working for a lucrative client, the company — set up by Maragret Thatcher’s favourite ad-man Lord (Tim) Bell — has spectacularly collapsed.

Settling in London soon after their wedding, Heather began rubbing shoulders with an international crowd, ex U.S. president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, South Africa’s former president Nelson Mandela and Hollywood stars like Robert De Niro.

The following year, her 41st birthday celebration at Annabel’s nightclub, was notorious for the fracas between actor Hugh Grant and PR man Matthew Freud.

Meanwhile, Heather was soon becoming a familiar figure at Bell Pottinger events. At its summer party in June at Lancaster House, next door to St James’s Palace, Heather glided easily among the guests, including politicians such as David Davies, Nigel Farage and Viscount Astor (Samantha Cameron’s stepfather), media figures like ITV’s Robert Peston and, of course, the Duchess of York.

carmencita ago

Somebody needs to stick a mic in his face and ask him where those kids are.

carmencita ago

Somebody stole those kids. Just like Maddie. Someone knows where they are or what happened to them. Elites.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Clement Freud without a doubt knows, he had dinner with them in the days after, at his Praia de Luz villa, not far from the McCanns place. I'd say they (its a pedo vacation spot, with a literal pedo pub, where pedos meet up to discuss sharing arrangements, rates for locals etc) went for a swapping holiday, and the shit got out of hand with Maddie. I'd say they all know. My only question would be, did the McCanns leave knowing someone was coming for arranged rape of their daughter, kill her and leave with the evidence (maybe th e-fits of Podesta's) , or were the McCanns present at some point, and did they disppose of remains?

carmencita ago

I very much agree. The Freud Family is really messed up. Clement's wife was accused of sexually abusing a 16 year old boy and he claims it was kind of a "family thing" that was accepted by Clement as well. He had no problem with it. His wife had a connection to Lewis Carrol of Alice's Adventures fame. She was enthralled with Carrol when younger. While checking out the internet during reading your comment I found this This is a blog of Craig Murray who was a Former Ambassador to the US. Read it all, it is not long, and I found it astoundingly startling. Another interesting fact about Murray is that he swore that he was the person that Seth Rich handed off the Podesta emails to in a DC park. Interesting. Very Interesting. Read the article for it contains a small piece about Freud, and the McCanns and that is also very startling.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Bloody good find letsdothis!!

think- ago

Very interesting post, @letsdothis1. Upvoat!

Getting knighted seems to have been a special privilege for sex offenders.... /s

Maybe we should look at the list of people who got knighted in Britain? (Only half-joking.)

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I’ve been “half joking” about this for quite some time 😂

think- ago

Well, it's really quite obvious, isn't it?

letsdothis1 ago

I seriously think that's really what the knighting thing is all about. It really is a special club.