The UK government-military-media complex run the drugs and sex slave trade. Why do you think they call it "modern" slavery? They are selling its acceptance like Tony Blair sold Labour's acceptance by renaming his party New Labour. Get it yet? Modern = New; Slavery = Labour.

They have people who run all the little gangs and drug dealers too - they're called the police.

carmencita ago

Also in Lockstep with their NWO. New World Order. New is the Key Hint I believe. They are making everything Old, New Again. It's always been there but they are doing a Switcheroo. Yes, what's really modern about it? They have improved upon it. Much more sleek and efficient. Not like the Old Model. They are using a PR Campaign on us of sorts. Sickening.

think- ago

Thank you very much for this post, @13Buddha!

"It is our assessment that the increase we are seeing here is driven by an increased awareness and greater reporting of modern slavery and that is to be welcomed."

This is what they always say.....the same applies to rising numbers of rapes due to immigration throughout Europe. It's a poor excuse for 'we don't intend to do anything about it'.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The child trafficking and drug trafficking connections are often through pakistanis. I know that pakistani organized crime is responsible for both through out asia. it issuspected that the British government has been aiding them. There are too many articles on this for me to count, I do know that the rotterham sex ring is connected to a pakistan sex ring from 2015.

I will do some more digging and give you the dox and sources for this later. This is not a pleasant rabbit hole, and it does tie into terrorism.

letsdothis1 ago

Instead of looking at Pakistan which is 'over there' why don't we focus on our own governments who are just as complicit? That is, the US and the UK.

fogdryer ago

I agree

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You are not familiar with this topic are you? The pakistani sex traffickers ARE connected to the UK government, and the US government.

There are connections via rotterham, FIFA, And the Obama administration. One of the uglier things that stood out was that these pakistani connections were investigated by Orbis Business Intelligence over FIFA bribes. Orbis business intelligence is owned by Christopher Steele, the man behind the piss dossier.

Its a very deep rabbit hole. It appears that pakistani organized crime is heavily involved in drug trafficking, bribery in the middle east, and human trafficking. They expanded greatly during the war on terror, because apparently they got a huge infusion of cash from western governments.

letsdothis1 ago

Well, you're right. I'm not familiar with this topic because I haven't been aware of the connections you are making. Another rabbit hole to go down.

think- ago

Would you have some links? Thank you. I always wondered what the connection might be of the British elites and the Pakistani child trafficking gangs.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It will take a bit. Remind me if you don't hear from me in a few days. This is not a rabbit hole, it is a rabbit warren.

To give you an idea about how bad it is over there, this is a recent article written in January over an incident, that names pizzagate.


This was not the one i was looking for. There was an incident from a few years ago, where they not only were making child pornography, but they were also black mailing the kids with the tapes. That gang was connected to rottherham AND people in the rotterham city government.

think- ago

Thank you!