Machz ago

Because we're more concerned with the people raping and eating babies first, after Hillary and her satanic cult is sent to Guantanamo then we'll get to Bill and Donald.

GumShoe ago

I agree that this investigation should be non-partisan. But do you think we'd be better off with Hillary in the White House? C'mon....

Vindicator ago

Since you can't seem to read the sidebar, and this is the third or fourth thread you've made disregarding the submission rules, and the title of this post makes no attempt to follow Rule 1 and 3 and violates Rule 4 as well, I am removing it and banning you.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

If he were compromised, either 1. he would be playing by their rules or 2. already have been blackmailed into stepping down. I didn't start out a Trump supporter, but I sure am now. There's no chance in hell he's one of "them".

flipflop1026 ago

I've known quite a few individuals who have turned out to be pretty bad guys. I do find it strange but i dont know of any firther details aboit their relationship. Did Trump fly around on the Lolita express?

As far as the exwife thing, she says he didn't rape her in a literal or criminal sense, sooo i don t know what she means. I think (in girl language, at least) she is trying to say they had a fight or something or she felt something new that was unpleasant? I don't know.

wincraft71 ago

Trump probably did some of that, and I don't know how bad or illegal any of it is but he does have some kind history going on with women.

More importantly though, I dislike how many here worship him like he's going to secretly pull off a bunch of moves attacking child sex trafficking and that he's "on our side". He's most likely an amoral, independent businessman looking to enhance his own power, control, and relationships with other influential people.

But nah, he has to be a GOD EMPEROR playing 10D underwater backhanded invisible chess and this is all part of some big master plan to save the kids! And any one who disagrees with us is a Media matters shareblue shill and a dirty liberal! Two party politics has people fucking brainwashed to the fact that for most personal interests come first.

If taking down larger child sex trafficking rings en masse directly or indirectly affects any of his business interests or relationships with his partners he won't do it. I think it's an integral part of some higher perverted society of elites that we can't see or touch.

pby1000 ago


Sobel ago

From the second link above --

During their divorce in 1991, Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana accused him of "raping" her three years previously. But she has since clarified it was not in "a literal or criminal sense".

Dickface808 ago

I hear what you're saying but if you're publishing Snopes articles here you're likely a shill or a bit slow.

duhiki ago

Damn skippy. If you've been over here a year or more and are linking to Snopes, then you're behind on the DNC's ties to various media, Snopes included.

Epstein is most likely a Mossad asset, probably in place to garner blackmail on people of importance: politicians, celebrities, socialites. Trump, back in the day, hit two out of those three. No doubt a coup of sorts if successfully blackmailed-- and given that Epstein's island/mansiion were rigged out with cameras and audio, it seems very likely that is what the case was. Question remains of whether Trump was successfully targeted. I'm thinking not so much; if so, they would have pulled out the big guns before election. Best they had was that hot mic comment (disgusting as it was)... so if they had an actual rape vid/audio, they would have unleashed that, laughing all the while. The fact they haven't done so speaks volumes.

Want to know what gets me? People who think if Trump was impeached, Clinton would get the White House. How fucking dumb are they? Gee, replace Pussy Groper with someone who openly invites human traffickers to their kid's (charity-paid-for) wedding, someone documented on the Lolita Express a shitton more than Trump, someone who speaks of her feminism, but takes $$$$ from countries that kill gays and treat women like imbeciles. If that's the brand of feminism the establishment libs adhere to, no fucking wonder they're drowning in their own blood.

PedoHunter12 ago

Lol, I shall document incase of aforementioned potential ban. thumbs up

djklbd ago

Somebody has to call out the partisan bias here. My last thread was deleted, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells here for fuck's sake...

PedoHunter12 ago

Somebody has to call out the partisan bias here.

Good fucking luck bruh.

derram ago :

Donald Trump's ex-wife's claim he 'raped' her resurfaces in new documentary | The Independent :

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

This has been an automated message.

12143623? ago

Your sources are pretty laughable... a bit like TP; good to soak up the crap but best to discard when done.

Stop been fooled and I didn’t downvote you if you were wondering.

platoscaves ago

Found the pro trump guy...

That's such a classic move to attack a source when it doesn't agree with your partisan view...

12143669? ago

Hi 👋 Mr 35 minute guy how you doing? Where did you suddenly come from?

Dickface808 ago

Haha nice one ;)

Dickface808 ago

lol 2 bitter shills downvoted me :(

Optick ago

Using snopes as a source

djklbd ago


Vindicator ago

No, outright banned. Fiat lux.

platoscaves ago

Naw, you're good...Surpised they allowed this post