NoBS ago

Where the fuck are the fathers?

Oh, second and third generation of Rape survivors.

This is easy to do if you disarm the fathers from defending their woman's honor, let alone the personal right to not be a victim.

They arrest and convict for stand your ground, a fatalistic fuck the victim mentality.

Now the local police protect the authorized pedophiles with National Security interest against the British "common" subjects!

The Brits are Subjects to the Queen of England. The children are her right to take as an honorary Tax donation.

Does no one understand the meaning of Subjugation to a Royal entity?

The question is why Royalty has a historical control of National Security services? Think that could make it easier to make Blackmail evidence open door never before dreamed possible for the sick fucks on Earth.

migratorypatterns ago

Things are a mess, but the same thing is happening in Sweden and Germany. Evidently, the sheep are allowing this to happen to their children. I gotta say I'm shocked.

I hope this awakens those that care about children to demand answers, firings, and new policies put in place. I feel sorry for the Brits because they did vote corroectly in Brexit and in electing May. She was the one that talked the good game. They thought they were getting one thing and got The Devil instead.

NoBS ago

You think that's bad? They had to run Kangaroo courts for Gang rape victims in Australia. To protect Australians from learning the truth.

Censorship and the Police have been fucking over the last 10 generations down under.

Aussie government had been removing half breeds up until the early seventies. They removed children by the hundreds every single bloody year.

Problem is, many never returned for horrific reasons. Poof. Disposable children by her Majesties decree.

The Aussies are clueless because the state controlled media manufacture the narrative. Sad thing is her Majesty has done the same thing in Canada and India. Big time.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, it's global. People want to call us conspiracy theorists, but this is a conspiracy.

And you just reminded me of something I wanted to post. Everything you posted is just sad ... really sad. But you want to know what's really sad? This. Just look at this shit:

I have been looking for this photo since the #IWD event. Here is the PM at the 2016 Woman of the year lunch being hugged and hugging one of the Hillsborough mothers. They all spoke so highly of May and so do I for all she did re #FGM. Our PM is a good egg honestly.

Why do the masses actually this whore hugging a mother actually means she cares? THIS WOMAN CREATURE THING HAS BEEN GROOMED SINCE A CHILD!

Look at those three fucking NWO witches! The evil in their eyes is apparent as children. And yet people are thrown by her doling out a hug and calling her a good egg? The only good eggs are the ones she lays and then eats!

And again:

This is a side to @theresa_may the media don’t like us to see too often. They’d rather paint her as a cold, cruel, unfeeling person. Nonsense! @Conservatives

This is why we're in the position we're in. People abjectly refuse to believe evil when it stands before them!

Thank you for your comments and I'm sorry Australia has succumbed to this. It's disheartening, sickening, and all the rest of the words describing what it feels like to have your heart ripped out. It's why it's important for all of us to connect.

We can do this. It seems insurmountable, but that's because things have eroded up until this time.

NoBS ago

My family escape Australian control freaks well before the Gun Grab PSYOPS. I returned while the Gun Grab happened, I now understand the power of State Controlled media.

It is worse in the US with Social Media being used as the CIA's very own psychological operation with devastating effects.

migratorypatterns ago

The control of the press is worse. There's no way to get any truth into a publication that is bought and controlled and printing/pushing propaganda.

Remember that the legitimate press is what we learned to rely on for the truth. But what happens when it's no longer that? What happens when it spews lies and distortions, and ridicules any attempt to dislodge that which is entrenched?

Pizzagate is what happens.

lamplight ago

If the UK has less control, there would be less of this evil. Anyone see the latest "Death Wish" movie?

Earthbalance2 ago

Children legally cannot consent. Anyone pretending to be a police officer who does not understand the legal age of consent is not a lawyer enforcement officer but is a pedophilia enabler. This is 100% pizzagate.

migratorypatterns ago


It wreaks pizzagate.

carmencita ago

How can a child give real consent if he/she is Groomed? Hmm. Still scratching my head.

migratorypatterns ago


You give an adult drugs and they'll have a hard time keeping their wits. And these are kids?


carmencita ago

They blame a child for their actions. They are the bottom of the barrel.

migratorypatterns ago

They really are.

These men are scum.

carmencita ago

I wonder what word Jesus would use for them. I don't think the Lord is as kind as the RCC wants us to believe, not when it comes to pedophiles, the ones abusing His Little Lambs.

Shizy ago

Jesus has a word for them: reprobate

carmencita ago

Heh. Heh. Yeah, well that's a lot cleaner than some others would say! But we have to remember who's talking.

Shizy ago

Yep 😁

migratorypatterns ago

It all comes down to Judgement Day.

Right now He's finding all His Little Lambs. People are given chance after chance to make good and choose a side. Whatever sin committed will be lifted if the heart asking for forgiveness is pure in intent to change.

The judgement will be what they deserve.

carmencita ago

I am hoping they get their Judgement Day moved up.

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for that thought.

carmencita ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

I would really appreciate President Trump making a comment on this abomination of events in the UK.

think- ago

Here are some hashtags were you can find some more info:

/#Telford /#TelfordGrooming /#telfordabuse /#Rotherham /#groominggangs /#Rochdale

(Rotherham and Rochdale are two other British cities were mostly Pakistani grooming gangs have raped underage girls for decades and forced them into prostitution.)

migratorypatterns ago


We've got to stay all over this.

