YogSoggoth ago

In its initial report, the New York Times shed light on Nader’s role as adviser to the United Arab Emirates, a tiny Persian Gulf country with outsized influence in Washington, and his potential involvement brokering the country’s relationship with the Trump campaign. That is what Mueller's got. Next day, the same thing scribbled on a piece of paper. How many people in the USA have the last name Nader, besides Ralph? Are they related? What was the jurisdiction and Chief of Police at the time? I feel as though I am being denied pertinent information.

EyeOfHorus ago

They're ALL compromised. The CIA has a pedophile blackmail file on each one. Marionettes.

truthdemon ago

Trump is a cohn_promised as well

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I pointed this out 24 hrs ago, here on voat, based on my own research, way before The Atlantic / Intercept ran the story. I think they get their research from voat lol. Thanks for the link.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I shared your link in v/politics yesterday. I deleted because I was having trouble confirming it was the same guy..

again, great find.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Thanks, brother.

Oh_Well_ian ago

it was comical to watch in real time how fast the MSM got away from this story because of the exposure you provided..

just amazing.

carmencita ago

HA HA. You are on to their tactics. @millennial_vulcan and I both have noticed the DM also miraculously follows our posts, we allege.

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

Yeah. We deserve royalties. The site they all call CT is where they come for their articles. LOL is right.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol I have BOTH the MSM and Q following my posts ;)

carmencita ago

WOW. Aren't we the best! They no longer have the brains to do their own work. Yes, LOL!