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ASolo ago

UnSpun 104 – “Holly Seeliger: "Harvard's Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria"YouTube

Yes Yes Yes. You got it bud. Here you will see that THE ROYAL SOCIETY is THE premiere group that has been the progenitor for the Tavistock institute, responsible for every PLAGUE in history and were part of the original settlers into America, INCLUDING the Folger family, that CARRIED WITH IT THE PAGAN BELIEF SYSTEMS OF OLD EUROPE WITH THEM FLEEING PERSECUTION AND FREEDOM OF "RELIGION" as I covered in Beyond Magic: Unclean Spirits; David Copperfield, Mulholland, Blaine, Geller; Mk-Ultra, Laurel Canyon, Carribean and Hellfire Club

Great minds think alike and Swordfish69 and I were all headed in that same direction. The Royal Society were the first cult achemists to coin the phrase ALKAHEST for the life giving properties they knew were in human blood, except back in those days they straight let it out, bathed or drank it in massive orgies, now they are trying to refine the process, as told to us is all these fancy hollywood movies like Aeon Flux and Jupiter Rising.

ALKAHEST just also happens to be an emerging life extension technology corporation being studied out of Stanford U as we speak, a good customer and client of, Planned Parenthood.

InnocentAngels ago

Do you know about this company? Similar to the corp you posted about. The blood and aborted baby parts are gold for them.

InnocentAngels ago

Saw this recently browsing through pol. Another corporation similar to what you posted. Connects into your last sentence very well. Of course the parts and blood of aborted babies are gold to them.

ASolo ago

From Planned Parenthood through third parties like StemExpress

letsdothis1 ago

Whoa.. I'm going to have to spend some time unpacking this. Somehow it's all coming together.