Shizy ago

It's the same with gun crimes. The perp is typically given a reduced sentence and the crime isn't taken seriously. Instead the left would prefer to cry about gun crime to strip rights from the law abiding gun owners. If we would just enforce the laws and give the deserved STIFF sentences to criminals we would have less repeate offenders especially pedos!

migratorypatterns ago

Look at that POS!

It's outrageous ... if this doesn't prove authorities are complicit, I don't know what does.

And that fake outrage ... I'm sick of it! It's like a bad good cop bad cop routine. A judge let's the scumbag go and then someone grandstands and cries outrage! They all knew damn well this punk ass wouldn't serve his time.

SirTopKekington ago

It's impossible to consent given those circumstances, oh wait they're Muslims they get a free pass

migratorypatterns ago


think- ago

A council-commissioned report told how social workers knew of the child sex crimes in the late 90s.

And in 2016, whislteblowing police chaplain Keith Osmund-Smith was suspended after passing papers to the Mirror.

migratorypatterns ago

So those trying to help are punished.

Those committing the crimes re protected. And people are okay with this?

think- ago

People don't want to question the society they live in. Apparently.

Shizy ago

Too many idiots would rather ignore anything "unpleasant" than have to face it and deal with it like a strong adult

migratorypatterns ago

Well, it is easier not to do anything and live in a dream state where you actually think elected officials are handling things. But let's see, you're letting the same officials who handled the initial scandal, handle the aftermath?

So which one of those police officers has been fired? Faced disciplinary action? What about whoever wrote that memo? Has he been canned? And what about the neighborhood? Can little girls walk home without being harassed?

think- ago

Answers to your questions: none of them - none of them - wasn't fired - no - no.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, it's always the same story, but why do voters believe these vampires?

think- ago

Because they want to believe they live in a society that is more or less ok, and problems will go away when they look away. (One possible answer.)

Another possible answer: Because they feel helpless when they realize that politicians (from the local levels upwards), social services, and police are all involved.

migratorypatterns ago

All possible.

It is overwhelming. But you've got to start somewhere.

think- ago

Most of the perps are members of the Pakistani community in Britain.

Here's what Naz Shah, Labour MP, said on Twitter some time ago:

'those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths.

For the good of /#diversity!'

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, my God!

And people still refuse to believe anything is going on?

think- ago


derram ago :

Michael Heaver on Twitter: "“I want to move...I’ve got a young son and daughter and I ain’t risking it. I don’t want them being groomed...there’s been more coverage on the news of Jamie Carragher spitting at someone than there has been of this” #Telford" :

Michael Heaver on Twitter: "“If you drive around you see groups of Pakistani men. Just a few days ago I saw a group of them surrounding a young, white girl. They were trying to put cigarettes in her mouth, they were just harassing her in the street. This is how it starts.” #Telford" :

Clare Lopez on Twitter: "Britain is finished - what kind of society allows savages to prey on its girls? One that is already dead. Girl, 11, was pregnant 6 times in 4 years in Britain's worst child abuse scandal" :

Lord Braithwaite the 6th on Twitter: "BREAKING: This Met Police officer blows the lid on the child grooming scandal. It was covered up right from the top. Girls 9 to 14 yrs old. Senior Judges, police and BBC all involved. Told by senior police officer "If this gets out I will throw you to the wolves." #shocking😢…" :

Lord Braithwaite the 6th on Twitter: "BREAKING: This video blows the lid on Child Grooming Scandal. Heart of British Establishment High level conspiracy 13 yr olds given crack & heroin Kids sold - £2,000 P/W Found 50 child prostitutes in 3 days Cancer treatment cost STOPPED 4 speaking #threegirls #rochdale #telford…"

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!

think- ago

We really should target the BBC and ask them why they're not covering, and didn't cover, this story.

I also couldn't find the slightest trace of the story in The Guardian and The Independent.

letsdothis1 ago

Disgracefully none of the broadsheets covered it. Seems only tabloid' newspapers like the Mail and Mirror. I think at this point the UK is lost as a society.

migratorypatterns ago

Then they should go on the list.

Was wondering what hashtag to use. Tried hashtageTelford and the most vile stories are up there from residents. Maybe I'll post some of these in the original post.

think- ago

Please see my edit in my comment above - I now found two Guardian articles published in the last five days. My bad.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm actually glad. We'll know that The Guardian is not in on the cover up.

think- ago

I guess this sums it up quite nicely:

Alice Smith


A message for the UK working class:

Labour cares about your votes, not your daughters.

The BBC cares about their viewing figures, not your daughters.

The metropolitan bourgeoisie cares about their virtue signals, not your daughters.

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, it does.

But if that's what they care about, hit them where it hurts: Don't vote for them anymore.

think- ago

I had no idea there was a 'Telford' hashtag. Yes, please add some to your post.

Other hashtags people might want to use: #pizzagate #pedogate #KidsToo

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I'm just starting to dig.

Actually supposed to be doing something else, but did start posting what I've found.

First post amended.

think- ago

@migratorypatterns: Thank you very much for your post. I will give it a 'Share' flair and hope people will spread this far and wide on Twitter and other Social Media to raise awareness.

migratorypatterns ago

You're very welcome.


think- ago
